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Having made its debut in 2023, the digital SAT is shorter. Now, letu2019s glance at the new SAT to understand if itu2019s a boon or bane: https://blog.rewiser.in/new-digital-sat-boon-bane/<br>
NewDigitalSATFormat:Boonor BanefortheFutureofTesting SATisanimportantglobalgoldstandardforuniversity,andcollegereadinesswhich is now digital. Having made its debut in March 2023, the digital SAT is shorter, and more incisive in order to improve test access, quality, and delivery to students around the world. The new format creates a more equitable playing field making testinga morefavorable experience forall students. Nowthattakingthetesthasbecomeeasier,wearemorelikelytoseeahuge increaseinthenumberoftesttakersfortheDigitalSAT.Accordingtoasurveydone inNovember2021byCollege Boardduringapilotdigital SAT,80%ofstudents wantedtosubmitscoresintheircollegeapplications. Now, let’s glance at the new SAT to understand if it’s a boon or bane for the future of testing! Testingisstillcrucial Forinternationalstudents,SATtestscoresstillremainagreatleveleracrossvarious academicgradingsystems.HighSATtestscoresdemonstrateyouranalytical
abilities and college readiness beyond your school academics, and internships. Thesescoresstillremainanimportanttoolfortop-tieruniversitiesandcollegesto selectpromising students. Even for test-optional schools, a high SAT score still remains a distinguishing factor. Infact,giventheeaseofthenewSATformat,wearelikelytoseeahugeincreasein thenumber of SAT testtakers. What’sChanged? The digital SAT test is definitely easier to take, give, and more relevant. The new SATisshorter—about2hoursinsteadof3,withmoretimeforeveryquestion.The digitaltesthasshorterreadingpassageswithonequestionattachedtoeach,and passagesconsistsofawiderrangeoftopicsthatrepresenttheworksstudentsread in college. Calculators are allowed in the entire Math section. Students will get scoresback in afew days, instead ofweeks. Byshiftingtodigitaltests,CollegeBoardistryingtoaddressinequitiesinaccessto technology. Students will be able to access it through their own device (laptop or tablet) or a school issued device. College Board will provide a device in case students don’t have one for use on test day. If there is any sort of connectivity or power issue, the digital SAT has been designed to ensure that students don’t lose theirwork or timewhile they reconnect. The changes will definitely make the SAT more secure. With the pen paper and pencilSAT,ifonetestformiscompromiseditcanmeancancelingadministrationsor scores for a whole group of students. Going digital allows every student to have a uniquetestform,so itbecomespractically impossibletoshare answers. TheSAThasbecomedigitalinternationallyin2023andwillbesointheU.S.in 2024.ThePSAT/NMSQTwillbedelivereddigitallyin2023.Youcangetmore informationaboutthechangesatSAT.org/digital. An OpportunitytoShowStrengths
TheSATcontinuestoplayanimportantroleintheholisticadmissionsprocess.TheSATcontinuestoplayanimportantroleintheholisticadmissionsprocess. • When almost every college went test optional during the pandemic, millions of studentsstilltooktheSAT.Thattrendkeptgoingwiththehighschoolclassof2022. Most students want to take the SAT, find out how they did, and then decide if they wishtosubmittheirscorestocolleges.Whensurveyed,83%ofstudentsselected • theoptiontosubmittestscorestocolleges.Thisfindingremainsconsistentwhether ornot students have appearedfor the SAT. • When viewed within the context of where a student stays and learns, exam scores canshowa student’sgradesordemonstratetheirstrengthsbeyondwhattheirhigh schoolgrades may reflect. • TheSATtestisavailabletostudentsatatimewhen: • TherearealotofhighschoolsinIndia.Nocollegecanunderstandandseeall ofthose highschools and eachstudent in them. • While high school grades are a crucial reflection of students’ knowledge and skill,theshareofstudentsgraduatinghighschoolwithanaveragehasgrown significantlyfrom 39%in 1998 to55% in 2021. • Otherpartsofcollegeapplications,includingclubs,sports,academic,and extracurricular activities, often are expensive and inaccessible for many families. • Howcanonestartpreparingforthe DigitalSAT? • Overtheyears,onethingthathasremainedthesameontheSATisitsfocuson testingcollege readinessskills inreading, grammar,and math. • We understand that preparing for the SAT can be challenging, and thus ReWiser is heretohelpyoutogetanearlystartonSATwithinteractiveonlinetraining.Wehave ourmultiple onlineSAT batchesgoing on.If interested:Apply now.
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