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The Eye of Our Universe The Whirlpool Galaxy, starburst type. NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute. 2005. unitedstreaming. 2 November 2005 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Marianne Scott Calloway County Middle School Video Clip Key Terms
The Eye of Our Universe The Whirlpool Galaxy, starburst type. NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute. 2005. unitedstreaming. 2 November 2005 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Marianne Scott Calloway County Middle School
Key Terms • Astronomy- the study of all physical objects beyond Earth • Galaxy- a large grouping of stars in space • Constellation- a section of the sky that contains a recognizable star pattern • Nebula- a large cloud of dust and gas in interstellar space; the location of star formation
More Key Terms…. • Telescope- an instrument that collects electromagnetic radiation from the sky and concentrates it for better observation. • Astronomical Unit- the average distance between the Earth and the sun. • Light year- a unit of length equal to the distance light travels in space in 1 year • Satellite- a natural or artificial body that revolves around a planet
Hubble Telescope Facts • The Hubble Space Telescope was named after Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), an astronomer whose contributions to astronomy include a classification system for galaxies. • The Hubble Telescope orbits the Earth 370 miles above the Earth’s rippling atmosphere at 5 miles a second. It orbits the globe every 97 minutes. • Hubble is roughly the size of a large school bus. • It was launched into orbit on the space shuttle, Discovery, on April 1990
More Hubble Facts • Scientists decided to put the Hubble in space to eliminate distortions to images caused by turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere. • Hubble pictures require no film. The telescope takes digital images, which are transmitted to scientists on Earth.
Hubble finds many bright clouds on Uranus • A Hubble telescope infrared view of Uranus reveals that the planet is surrounded by its four major rings and by 10 of its 17 known satellites. • Hubble recently found about 20 clouds — nearly as many clouds on Uranus as the previous total in the history of modern observations. The orange-colored clouds near the prominent bright band circle the planet at more than 300 mph (500 km/h). One of the clouds on the right-hand side is brighter than any other cloud ever seen on Uranus. • Credit: Erich Karkoschka (University of Arizona) and NASA
Saturn • Object Description:Planet • Distance:The semi-major axis of Saturn's orbit about the sun is 9.5 Astronomical Units (A.U.) or roughly 1.4 billion km. • Dimensions:The planet (without rings) has a diameter of roughly 75,000 miles (120,000 km) at the equator. • Exposure Dates:Oct 1996, Oct 1997, Oct 1998, Nov 1999, Nov 2000
Cat’s Eye Nebula • As if the Cat's Eye itself isn't spectacular enough, this new image taken with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) reveals the full beauty of a bull's eye pattern of eleven or even more concentric rings, or shells, around the Cat's Eye. Each 'ring' is actually the edge of a spherical bubble seen projected onto the sky -- that's why it appears bright along its outer edge • http://heritage.stsci.edu/gallery/gallery.html
Edge-On Galaxy • Object Name:NGC 4013 • Object Description:Edge-on Spiral Galaxy • Constellation:Ursa Major • Distance:About 17 Mpc (55 million light-years) • Dimensions:The visible portion of the galaxy is 10.7 kpc (35,000 light-years) along its length. • http://heritage.stsci.edu/gallery/gallery.html
What do you think? • Scientists used to think that our Milky Way galaxy was the entire universe. Hubble made a significant jump in our understanding the solar system and beyond. • Defend this position. Describe what impact Hubble’s discoveries have made for modern astronomy.