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Every business that invests in IoT (and letu2019s be honest u2013 itu2019s almost all of them) needs to be aware of the potential pitfalls that accompany IoT devices and take steps to ensure that their devices are secured. Hence, we have covered some of the top IoT Device Security Risks every business needs to know about u2013 donu2019t wait, read on!
Security Risks With IoT Devices! Presented by TechDogs
INTRODUCTION Every business that invests in IoT (and let’s be honest – it’s almost all of them) needs to be aware of the potential pitfalls that accompany IoT devices and take steps to ensure that their devices are secured. Hence, we have covered some of the top IoT Device Security Risks every business needs to know about – don’t wait, read on! Since the IoT industry is still evolving, there is a lack of well- defined best practices and guidelines for securing IoT devices and connected products. Hence, defining the right approach to IoT security often seems overwhelming. In addition, IoT security can't be a one-time checklist — it's a process that requires ongoing consideration. Anyone up for establishing a new line of talent whose job it would be to define IoT security guidelines, the Martha Stewart way (a Dummies' guideline with pictures and arrows)? Join us as we take a closer look into some of the more common IoT security risks that all businesses face.
RISK NO. 1 – HACKING YOUR IOT DEVICES FOR MALICIOUS INTENTS Most malicious intents start with devices being hacked, which then cause problems too numerous to list down. The most common way for hackers to take control of your devices is by forcing them to run malicious applications and by accessing unapproved IP addresses. Most unfortunately, hacked IoT devices can have serious real-world ramifications. That’s a scary thought, we know!
RISK NO. 2 – DATA POLLUTION CAN UNDERMINE INSIGHTS FROM IOT DEVICE DATA Data theft is a prevalent concern for enterprises globally; however, did you know there's something equally detrimental, if not worse, hiding in plain sight? No build-up here! The answer is Data Pollution. What on earth is Data Pollution? Does it mean now data packets will be flowing downstream in the Mississippi and scaring off the bluegill and the crappies? Of course not - the practice of injecting false data into actual data is known as data pollution. While inaccurate telemetry data may not seem harmful at first, trust us, data pollution can cause just as much damage to an enterprise as data theft.
RISK NO. 3 – HOLDING IOT DEVICES RANSOM Tell us if you have heard this one before? A hacker illegally gains access to a server, finds incriminating information and makes a deal not to disclose it in exchange for millions of dollars! Pretty sure we just described one of the most cliched plotlines in modern cinema. Then at their leisure, they continue toying with you until they either wipe your system or make you pay a hefty ransom to give you back your life and business. Some cold-blooded hackers may go the extra mile by simply stealing your data and then selling it to the highest bidder.
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