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. Progress of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program. High blood pressure may be detected in about 20% of an adult population and in more than 30% of elderly patients > 65 years Increased awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension has been obtained in the past three decades . . Progress of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program.
3. Progress of theNational High Blood Pressure Education Program Decreased morbidity and mortality from stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) has been reached
However, the incidences of renal failure and congestive heart failure are still increasing
6. Prevalence of Heart Failure,by Age, 1976-80 and 1988-91
7. Incidence of Reported End-Stage Renal Disease Therapy, 1982-1995
8. Public Health Challenges for the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Prevent blood pressure rise with age
Decrease prevalence
Increase awareness and detection
Improve control
Reduce cardiovascular risks
9. Public Health Challenges for the National High Blood Pressure Education Program (continued) Recognize importance of controlled isolated systolic hypertension
Recognize importance of high-normal blood pressure
Improve opportunities for treatment
10. Awareness, Treatment, and Control of High Blood Pressure in Adults*
11. Blood Pressure Measurement Patients should be seated with back supported and arm bared and supported.
Patients should refrain from smoking or ingesting caffeine for 30 minutes prior to measurement.
Measurement should begin after at least 5 minutes of rest.
Appropriate cuff size and calibrated equipment should be used.
Both SBP and DBP should be recorded.
Two or more readings should be averaged.
12. Advantages of Self-Measurement Identifies “white-coat hypertension”
Assesses response to medication
Improves adherence to treatment
Potentially reduces costs
Usually provides lower readings than those recorded in clinic
13. Ambulatory Measurement Ambulatory monitoring can provide:
readings throughout day during usual activities
readings during sleep to assess nocturnal changes
measures of SBP and DBP load
Ambulatory readings are usually lower than in clinic
Hypertension is now defined as SBP >135 mm Hg and DBP 85 mm Hg.
14. Classification of Blood Pressure for Adults
15. Evaluation Objectives To identify known causes
To assess presence or absence of target organ damage and cardiovascular disease
To identify other risk factors or disorders that may guide treatment
16. Evaluation Components Medical history
Physical examination
Routine laboratory tests
Optional tests
17. Medical History Duration and classification of hypertension
Patient history of cardiovascular disease
Family history
Symptoms suggesting causes of hypertension
Lifestyle factors
Current and previous medications
18. Physical Examination Blood pressure readings (2 or more)
Verification in contralateral arm
Height, weight, and waist circumference
Fundus oculi examination
Examination of the neck, heart, lungs, abdomen, and extremities
Neurological assessment
19. Laboratory Tests and Other Diagnostic Procedures Routine biochemistry
Special examination to determine presence of other risk factors and target organ damage
See specific causes of hypertension
20. Laboratory Tests Recommended Before Initiating Therapy Urinalysis
Complete blood count
Blood chemistry (potassium, sodium, creatinine, and fasting glucose)
Lipid profile
12-lead electrocardiogram
21. Optional Tests and Procedures Creatinine clearance
24-hour urinary protein
Serum uric acid
HbA1c Thyroid hormones
Plasma renin activity and urinary Na+ excretion
Vascular ultrasonography
Measurement of (ABI)
22. Examples of IdentifiableCauses of Hypertension Renovascular disease
Renal parenchymal disease
Polycystic kidneys
Aortic coarctation
23. Exogenous causesThat May Induce Hypertension Mineralocorticoids and derivatives
Anabolic steroids
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
24. Components of Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With Hypertension Major Risk Factors:
Diabetes mellitus
Age older than 60 years
Sex (men or postmenopausal women)
Family history of cardiovascular disease
25. Clinical Risk Factors forStratification of Patients With Hypertension Heart disease
Stroke or transient ischemic attack
Peripheral arterial disease
27. Goal of HypertensionPrevention and Management To reduce morbidity and mortality by the least intrusive means possible. This may be accomplished by achieving and maintaining:
SBP < 140 mm Hg
DBP < 90 mm Hg
controlling other cardiovascular risk factors
28. Treatment of arterial hypertension Decreases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality based on randomized controlled trials.
Protects against stroke, coronary events, heart failure, progression of renal disease, progression to more severe hypertension, and all-cause mortality.
29. Lifestyle Modifications For Prevention and Management
Lose weight if overweight.
Limit alcohol intake.
Increase aerobic physical activity.
Reduce sodium intake.
Maintain adequate intake of potassium. For Overall and Cardiovascular Health
Maintain adequate intake of calcium and magnesium.
Stop smoking.
Reduce dietary saturated fat and cholesterol.
30. Drug Therapy A low dose of initial drug should be used, slowly titrating upward.
Optimal formulation should provide 24-hour efficacy with once-daily dose with at least 50% of peak effect remaining at end of 24 hours.
Combination therapies may provide additional efficacy with fewer adverse effects.
31. Classes ofAntihypertensive Drugs ACE inhibitors
Adrenergic inhibitors
Angiotensin II receptor blockers
Calcium antagonists
Direct vasodilators
32. Combination Therapies ?-adrenergic blockers and diuretics
ACE inhibitors and diuretics
Angiotensin II receptor antagonists and diuretics
Calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors
Other combinations (dihydropyridine calcium antagonists and betablockers)
33. Follow-up Follow up within 1-2 months after initiating therapy.
Recognize that high-risk patients often require high dose or combination therapies and shorter intervals between changes in medications.
Consider reasons for lack of responsiveness if blood pressure is uncontrolled after reaching full dose.
Consider reducing dose and number of agents after
1 year at or below goal.
34. Algorithm for Treatment of Hypertension
35. Algorithm for Treatment of Hypertension
39. Specific Drug Indications Angina pectoris
?-blockers (effort)
Calcium antagonists
(rest angina)
Atrial tachycardia and fibrillation
CCB Heart failure
ACEI/ATII receptors
Myocardial infarction
40. Specific Indications Dyslipidemia
ACEI – CCB – alpha-blockers
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Renal failure (caution in renovascular hypertension with creatinine > 3 mg/dl)
ACE inhibitors/ATII receptors antagonists
Cyclosporine-induced hypertension
Calcium antagonists
41. Specific Indications Essential tremor
Non-cardioselective ?-? (propranolol)
Noncardioselective ?-? (propranolol)
Nondihydropyridine CCB
Perioperative hypertension
?-blockers (bisoprolol)
43. Algorithm for Treatment of Hypertension (continued)
44. Causes for InadequateResponse to Drug Therapy Nonadherence to therapy
Volume overload
Drug-related causes
Associated conditions
Identifiable causes of hypertension (secondary hypertension)
45. Hypertensive Emergencies and Urgencies Emergencies require immediate blood pressure reduction to prevent or limit target organ damage.
Urgencies benefit from reducing blood pressure within a few hours.
Elevated blood pressure alone rarely requires emergency therapy.
Fast-acting drugs are available.
46. Drugs Available forHypertensive Emergencies Vasodilators
Hydralazine Adrenergic Inhibitors
47. Special Populations Racial and ethnic groups
Children and adolescents
Older persons
48. Children and Adolescents BP at 75th or higher percentile is considered elevated.
Lifestyle modifications should be recommended.
Drug therapy should be prescribed for higher levels of blood pressure.
Attempts should be made to determine other causes of high BP and other cardiovascular RF.
49. 95th Percentile of Blood Pressure by Selected Ages and Height in Girls
50. 95th Percentile of Blood Pressure by Selected Ages and Height in Boys
51. Pregnant Women Chronic hypertension is high BP present before pregnancy or diagnosed before 20th week of gestation (4th-5th month).
Preeclampsia is increased BP that occurs in pregnancy (generally after the 20th week) and is accompanied by edema, proteinuria, or both.
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers are contraindicated for pregnant women.
Methyldopa is recommended for women diagnosed during pregnancy.
52. Older Persons Hypertension is common.
SBP is better predictor of events than DBP.
Pseudohypertension and “white-coat hypertension” may indicate need for readings outside office.
Primary hypertension is most common cause, but common identifiable causes (e.g., renovascular hypertension) should be considered.
53. Older Persons (continued) Therapy should begin with lifestyle modifications.
Starting doses for drug therapy should be lower than those used in younger adults.
Goal of therapy is the same (< 140/90 mm Hg) although an interim goal of SBP < 160 mm Hg may be necessary.
Diuretics and Dyidropiridine CCB well indicated
54. Special Situations Cardiovascular diseases
Renal disease
Diabetes mellitus
55. Cardiovascular Diseases Cerebrovascular disease
Indication for treatment, except immediately after ischemic cerebral infarction
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Antihypertensive agents (except direct vasodilators) indicated (ACEI=ATII receptors antagonist > CCB > B-Blockers)
Reduced weight and decreased sodium intake beneficial
56. Cardiovascular Diseases (continued) Peripheral arterial disease
Limited or no data available (prefere ACEI – CCB – alpha-blockers)
57. Renal Disease Hypertension may result from renal disease that reduces functioning nephrons.
Evidence shows a clear relationship between high BP and end-stage renal disease.
BP should be controlled to < 130/85 mm Hg? or lower (< 125/75 mm Hg) in patients with proteinuria in excess of 1 gram per 24 hours.
ACEI and ATII receptors blocker work well to control BP and slow progression of renal failure.
58. Diabetes Mellitus Drug therapy should begin along with lifestyle modifications to reduce BP to < 130/85 mm Hg.
ACEI and ATII receptors antagonists, ?-blockers, calcium antagonists, and low dose-diuretics are preferred.
Insulin resistance or high peripheral insulin levels may cause hypertension, which can be treated with lifestyle changes, insulin-sensitizing agents, antihypertensive drugs, and lipid-lowering agents.
59. Dyslipidemia Coexistence of hypertension and dyslipidemia requires aggressive management.
Emphasis should be on weight loss; reduced intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and alcohol; and increased physical activity.
Lifestyle changes and hypolipidemic agents should be used to reach appropriate goals.
Drugs not interfering with lipids: alphablockers – ACEI – ATII receptors antagonists - CCB
60. Sleep Apnea Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in patients with hypertension and is associated with several adverse clinical consequences.
Improved hypertension control has been reported following treatment of sleep apnea.
61. Bronchial Asthma or Chronic Airway Disease Elevated blood pressure is common in acute asthma and it is possibly related to treatment with systemic corticosteroids or ?-agonists.
?-blockers and??-?-blockers may exacerbate asthma.
ACEI frequently may induce cough and rarely bronchospasm.
Diuretics, alpha-blockers and CCB may be used
62. Gout Diuretics can increase serum uric acid levels.
Diuretics should be avoided in patients with gout.
Diuretic-induced hyperuricemia does not require treatment in the absence of gout or urate stones.
63. Patients Undergoing Surgery When possible, surgery should be delayed until blood pressure is < 180/110 mm Hg.
Those not on prior drug therapy may be best treated with cardioselective??-blockers before and after surgery.
Those with controlled blood pressure should continue medication until surgery and begin as soon after surgery as possible.
64. Cocaine and Amphetamines Cocaine abuse must be considered in patients presenting to the emergency department with hypertension-related problems.
Nitroglycerin is indicated to reverse cocaine-related coronary vasoconstriction.
Acute amphetamine toxicity is similar to that of cocaine but longer in duration.
Ongoing cocaine abuse does not appear to cause chronic hypertension.
65. Immunosuppressive Agents Immunosuppressive regimens produce widespread vasoconstriction in both transplant and nontransplant situations.
Treatment is based on vasodilation including dihydropyridine calcium antagonists.