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Seahorse Silver Coins | BOLD Precious Metals

Buy Scottsdale Mint Seahorse Silver Coins of different weights as 1 oz, 1/2 oz & more only at BOLD & enjoy free shipping on a $199 order.

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Seahorse Silver Coins | BOLD Precious Metals

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  1. Seahorse SilverCoins From SCOTTSDALE-MINT

  2. Page02 Introduction TheScottsdaleMintisaprivatemintintheUSA thathasestablisheditselfasagloballeaderin thecoinindustry.TheScottsdaleMintfirst released the Samoan Seahorse coin series in 2018,anditquicklybecameabest-sellerinthe coin market. With the 2019 release, the series was established as an ongoing series, and sincethen,coinshavebeenreleasedeachyear forcollectorsandinvestorsworldwide.

  3. Page03 2021SeahorseSamoa1ozSilverBU Contains1troyozof.999fineSilver. Very limited mintage of only 15,000. Obverse:DisplaysanimageoftheSamoan Crest,withadistinctivebeadedbandatthe rim. Reverse: Displays a single seahorse is showninitsnativehabitatintheSouth Pacific.

  4. Page04 2021SeahorseSamoa1OzSilverAntiqued Verylimitedmintageofonly5,000! Antiquefinishappliedwiththehighestof craftsmanship. Obverse:DisplaysanimageoftheSamoan Crest,withadistinctivebeadedbandatthe rim. Reverse: Displays a single seahorse is showninthetropicalwatersoftheSouth Pacific.

  5. Page05 2019SeahorseSamoaSilverAntiqued1oz Extremelylimitedmintageofonly10,000! Contains 1 troy oz of .999 fine Silver. Obverse:DisplaysanimageoftheSamoan Crest,withadistinctivebeadedbandatthe rim. Reverse:Displaysasingleseahorseis shownswimmingintheopentropical watersoftheSamoanIslands.

  6. Page06 2018SeahorseSamoaSilver1oz Contains1troyozof.999fineSilverBU (proof-likefinish). ProducedforSamoabyU.S.Scottsdale Mint. Obverse:Displaysauniqueabstractdesign of a seahorse stylized as a stain-glass art piece. Reverse:DisplaysanimageoftheSamoan Crest,withadistinctivebeadedbandatthe rim.

  7. Page07 InterestingFacts AboutSilver Silverisoneoftheoldestmetalsfoundinthe nature Silvercanbeeasilyfound Itcanbeusedtomakejewelry,silverornaments, decoration, silverware, electrical circuits, industrial equipment, medical utensils, analogic photographyandsolarpanels. Interestingfactsaboutsilverarenotrestrictedto science. It has long been associated with mysticism.

  8. 1(866)454-2653 support@boldpreciousmetals.com 7301RanchRoad620NSuite 155-194Austin,TX78726-4537 ContactUs

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