Enigma /Action code San Andreas opening sequence
Enigma code • Enigma codes are question to the audience which are then answered later in the film. For example question could be like ,who is she ?, why is she doing that ?. This enables the audience to get involved in the film and wanting to find out the answers to these question which leads to that they want to watch the rest of the movie. • Where is she driving ? • Why are stones falling down ? • Why is she never looking on the street ? • THE AUDIENCE IS ASKING NOW QUESTION TO THEMSELVES TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING
Action code • Action code are significant events that gives the narrative a particular direction for example (phone ringing). This action is used to change the narrative for a reason as well to keep the interest alive, this gives the audience the plot itself. It gives the audience the information need • Stones are falling on the car which caused a car crash • she falls down the bridge with the car • What is happening after? • THE AUDIENCE IS NOW WONDERING WHAT IS HAPPENED NEXT WHITCH MAKES THE AUDIENCE WANNA WATCH THE WHOLE MOVIE