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An increasingly famous alternative to CBSE, ICSE, and even Cambridge board in India is the Switzerland-headquartered IB(International Baccalaureate) curriculum.<br><br>Let us try to understand what makes this curriculum unique and whether it may be the perfect fit for your children - https://blog.rewiser.in/all-you-need-know-about-ib-curriculum/
AllYouNeedtoKnowaboutIB Curriculum An increasingly popular alternative to CBSE, ICSE and even the Cambridge Board in India is theSwitzerland-headquartered IB(International Baccalaureate)curriculum. Even a few years ago, IB was not that popular in India. But, there has been a significant increase in its demand and thetotal number of schools affiliated withit. India ranks sixth in the world in teaching the IB board, with around 169 schools in the country offering the course. What is it that compels you to choose IB? The main reason for this includes the growing recognition of the scope of the curriculum. Another factor is that IB has become a talking pointamong many and most of the top and international schools are offering it. Let us try to understand what makes this course unique and whether it can be a perfect fit for yourkids. IBCurriculum:History&Overview Since its inception in 1968, the IB curriculum has spread to over 150 countries with over 4,000 schools. It focuses on developing an inquisitive mind and knowledge and motivating youngsterswith its holisticapproach, which hasattracted many parentsto opt forthis board. The IB program is a curricular framework that includes various programs of education, which are offered to children aged 3 to 19 in various schools aroundthe world.
With a rigorous,balancedapproach,IBaimstopreparestudentsforthesocial,emotional, and logistical challenges of a college education. Therefore, schools that follow the IB curriculum not only provide content, but also focus on inculcating important skills in areas suchasanalyticalthinkingandproblemsolvinginordertomakestudentssuccessful learners and well-rounded people who will be successful today and in the future. are planned for. • TheIBcurriculumismadeupoftheseacademicprograms: • ThePrimaryYearsProgramme: (PYP– KindergartentoClass5) • TheMiddleYearsProgramme: (MYP–Class 6toClass10) • TheDiplomaProgramme:(DP–Class11toClass12) • IBCurriculum:Structure • ThePrimaryYearsProgramme • For students in the age group of 3 to 12 years, IB - PYP focuses on building the first stage of educationamongchildren.Guidedby6transdisciplinarysubjectsofglobalimportance,the IB curriculum allows students to enhance their education by developing their logical understandingand sharpening theirknowledge and skillsacross subject areas. • Itconsistsof3sections: • WrittenCurriculum • Manual to detail the imparted knowledge, skills, and attitudes taken during the whole program. • It answers questions related to the coursework and what all are there in the curriculum. • TaughtCurriculum • Based on the fundamental depths of learning, and identifies lessons that can be deeplyimplanted. • It explains the elements of the environment, tone, and pedagogy, specific to a chapter. • AssessmentCurriculum • Allabout assessing what astudent has learned in astress-free and efficient model. • Itaimstomeasurethelearninggained. • Itcovers5importantelements: • Knowledge • This element represents common subject areas: math, science, language, social studies, arts,PSPE, and transdisciplinary.
Concepts • Studentsexplorethroughorganizedinquirytodeveloplogical,in-depthunderstanding. • Skills • Students develop broad capabilities and apply them during learning and in real life beyond theclassroom. • Attitudes • International-mindedness and the wellbeing of a person and learning communities that connectto the IB learner profile directly. • Action • Successfulinquiryandunderstandingleadto responsible,thoughtful,andappropriateaction. • Assessments: • TheIB curriculum does notcome with exams orgrades for students inPYP. It is a • self-learning approach, as they have the privilege to decide how much and to what level they wantto study. It aims to inculcate a sense of responsibilityin the students, especially at an earlyage. • However,a PYP exhibition is organized in the final year of PYP. It is essentially an • inquiry-based, real-life project that a student is required to undertake on their own from start tofinish. • TheMiddleYearsProgramme • Creating a bridge between studies and the real world, the IB - MYP is for students aged 11 to 16. The curriculum allows students to inquire about a range of topics and ideas, not only locally,but also nationally and internationally. • Students have to choose one of the courses they wish to study from 8different groups: • LanguageAcquisition • LanguageandLiterature • IndividualsandSocieties • Sciences • Maths • Arts • PhysicalandHealthEducation • Design • The MYP requires that each subject be taught for at least 50 hours each year. In addition to regular learning, students are required to involve themselves in at least 1 collaboratively plannedinterdisciplinary unit comprising atleast 2 subject groups.
Students will also have the opportunity to complete a long-term project, where they can decide what they want to learn, come up with an idea for the project, and create a proposal tosee it through. There are various modes of operation that schools can choose from, giving students a fresh and different learning experience. DiscreteDisciplineLearning Each discipline under a subject is studied separately. For example:- Physics, Chemistry & Biologywill be taught, assessed, and graded separately. IntegratedDisciplineLearning Different disciplines of a subject are studied in unity. For example:- Physics, Chemistry & Biologywill be taught, assessed,and graded as one, underScience. ModularLearning Different disciplines in rotation, as modules. For example:- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology willbe studied in rotation, as modules,but will be assessed and graded asone. Assessments: Students are assessed through MYP e-Assessment, following which they are awarded a certificate of completion. In addition, external moderation is imperative. It is a trusted, globally consistent and highly innovative assessment model that helps students achieve betterresults and provides better qualityassurance. Evaluationisconductedin2ways: E-portfolio A portfolio of the work done in a specific course, up for grading by the examiner. On-screenexaminations Studentshave to givetheir exams online.Each test ofeach subject lasts for2 hours. The MYP program prepares students for the Diploma Program by reflecting the depth, breadthand balance that characterizeall IB programs. Inthe final 2 years of the MYP, students and their families work with their IB World School to makeimportantdecisions aboutsubject choice,qualifications andcareer opportunities. TheDiplomaProgramme Providing extended education in selected subjects, DP is for students in the age group of 16 to 19 years. Students are exposed to higher studies in multiple subjects, which helps them to gaina deeper understanding andthus, make the right decisionfor the college. Thecurriculumof theprogramconsists ofDP Coreand6 IBsubjects.
DP-Core TheoryofKnowledge,ExtendedEssayandInnovative,Action,Society. IB-DP Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individual and Society, Science, Mathematicsand the Arts. The Assessment Program has proven to be your ticket to your dream universities across the globe. Eachstudent has to choose different courses from each subject group, and at least 3 subjectshave to be taken at the Higher Level (HL),and the rest at the Standard Level (SL). Whilegrading is calculated in the same way, both the levels differ in the scope of learning, concepts taught, and understanding of the subject matter. HL students are considered to have better skills and understanding of the subject. While for HL subjects a student is requiredto learn 240 hours, astudent is required to learn150 hours for SL subjects. Assessments: There are both internal and external assessments during the course. In the final Diploma score, the DP-Score can contribute up to 3 points. Each element is examined independently through interactive methods such as oral presentations, essays and projects. Thus, the studentbecomes more introspective, innovativeand an independent thinker. InternalSubjectAssessment: It is purely classwork assessment and teacher's comments. Assessment is done throughout the year, and the grade on a single assignment can be a significant factor in a student's grade. ExternalSubjectAssessment: This forms the basis of assessment for most courses with a high degree of objectivity and dependability. For example, studentsare asked towork on essays,well-designed problems, short-answerquestions, case studies, etc. When it comes to grading, students get grades between 7 and 1 (highest and 1 lowest) for each subject. The Diploma is awarded to students who obtain a minimum score of 24, including satisfactory performance on elements of the DP Core. In addition, a Bilingual Diploma is awarded to students who achieve a grade 3 or higher in two of the DP's chosen languages. IB:RightorWrong? Above all - more important than transferability, more important than any particular factor - what really matters is whether the course is right for you. While each child is unique and has their own needs and learning styles, there may be some general threads that make the curriculumwork better for your child.
Here are some things to consider when deciding whether an IB curriculum might be a good fit. TheIB curriculum is a great option for many students; However, the decision as to which school and course is best is a very personal one. In general, if your family is looking for a globally focused education that will prepare your children for university and beyond, the IB curriculumis a great option.