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We understand that the SAT Reading Section is definitely not one of the most amazing topics. Those passages? A one-way ticket to your dream college.<br><br>You donu2019t need to be interested in the SAT Reading Section, but it is important that you achieve a good SAT score, which can be pretty hard given a lack of interest. Weu2019re here to help you out. Follow these strategies and your SAT reading score is going to improve: https://blog.rewiser.in/tips-boost-sat-reading-section/
TipstoBoostYourSATReading Section Weunderstand thatthe SATReading sectioncertainly isn'tone ofthe mostsurprising subjects.those parts? A one-wayticket to the collegeof your dreams. Youdon't really need to be interested in the SATreading section, but it is important that you getagood SAT score, which can be quite difficult given your lack of interest. But how can you be sure that you score well? There are more study materials, test-taking tips, and strategies than we can count. In this vast sea of test preparation information, it can be really easy to get overwhelmed with information and overlook what's important, but fear not!We are here to assist you. Followthesestrategiesand yourSATReadingscore isabouttoimprove! ManageTimeEffectively Youhave only 65 minutes to answer allthe questions in 5 passages, on averageyou have about 13 minutes to read a passage and answer the questions. Therefore, it is important that youlearn to manage your time effectively and plan your strategies. Andhowwouldyoudothat? Solvepassagesyou’recomfortablewithfirst You know that the content of paragraphs is arrangedin different styles. It would be a good ideato start your reading sectionwith those that are near thetop of your convenience list;
You do not need to solve the paragraphs in the same order in which they appear. For example:- If you are comfortable with science-based passages, you might want to start with them. This will not only help you gain some speed but will also help you gain the confidence youneed to attempt all other sections. Solvedualpassagesattheveryend To save time, you might want to resolve the dual/paired route at the end. Obviously, it will take twice as long to read two paragraphs instead of one. But, the returns you get are the same as the total number of questions asked in the double passage is not more than in the regularpassage. While solving paired passages, take one passage at a time – read the first passage and answer all the questions related to it. Then, read the second paragraph and answer all relevant questions. Those questions can be answered at the end which tests your knowledgeof both paragraphs. solveeasyquestionsfirst When answering questions, don't hesitate to skip or make an educated guess about a particularly easy or difficult question. If time permits, you can work on it later as well. However, ifyou spendmoretime ondifficult/difficultquestions thendonot misstheeasy questionsthat come. SummarizePassagesAsYouReadThem Asstated earlier, the passages in the SAT reading section aren't the most wonderful thing in thisworld. Accordingly, it's all too easy toblink and forget about a paragraphwhen you're reading it. Rather than having to go back to re-read the paragraph, here's a helpful little trick that will helpyou understand what's going onin each paragraph. When reading a paragraph, pause after each paragraph and take a few seconds to think about what you just read. Ask yourself "What happened in the paragraph?" and "What lesson/point should be taken from this paragraph?" Once you have not thought about the paragraph for more than 10 seconds, note down or mark a few words in the margin of the paragraphthat explain the paragraph. Give it a try and you will no longer have to waste your precious time re-reading entire paragraphs. This strategy will not only save time but will also help you remember the plot/content of each passage better, thereby helping you answer the multiple-choice questionsthat follow each passage more accurately. EliminateAnswerOptions In the Reading section, the best way to solve the questions is by eliminating the answer optionsrather than choosingthe correct one. Rememberthat if youare looking for the
correctanswer, make sure that each word in the correctanswer choice is correct. On the otherhand, if you apply the elimination strategy, onlyone wrong word in the answer option canhelp you eliminate it. Doesn't itsound simple? • We have often observed that students are able to eliminate three answer choices. And then, they are leftwith onlythe lasttwo answerchoices. Unfortunately, atthis point,they become defensiveand begin to believe that bothoptions can be correct. • However, you must remember that there is only one correct answer. Instead of going into defensive mode, this is the time when you should be going into attack mode. Instead of assuming that both answers can be correct, you should ask yourself - how to eliminate one ofthese two answers. What's wrongwith either of these two options? • As soon as you will be able to solve these questions, you will definitely be able to select the correctanswer. • Havingsaid that, how can one exhaust theoptions? Generally, options can be eliminated basedon these few indicators: • Theycontradicttheinformationgiveninthepassage • Theyareirrelevanttotheinformationgiveninthepassage • Theyaretoobroadornarrowtoanswercorrectly • PracticeAndEvaluateErrors • Practice makes a man perfect and it is only more practice that can help you succeed on the SATReading section.We would highlyrecommend that yougo through allthe previous year's passages and SAT questions to feel more confident and comfortable in attempting passagesfrom different areas. • However,practicealonewillnotbeenough.Youmustreviewandanalyzethefactorsthat are affecting your performance. When you understand what is going wrong then only you will beable to work on it. Isn't it? • So, solving question papers without analyzing your performance is a waste. We would highly recommend that you maintain an error log in which you evaluate your vulnerabilities. Pay special attention to understanding where you are faltering. Ask why you're making these mistakes: Are you not reading the options carefully? Are you effectively running out of options?Are you not managing your timewell? • Once you understand where you lack, create an action plan for improvement. And then work on mitigating your weaknesses and strengthening your strengths! Only then will you start movingin the right direction? • If you need any personal assistance, reach out to our experts here. We are extremely happyto help in whatever way we can.