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1 Oz Gold American Eagle Coins | BOLD Precious Metals

Buy 1 oz American Gold Eagles at the lowest price guaranteed from BOLD Precious Metals. Buy online from the most trusted gold and silver coin and bar bullion dealer!

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1 Oz Gold American Eagle Coins | BOLD Precious Metals

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  1. Stunning1OzGold American Eagle Coins

  2. AboutUSMint The United States Mint is a Department of the Treasury bureau in charge of producing coinage for the United States trade and commerce and controlling the movement of bullion. It does not print paper money; that is the responsibility of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The first United States Mint was established in Philadelphia in 1792, and it was quicklyfollowedbyothercenters,eachwithits mint mark. Four mints are currently in operation:Philadelphia,Denver,SanFrancisco, andWestPoint.

  3. 2023AmericanGoldEagle1OzBU ThisGoldCoinContains1TroyOzofactualgold contentinBUcondition. Obverse: Displays an adapted Saint-Gaudens' Libertyfigure,raisingatorchinherrighthandand anolivebranchinherleft,withthedawn'searly light risingbehindher. Reverse:Displaysadetailedheadshotofabald eagle. Individual coinscomeinprotectiveplasticflips.

  4. *RandomDate*GoldAmericanEagle-1Oz Contains1TroyOzofactualgoldcontentinBU condition. Obverse: Displays an adapted Saint-Gaudens' Libertyfigure,raisingatorchinherrighthandand anolivebranchinherleft,withthedawn'searly light risingbehindher. Reverse:Displaysamaleeaglebringinganolive branch to a nesting female eagle and her hatchlings. Individual coinscomeinprotectiveplasticflips.

  5. WhyAreAmericanEagleCoinsan ExcellentInvestment? American Gold Eaglesare reasonably priced and provide excellent value for money, making them popular among collectorsandinvestorsintheUnitedStates!AmericanGoldand SilverEaglesarealsoverysimpletoobtain. American Gold Eagles are among the most famous American coinsavailabletodaybecausetheyhavealonghistory,andthis AmericanEaglewillnevergooutofstyle.

  6. Thefirsteaglecoinswereissuedin 1792. In1986,thefirstmoderngoldandsilver eaglebullioncoinswereissued. Thefirsteaglecoinswereissuedin 1792. TheUnitedStatesGovernment guaranteesthem. GoldEaglecoinsarestruckin22ct gold. InterestingFactsAboutUSEagleCoins

  7. Don’tWait,GetyourGoldAmericanEagles NowatBOLDPreciousMetals Now is the time to get a head start on your 2023 investments. BOLD Precious Metalsnow sells gold and silver American Eagle bullion coins. If you have any questions,pleasecallusat1(866)454-2653orsupport@boldpreciousmetals.com. Also,rememberthat you can learn moreabouttheproductswesellbyreadingour weeklyblogpostsandfollowingusonsocialmedia.

  8. PhoneNumber 1(866)454-2653 EmailAddress support@boldpreciousmetals.com GetinTouch Address 7301RanchRoad620NSuite 155-194Austin,TX78726-4537

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