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How is IB and CBSE Curriculum different?

Choosing a board is a very important decision for a parent and a decision should be made considering individual preferences, constraints, and a schoolu2019s ecosystem.<br><br>Well, itu2019s a very difficult question to answer which board is better CBSE or IB as both boards cater to the different requirements of students and parents. Thus, let us compare the two: https://blog.rewiser.in/ib-vs-cbse-curriculum-difference/

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How is IB and CBSE Curriculum different?

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  1. How is IB and CBSE Curriculum different? AnOverviewofthe IBBoard InternationalBaccalaureateortheIB,aimstodevelopcurious,knowledgeable,and confident young people. IB is considered a global leader in international education that allows school-aged students to take ownership of their learning. It also assists themtoinculcatefuture-readyskills togrowina fast-evolvinggeneration. The IB programs are tailored to give a solid and consistent education framework. Theyalsocomewiththeflexibilitytomodifythecurriculumasperthecultureandthe contextof students. TheIBprogramsaidtheteacherstodevelopthequalitiesofresilience,strength,and self-motivation in the students. These students would have the right skills, knowledge,andsenseofpurposethatisneededtobuildagoodlifeandmakethe worldabetterplacetolive.Acrosstheworld,over5,000IBworldschoolsare presentin more than150 countries.

  2. Onagloballevel,theIBworkscloselywithuniversitiesjusttoconductstudiesonthe skill development, quality assurance, and impact assessment of IB programs. It offers foureducationalprogramsforthestudentsofagegroupthreetonineteen. Eachoftheseprogramsprovidesthestudentsacompetitiveedgetogainadmission tosome of the world’s top universities. AnOverviewoftheCBSEBoard TheCBSEorCentralBoardforSecondaryEducationisastandardizedcurriculum offered in more than 24 countries worldwide. The main objectives of CBSE are to definecorrectapproachestoacademicactivitiesforthebenefitofproviding stress-free, child-centered, high-quality, and integrated education to students. It also aimstostorefeedbackfrom different stakeholderstoanalyzethequalityofacademic activities. Additionally, CBSE targets to adapt, adjust, and transform itself when it comes to achieving academic excellence. This should be accomplished in accordance with specific psychological, professional, and community-based principles. Some other objectives of CBSE revolve around boosting schools to document the progressofstudentsinawaythatisfriendlyforboththestudentsandtheteachers. It continuously proposes plans to achieve quality benchmarks in school education—while keeping in mind that the curriculum remains compatible with nationalgoals. Theprimaryfocusofthiscurriculumistofindinnovativemethodsforteachingand learning processes, working on the execution of reforms in exam practices, and skill-learning by including job-oriented inputs, and continuously updating the pedagogical skills of the teachers and administrators through the conduction of trainingprograms and workshops. Advantages&DisadvantagesofIB Board

  3. Advantages&Disadvantagesofthe CBSEBoard

  4. SoWhichboardisBetter? Well, it’satoughquestiontoanswerasbothboardscatertothe different requirementsofstudentsandparents.Thus,letuscomparethetwo. IB focuses more on practical and application-based learning with respect to CBSE. IBexamsteststudents’knowledge&intelligence; however,CBSEexamsfocusalot onspeedandmemory.IBpedagogyfocuseson ‘howtolearn’insteadof‘whatto learn’andgivesmoreimportancetoqualitativeassignmentsintermsofconceptual understandingofthesubjects.Itmakesstudentsreadytostudyacrosstheworld. However,rightnow, itisn’tthat famousin ourcountry,and theschoolsthat do offer it are pretty costly. Hence, you may need to do some more research to find an IB World School that fitsyour other criteria. Ontheotherhand,CBSEprovidesacomprehensiveeducationthatis affordable. Also,youhave avariety ofoptions inall locationsto selectfrom. Needmoreindividualizedadvice? Eachchildisunique.And,eachschoolisunique.Theenvironmentalsoplaysan importantrole.Thus,howastudentwillperforminaparticularfield,cannotbesolely dependent on the board’s curriculum. Choosing a board is a very important decision for a parent and a decision should be made considering an individual’s preferences, constraints,and a school’s ecosystem. Withthehelpofthisarticle,wehavecertainlysmootheditoverforyou.Forsuch amazing blogs do visit our website, follow our Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn channels,like,followourFacebookchannel,anddon’tforgettosubscribetoour

  5. YouTube channelfor more content like this in the future! From helping students prepare and score better in the areas of standardized testing: SAT, ACT, and AP teststoprovidinghighschoolacademicsupportrequirements:IGCSE,IBSubjects, andAS/ALevel classes;ReWiseriswith youevery stepof theway! Ifyouneedanypersonalassistance,reachouttoourexpertshere.We’re morethan happyto help in whateverway we can.

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