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PROJECT COMENIUS MULTILATERALE E. P. E. I. T. E «This project has bee founded with support from the European Commission. This pubblication(communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot bee held responsable for any use wich may be made of the information contained therein ». Made by pupils of 3 B Erica - 2D Teacher contact : Franca Miserocchi ITSC « A.LOPERFIDO » Matera, 30 March 2012 Antonio Vivaldi - Le Quattro Stagioni - Primavera
HISTORY AND ORIGIN OF THE FEAST Easter is one of the most important feast for the Christians because it is the period of suffering, and subsequently, of joy and revival through the pains of God’s son. Christian Easter has origins from Jewish one that mainly celebrates the release of the chosen people from the captivity in Egypt. In fact the last week of the terrestrial life of Jesus arrived during the week of Easter, after which Christ died and resuscitated with the nature. Easter is a movable feast because its recurrence has depended on the for first Sunday after the full moon with the arrival of the beautiful season, marking the “awakening of the sun”. Easter corresponds with the first Sunday after the spring’s plenilunio between the 22 of March and 25 of April. When Easter happens late, you say “late Easter”, instead when Easter happens early, you say “early Easter”.
THE LENT According to when the Easter happens, all the other movable feasts, such as Whitsun, Corpus Domini and Ascension, change, too. Easter is preceded by the Lent that means, literally, “fortieth day”. The Lent starts with the Ash Wednesday and finishes with the sunset on the Maundy Thursday, before celebrating the Mass “in Coena Domini”, remembering Jesus’ life in the desert. So, the Lent is a period of the spiritual preparation for the Christian Easter giving alms and doing actions of faith such as the “Via Crucis”. It is also a period of changes of mentality and behavior, in fact you usually fast during the Good Friday and the Ash Wednesday.
THE WEDNESDAY OF THE ASHES The Wednesday of the ashes marks the end of Carnival’s celebrations and the begin of Lent. The church has extended the rite of the ashes to all the believers, to remember the common mortal destiny and so humiliate the pride. The ashes, according the tradition, must learn from the olive branches that have been blessed the previous year, on the Palm Sunday. The priest blesses them in a jar on the altar and therefore requires, first to himself and then to all the faithful, saying the traditional formula "Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you’ll return." THE BLESSING OF OLIVE BRANCHES That is the last Sunday of Lent is dedicated to pruning and harvesting of olive and palm branches, which are brought to church on Palm Sunday, to be blessed. The olive branches are adorned with ribbons, colored silver, palm trees are intertwined in various ways and are subject to gift good wishes during the Easter’s feasts.
EASTER WEEK AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR CHRISTIANS The Holy Week was born in Jerusalem in the early centuries of Christianity to relive the events of the Passion. It was then developed in the West with different characteristics. The parallels today are represented by a procession of palms and adoration of the Cross on Good Friday. And the week ends and Lent before Easter. To this is added the fasting, every Wednesday, which, according to Eastern tradition was the day of the capture of Christ, and on Friday in remembrance of the Passion of Jesus in this way there were highlighted in the two acts: the Passion and Resurrection. In the week of the Passion is recalled the betrayal, the arrest and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, whose death is the model for every martyr whose sacrifice involved the redemption of humanity.
THE HONLY THURSDAY The Holy Thursday Easter’s in the demonstrations, however, begins in the strict sense, and is divided into two distinct parts. In the first part takes place the blessing of the oils and Chrism Mass, during which the priests renew their promises to the Bishop and this ends the first Vespers... In the second part it begins the Easter Triduum with the Mass of the Lord's Supper, which also includes the rite of foot washing.The blessing of the oils and Chrisma’s, an ointmentcomposed of oil mixed with balm and spices is an ancient ritual that dates back to the Old Testament. Through the anointing a person was introduced into the sphere of the divine, for an extraordinary and sacred service, for that reason the rite of anointing referred only to special people such as prophets, priests and kings, and for that reason it was extended that only later to all believers because the outpouring of holy oil represents the descent of divine light on the person who receives it.
With the Vespers of Holy Thursday the Easter Triduum of the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord begins, the culmination of the liturgical celebration. In fact, the Church remembers and relives the event of redemption. The evening will celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper, the Last Supper with the bread and wine that represents the Eucharist. At the Last Supper, Jesus washes and dries the feet of his disciples to mark symbolically the duty to live in service to others. In fact, priests, bishops and the pope perform the rite of washing themselves and to remind the faith fuls that the Eucharist is linked to the fraternity. THE HOLY SATURDAY Saturday is the second day of the Paschal Triduum. It s'a day without the Eucharistic celebration. The Christian community waits near the Tomb of Christ, meditating on his Passion and death to arrive in the light of resurrection. The vigil ends with the Easter mass in the morning followed by the of Easter SundayResurrection’s.
HOLY WEEK TRADITIONS AND PERFORMANCES There are many Easter religious events in different Italian regions, some of which are very enchanting and unique. From north to south it is a succession of processions, sacred shows and secular catharsis, folklore and tradition. During the whole Holy Week entire communities take to the streets to celebrate the holy drama of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ with. Very slow barefoot processions, torches and chains. On Sunday everything turns into a triumph of joy, in a flying doves to celebrate the resurrected Christ. In the South, it’s the time of "sepulchres" (the sepulchres are adorned altars, symbolizing the grave of Christ), that is wheat seed or other cereals floral buds cultivated at home in a damped cotton bowl, kept in the dark until the moment of the offer in the church, to obtain unreal water white- yellowish-green color shades which represent a propitiatory action for the rebirth of vegetation. The "sepulchres" are donated by believers for the decoration of the altar of "repose", where the dead Christ lies.
The visit-procession to the "sepulchres" lasts until late night and churches, as a sign of grief, are stripped of the usual decorations to become gathering places of the gifts in addition to the germinated baskets, colorful ribbons, flowers, fruit , typical cakes and more. The "sepulchres" tradition requires to visit an odd number of different churches.The Resurrection of Christ is a metaphor for a general and renewed Christian resurrection but also for a revitalization of nature that, according to the greek-Roman myth, was favored by the emergence from the earth of Persephone, the daughter of Ceres, kidnapped by Pluto and segregated in the dark.For rural societies, that also include the Lucanian one, it’s a critical period because the outcome of the harvest, prosperity and harmony of agropastoral society come into play. That’s why people need to circulate the auspicious symbols of rebirth and life. Many events take place throughout the region: Maschito, Ruvo, Villa d'Agri in the province of Potenza; Matera, Aliano, in the province of Matera. However, the most spectacular one is the Mysteries Procession in Barile (Potenza) which is held in the early afternoon of Good Friday.
The Via Crucis is played by men and women who really feel to be the symbol of the common atonement. Everyone in the village works during the weeks preceding to the successful of the procession. For the entire community this is the time of waiting, fear and hope. The procession winds its way for five miles, opened by three centurions on horseback and by three girls dressed in white (the three Marys); then there’s a girl dressed in black with the banner bearing the marks of the Passion of Christ and thirty three girls dressed in black, symbolizing the age of Christ. Then hundreds of other characters. The Christ is a young man who has fasted for many days, who according to the tradition is washed, anointed and dressed by women only who take care of his clothing. The procession has a frenetic rhythm supported by the presence of men dressed as soldiers who move on horseback up and down in the streets of the village. Groups of characters move around them: the Romans, the priests, the people and, again, Mary Magdalene, Mary, the Apostles.The Virgin is represented into two versions: at first as a women with a different dress: when she was younger and later as an older woman. In this atmosphere, entirely reconstructed from the Gospels, some fantasy figures related to man ancestral fears, suddenly appear, bringing a big confusion.
The character of "The Nigger " which is the foreigner, wears a cloak with colored feathers. The most unusual character, "the Giosy " the most beautiful girl in the village dressed with clothing and covered by the jewels of the wealthiest people in Barile, is the symbol of richness that hides evil and danger. People defend themselves giving her all their possessions, even for a single day.
Foods and recipes of Easter Easter is not simply the culmination of religious celebrations that begins with Lent and goon until the Holy Week. It is also the end of a period of abstinence or fasting for devout Christians, started at the end of Carnival, in midwinter, when that ends with the spring, the vegetation awakens and proceeds more rapidly towards growth. Hence the need to circulate the auspicious symbols of rebirth and life, such as eggs, life just sprung, offers and requests a gift, playing and singing on tours of begging that still characterize the life of the villages of Lucania. Eggs are also used in sweet or savory pies, such as rustic pie known by the name of Basilicata pastizz’ prepared with toma, eggs, cheese and salami, eggs with their elegant form are also a decorative element. For pupae, ("The pannaredd") common in central and southern Italy, of different shapes(doll, horse, bag, basket) decorated with boiled eggs, never equal in number because according to tradition, the odd number has propitiatory virtue, colored red because, "the popular tradition considers the red color can destroy all evil influences".
("LA PANNAREDD") CHILDREN’S RYME Pasque, Pasque, viine cherrenne. Le peceninne vonne chiangenne. Vonne chiangenne che ttutte u core: Scarcedde che ll’ove, scarcedde che ll’ove! Pasqua, Pasqua vieni presto. I bambini vanno implorando. I bambini vanno implorando di tutto cuore: scarcelle con l’uovo, scarcelle con l’uovo!
RECIPES PANNAREDD dolce pasquale su cui c’è un uovo di gallina intrecciato dalla stessa pasta del dolce. INGREDIENTS :1 Kg of flour2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil400 gr of sugar4 eggs1 yeast sachet (or baking powder)zest of 1 lemona pinch of saltmilk FOR THE DECORATION:1 beaten eggboiled eggs ( the number depends upon how large the “scarcelle” (Easter buns) are: (the little doves are approx.20cm long and 9-10cm tall)little coloured donkey figurines
METHOD: Boil 6-7 eggs in water and allow them to cool, in the meantime, mix the flour with sugar, eggs, olive oil, lemon zest, yeast and salt. If necessary, add some warm milk and keep on mixing until obtaining a dough of the right consistency. Leave the dough to rest for about 30 min. Roll the dough using a rolling pin until you get a sheet of about 1 cm thick. create the shapes you want. First draw and cut the shape of little doves on baking paper, then, after positioning them on the mix, cut around them . Put a sheet of backing paper on a tray and place the buns on top, position the boiled eggs and cover and secure each one of them with a a strip of dough previously rolled out in a plait shape. Beat an egg yolk and brush it over the buns, put the little coloured donkey figurines on top and bake at 180 degree C for approx. 25-30 min, until golden brown.
Panificio Cifarelli, Mercoledì 4 aprile 2012 ANCHE NOI ABBIAMO PREPARATO LE NOSTRE “PANARRED” Mario Ambrosecchia - Francesca Bottarini-Serena Cuscianna- Maria Giulia Moretti –Aurora Vecchio
Basilicata is a land so rich of culinary traditions that offers much from the gastronomic point of view. Buttonhole of the region, Lucana kitchen is traditionally a skillful combination of products that are simple and genuine, a far cry from the sophisticated elaborations of the modern kitchen. The originality of the Lucana kitchen is the ability to draw flavors from simpler things, of mixing various ingredients. LUCANA RECIPE: OMELET OF 30 EGGS OF THE EASTER’S MORNING Ingredients: 500 g asparagus tips, 200 g crumbled fresh sausage, 30 eggs, 200 g cheese, salt, extra virgin olive oil, 1 white pizza. Preparation Blanch the asparagus tips. Prepare a chopped using 30 eggs and adding cheese, salt and crumbled sausage, combine minced asparagus tips and cook the omelet into a large pan. Serve on white pizza. Eat on morning Easter.
THE DOVES AND THE EASTER EGGS Among the cakes the dove cannot be forgotten. Today rarely made handmade, this cake reference to the bird that represents peace for the Christians. This cake has become the principal national food symbol of the Easter. Among the cakes of Easter that have had a notable national diffusion, the egg of chocolate is the gift that is traditionally given to the children and the adults in the Easter recurrence. It can be made of various types of chocolate and, well manufactured, it usually guards a pleasant surprise.
PROVERBS AND MOTTOS 1. “Christmas with yours (your parents)- Easter with wherever you would like to be During Chrismas’ festivities we stay with our families, but during Easter’s festivities, accomplice the beautiful weather We make a trip with our friends. 2. “AsHappy as an Easter” We say this of someone very happy, because the day of Easter is one day of great joy. 3. “He wants to move the Easter in May” We say this of whom wants to realize impossible things. 4. “To throw the cross on someone” We say this of whom set the responsibility of a fact to another person. 5. “As Long as a Lent” We say this of a person or a thing exaggeratedly long, diffuse, boring, insistent.
Campane di PasquaCampane di Pasqua festoseche a gloria quest'oggi cantate,oh voci vicine e lontaneche Cristo risorto annunciate,ci dite con voci serene:"Fratelli, vogliatevi bene!Tendete la mano al fratello,aprite la braccia al perdono;nel giorno del Cristo risortoognuno risorga più buono!"E sopra la terra fiorita,cantate, oh campane sonore,ch'è bella, ch'è buona la vita,se schiude la porta all'amore. Gianni Rodari Campane di PasquaCampane di Pasqua festoseche a gloria quest'oggi cantate,oh voci vicine e lontaneche Cristo risorto annunciate,ci dite con voci serene:"Fratelli, vogliatevi bene!Tendete la mano al fratello,aprite la braccia al perdono;nel giorno del Cristo risortoognuno risorga più buono!"E sopra la terra fiorita,cantate, oh campane sonore,ch'è bella, ch'è buona la vita,se schiude la porta all'amore. Gianni Rodari
Non ci resta che augurare Buona Pasqua a tutti voi! HAPPY EASTER Joyeuses Paques FRANCESE Wesołych Świąt WielkanocnychPOLACCO Happy Easter INGLESE Paste FericitRUMENO Feliz Pascua SPAGNOLO Boa Pascoa PORTOGHESE Kalo Paska GRECO Zalig Paasfeest OLANDESE Schastilvoi Paschi RUSSO Srecan Uskrs SERBO Sretan Uskrs CROATO Giad Pàsk SVEDESE A fraylekhn Pesah YIDDISH Frohe Ostern TEDESCO
HAPPY EASTER – afrikaans : Geseënde Paasfees! – arabo : فِصْحُ سعيدُ! – bretone: Pask Seder! – bulgaro: Честит Великден! – catalano: Bona Pasqua! – ceco: Veselé Velikonoce! – cornico: Pask Lowen! – basco: Ondo izan Bazko garaian! – albanese: Gëzuar Pashkët! – cinese: 復活節快樂! (Mandarin: Fùhuójié kùailè!) – Cantonese: Feukweutjit faaileok! – Minnan: 閣活節 Koh-o̍ah-choeh khòai-lo̍k!) – finlandese: Hyvää pääsiäistä! – estone: Häid lihavõttepühi! – olandese: Zalig Pasen, Vrolijk Pasen – slovacco: Radostné veľkonočné sviatky! – ceco: Veselé Velikonoce! – irlandese: Cáisc shona dhuit!
HAPPY EASTER -oseto: Куадзæны хорзæх уæ уæд! (pl.), – Куадзæны хорзæх дæ уæд! (sing.) – moldavo: Паште феричит! – slovacco: Milostiplné prežitie!, Veľkonočných sviatkov! – sloveno: Vesele velikonočne praznike! – swahili: Heri kwa sikukuu ya Pasaka! – svedese: Glad Påsk! – tagico: Maligayang pasko ng agkabuhay! – thailandese: สุขสันต์วันอีสเตอร์ – turco: Paskalya bayramınız kutlu olsun! – ucraino: З Великодніми святами! – volapük: Lesustanazäli yofik! – gallese: Pasg Hapus! – yoruba: Eku odun ajinde! – yiddish: אַ פֿרײַלעכן פּסח! – giudeo spagnolo: פיליז פסח!
HAPPY EASTER – danese: God Påske! – esperanto: Feliĉan Paskon! – fiammingo: Zalig Pasen! – mannese: Caisht sonney dhyt! – gaelico scozzese: A’ Chàisg sona! – galiziano: Boas Pascuas! – ebraico: פסח כשר ושמח! – ungherese: Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket! – islandese: Gledilega paska! – indonesiano: Selamat Paskah! – giapponese: イースターおめでとう! – coreano: 행복한 부활절이 되시길! – latino: Prospera Pascha sit! – lettone: Priecīgas Lieldienas! – lituano: Su Šventom Velykom! – maltese: L-Għid it-tajjeb! – norvegese (bokmål): God påske! – persiano: عيد پاک مبارک! – materano: bona posqu!