1. National RemodellingTeam (NRT) with The Learning Trust inHackney Extended Schools/Extended Services
Remodelling Programme
Workshop 1 Participants Pack
2. 2 Introductions Find someone who did another job before working in a school
Find out from that person
-why they are here today and
-what they hope to gain from the day
Tell each other about an achievement of which you are particularly proud
3. 3 Todays agenda
4. 4 Workshop 1 objectives The overall objective of today is to prepare you to identify opportunities with your community for the core offer of extended services in and around your schools and to:
Make clear the position of this programme in relation to the Every Child Matters and Extended Schools agendas
Focus attention on the change process and outcomes
Learn new skills and tools which can help to implement necessary change
Network with colleagues to move forwards on this agenda
5. 5 `
6. 6 Before we start
7. 7 Ground rules Acknowledge each other as equals
Listen to each other
Expect it to be messy at times!
Minimise distractions (mobile phones off!)
8. 8 Todays agenda
9. 9 The National Context Tragedies have prompted the need to integrate services so that all children, young people and their families are safeguarded
The Core Offer of Extended Services must be in place by 2010
The whole Extended Services agenda is based on collaboration and is not the sole responsibility of any one school on its own
10. 10 The Hackney Imperatives Hackney is committed to reducing levels of poverty and improving the life chances of all children, young people and their families
Equity of access to those services that will safeguard children ,young people and their families is essential
Across and within our diverse communities there must be a guarantee that all children and young people benefit form the realisation of the Every Child Matters agenda
If you ever wonder why we are doing this, remember a girl of eight years and three months old, Victoria Climbie whose post mortem examination revealed the cause of her death to be hypothermia, which had arisen in the context of malnourishment, a damp environment and restricted movement. The pathologist found 128 separate injuries on Victorias body, showing that she had been beaten with a range of sharp and blunt instruments. No part of her body had been spared. Marks on her wrists and ankles indicated that her arms and legs had been tied together. It was the worst case of deliberate harm to a child he had ever seen.
Education Services, Doctors, Schools, Police, Welfare Services and Social Services were at various points involved in Victorias life.
11. 11 Stay safe Hackney children and young people are provide with the foundations for a healthy life
Healthy children and young people are safe in Hackney
Achieve economic well being the reduction of child poverty in Hackney
Positive contribution - to be active, responsible and engaged members of the community
Enjoy and achieve Hackney learners are supported to be more confident and achieve higher standards
12. 12 Local authority timeline for extended schools 2005-2010 this is a national programme
13. 13 The Children Act 2004 places a duty on local authorities in the following areas Cooperation local authorities will cooperate with other agencies and local partners to bring about joint planning, commissioning and delivery of services
Accountability local authorities will appointment Directors of Childrens Services and lead members by 2008 latest
Safeguarding local safeguarding Childrens Boards will replace Area Child Protection Committees to bring a sharper focus
Inspection new Joint Area Reviews and an integrated inspection framework have been created beginning in Sept 2005
Information - sharing and retrieval of information to be enabled for all agencies and partners who care for children and their families
14. 14 Core offer extended services will contribute to achieving the Every Child Matters outcomes
15. 15 Socio-economic status has the single biggest influence on achievement and life chances
16. 16 The core offer for parents and families:to be in or accessed through all schools by 2010
17. 17 System-wide change requires a significant investment to build relationships and connections
18. 18 Remodelling offers a platform for delivering extended services
19. 19 The remodelling change process is embedded in the structure of this programme
20. 20 Todays agenda
21. 21 Where are we now? core offer brown papers
22. 22 Where are we now? instructions
23. 23 Todays agenda
24. 24 Why should we collaborate?
25. 25 Making collaboration work instructions
26. 26 Todays agenda
27. 27
28. 28 An effective change process must be based on a a number of key principles Open inclusive leadership that provides clear direction and focus, drawing on the contributions of all staff and stakeholders
A positive and ambitious culture that enables everyone to play their part in driving the change agenda forward and have their contribution valued
Developing/facilitating constructive communication, collaboration and working practices between schools, their stakeholders and associated external agencies
An inclusive change team (in terms of make up) approach to help enrich the generation of solutions, inform decisions and implement change
A proven, structured process for managing change that is adaptable and supported by appropriate skills and tools
Recognition and management of rational, political and emotional aspects that influence change
29. 29 The remodelling process is based on the principles needed for effective and sustainable change
30. 30 Remodelling is a structured change process that works with local issues and circumstances
31. 31 At every stage the process will produce outcomes that drive forward the provision of extended services
32. 32 For successful change, emotional and political barriers must be overcome
33. 33 The remodelling change process recognises a natural emotional curve that we all experience
34. 34 A simple formula summarises what is required for successful change to occur
35. 35 This programme is designed to follow the remodelling change process
36. 36 Recap of this morning
37. 37 And this afternoon
38. 38 Questions and answers
39. 39
40. 40 Todays agenda
41. 41 How it can be done a case study
42. 42 Todays agenda
43. 43 A view of the future During this next session we will:Create some ideas of how extended servicesmay look for your community five years from now
In groups we will carry out the following 3 steps:
Step 1 - Identify what children and their families may be thinking,
feeling, saying and doing in five years time
Step 2 - Sketch out what your extended school may look like to
enable this, your view of the future
Step 3 - Identify where you think you are on the way to achieving
44. 44 A view of the future step 1 - Think, Feel, Say, Do
45. 45 A view of the future step 2 - Sketching the views
46. 46 A view of the future step 3 - Scaling
47. 47 Todays agenda
48. 48 Following this workshop, we would like you to identify further opportunities for extended services
50. 50 Opportunity template - Input for workshop 2 Your blank templates need to be completed and brought to workshop 2
51. 51 Todays agenda
52. 52 Some key contacts in HackneyPrinted below is a list of services/named people who may be able to provide support and/or information regarding the development of your Opportunity/Proposal. The list is not exhaustive but may serve to help you progress your opportunity.
53. 53 Extended Schools Consultants List Extended Schools Consultants:
54. 54 Further resources to support remodelling are available at www.remodelling.org
55. 55 At workshop 2 we will Find out how our opportunities can be integrated with the local authority strategy
Meet a wider range of colleagues to share successes and seek support
Make sure our own opportunities are joined up with colleagues
Experience new tools and techniques to help you take your opportunities forward
Select opportunities and create change teams to develop proposals for extended services
56. 56 Todays agenda
57. 57 Why we are all here and why we must all work together If you ever wonder why we are doing this, remember a girl of eight years and three months old, Victoria Climbie whose post mortem examination revealed the cause of her death to be hypothermia, which had arisen in the context of malnourishment, a damp environment and restricted movement. The pathologist found 128 separate injuries on Victorias body, showing that she had been beaten with a range of sharp and blunt instruments. No part of her body had been spared. Marks on her wrists and ankles indicated that her arms and legs had been tied together. It was the worst case of deliberate harm to a child he had ever seen.
Education Services, Doctors, Schools, Police, Welfare Services and Social Services were at various points involved in Victorias life.
58. 58 Today we set out to Make clear the position of this programme in relation to the Every Child Matters and Extended Schools agendas
Focus attention on the change process and outcomes
Learn new skills and tools which can help to implement necessary change
Network with colleagues to move forwards on this agenda
Help you to run an event to further identify extended services opportunities back in your communities
59. 59 Our journey revisited
60. 60 Your feedback on today