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What Are the Health Benefits and Uses of Benfotiamine Supplement

Benfotiamine may help with many health conditions. There are various evidences regarding this. Letu2019s look at some of the key findings:

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What Are the Health Benefits and Uses of Benfotiamine Supplement

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  1. WHATARETHEHEALTHBENEFITS ANDUSESOFBENFOTIAMINE SUPPLEMENT Benfotiaminemayhelpwithmanyhealthconditions. Therearevariousevidencesregardingthis. Let’slookatsomeofthekeyfindings:

  2. HEALTHBENEFITSOF BENFOTIAMINE TopicforDiscussion Diabetes 01 Neuropathy 02 Alzheimer’sDisease 03

  3. Diabetes Benfotiaminehasaprotectiveeffectagainstadvanced glycationendproducts(AGEs)whichistheprocessby which high blood sugar levels damage nerves and small blood vessels. As per a small study published in DiabetesCarein2006,benfotiaminemaybebeneficial fordiabeticpatients.Studyresultsshowedthat benfotiamine appeared toprotect against oxidative stressinducedbyintakeofAGEsandtheysuggestthat benfotiaminemightplayanimportantrole in atherosclerosispreventivetherapyinpatientswith diabetes.

  4. Neuropathy Takingbenfotiaminemaybeusefulinthetreatmentof nerve damages that occurs due to diabetes-related elevationinbloodsugarlevels.Benfotiamineisusefulfor many people suffering from neuropathy. Some folks, who could barely walk or sleep properly at night, have reportedremarkableimprovementbytaking benfotiamine.AccordingtotheInternationalJournalof ClinicalPharmacologyandTherapeutics,in2005, research found that treating people with benfotiamine forthreeweeks,significantlyreducedpaininagroupof peoplewithdiabeticneuropathy.

  5. Alzheimer’s Disease Advanced studies are currently underway today to studythebeneficialeffectsofBenfotiamineon Alzheimer’sdisease.Reductionofglucosemetabolismin thebrainisoneofthemainfeaturesof Alzheimer’sdisease.Accordingtoastudypublishedin Brain,2010,benfotiaminefightsbackthebuildupof amyloidplaque(aphenomenoncloselylinkedto thedevelopmentofAlzheimer’sdisease) andbenfotiamineappearstoimprovecognitive functionsintheanimalAlzheimer’sdiseasemodel.

  6. USESOF BENFOTIAMINE Lowthiamine(VitaminB-1)createsmanyhealth issues,includingnerveandheartdisorders.Inorderto increasetheabsorptionofthiamine,you can use Benfotiamine.Benfotiamineisfoundeffectivein reducingthedamageexcesssugardoestobodycells ofdiabetics.Bettervisionandbetterkidneyfunctioning have also been reported. Benfotiamine also helped in Sciatica/backpain,FatigueandFibromyalgia. Benfotiamine additionally may also slow down the aging process,increase exerciseperformance and boostupyourmind.

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