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Top universities like to see AP classes on an applicant's transcripts. Let us understand what are AP classes & factors one needs to consider.
Factors to Consider While Choosing YourAPClasses Top universities like to see AP classeson an applicant's transcripts for a variety of reasons.Itshowsanapplicant'scommitmenttotheireducationandthattheyarenot afraid to take classes that will challenge them to think deeper and master even more skills.Ifyouwanttogotoagoodcollegeyouneedtotakerigorouscoursework.This means you need to take up AP classes. AP offers college-level courses and exams that one can take while still in high school (Classes 9 through 12). APs are widely recognized by colleges in the US and Canada. The AP exam can be written even if AP courses are not offered at your school. AP exams are conducted once a year for 2 weeks in the month of May. They are offered in various subjects and are the most challengingstandardized tests. WhatareAPclasses? APstandsforadvancedplacementsanditisadesignationgiventospecificclasses to go above and beyond the standard requirements for the subject. AP program is administered by the college board, a non-profit organization whose mission is to connectstudentstocollegesuccess.APclassesareavailableon 38courses includingthearts,english,history,socialsciences,math,computerscience,foreign languages,and seminar.
APconsistsofthefollowingsubject: APCalculusAB APCalculusBC APComputer ScienceA APComputerSciencePrinciples APStatistics APArt and Design Program APArt History APMusicTheory APBiology APChemistry APEnvironmentalScience APPhysics 1:Algebra-Based APPhysics 2:Algebra-Based APPhysicsC:ElectricityandMagnetism APPhysicsC:Mechanics APEnglishLanguageandComposition AP English Literature and Composition APChineseLanguageandCulture AP French Language and Culture APGermanLanguageandCulture APItalianLanguageandCulture APJapaneseLanguageandCulture APLatinAPSpanish Language and Culture APSpanishLiteratureandCulture APComparativeGovernmentandPolitics APEuropeanHistory APHumanGeography AP Macroeconomics APMicroeconomics APPsychology APUnitedStatesGovernmentandPolitics APUnitedStates History APWorldHistory:Modern Ifyou’rethinkingabouttakingAPPhysicsandwanttoknowmoreaboutit, thenyou can check here. APclassesconsistofadditionalinstructionsintheclassroomaswellasstandardized AP tests at the end of the year. Scores are given from 1 to 5 based on the level of masterydemonstrated in the exam.
5equalsextremelywellqualified 4equalswellqualified 3equalsqualified. 2equalspossiblyqualified 1equalsnorecommendation Manycollegesconsiderpassingscoresas3,4,5. ToknowmoreaboutAPScore:Checkhere ArecertainAPclassesmoreimportantthan others? It goes without saying that all AP classes are rigorous and will help high school students for college but there are certain courses that will provide a broader foundation. Most universities require freshmen to complete a basic list of core classeswhichusuallyincludeEnglish,math,andscience.TheAPclassesoffer core curriculum courses that are most likely to be accepted by the colleges to apply as creditsneeded for graduation. Even if college does not allow credit, students who have a strong foundation in the courses or classes have an easier time adjusting to the routine of a college class. Some of the colleges also intend to see that you have taken AP classes in the subjects you want to take up as a major. It is okay if you don't have a set idea yet. If you know you want to be a doctor and include that in your admissions Essay they would like to know why you did not pursue AP Biology. As this is a way meant for you to develop a deeper understanding of a subject that you want to devote your work life too, you should try to start that journey as soon as possible. HowmanyAPclassesshouldyoutake? Enrolling in a lot of challenging AP courses is impressive but if you do not include spacefortherequiredclassesforyourgraduationyoujustcan'tmakeitwork.Once you ensure that your plan includes all required courses you can look at increasing the rigor in your matrix by including AP classes. Start with the core classes that can taketheplaceofotherrequirements.Forexample,youarerequiredtotakean English class, and see if an English course is required through an AP Programme. The same can be true for advanced science, math, history, and social science classes. It is a great way to hit 2 birds with one stone. Many competitive applicants fromthetopuniversitiestakeanywherebetween7to10APclassesthroughouthigh school. Keep that in mind as you choose your classes. Some universities also require students to take multiple AP classes in order for any of them to count as collegecredits.Tobestprepareyourselfyoushouldalwayschallengeyourselfand
AP classes can be a great way to do that. Most AP classes cover advanced topics; this often means taking multiple AP courses at once. This can be a lot for many students to handle but you should be prepared to take the increasing workload. In generalAPclassesrequiremoretimethanstandardclasses.Takingmultipleclasses at once may mean that you give up time to pursue sports, extracurriculars, hobbies, andsocial time. What to consider before enrolling in an AP class? Honestly consider where you are with the foundation level skills and study habits before enrolling in an AP class. It is important to consider individual preparation for anindividualAPclass.Somehaveprerequisiteclassesthatastudentmustcomplete before he is allowed to enroll. To ensure the student has the foundational skills needed to be successful in that class. If you do not have the needed prerequisite knowledge and skills, you will have a very hard time keeping up in a particular AP class and may be better off enrolling in one that better utilizes your academic background. Do consider the questions from the college board conversation starters before enrolling in an AP class. It is helpful to talk about these things with your counselor,teacher,or yourparents.If youcan talktocurrentAPstudents toknow whatwillitbeliketobeintheirshoes HowcanyouprepareforupcomingAPExams?Checkhere. ImportantDOsandDON'TsofAPclasses DO DoyourresearchanddeterminewhichAPsarerightforyou. Dotake therequired prerequisite Dokeepupthechallengingcoursework Dodevelopasupportsystemtohelpyousucceed Dotakethetestseriouslyitcanhelpyougetfreecollegecredits DON’T Don'tenrollinAPclassesyouarenotinterestedin Don'tenrollinAPclassesthatyoudonothaveastrongfoundationin Don'tputoff yourAPcourseworkuntil thelast minute Don'tstressyourselfbytakingtoomanyAPclassesatonce
Ourexpertinstructorswillhelpyoureachyourtargetscorewithaneffectivestrategy. This information was surely a lot to digest. If you still have unanswered questions feel freeto reach out to us.