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Besturate - Best Reviews For VPN'S, Website Builder, Web Hosting, and other Online Business Tools

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Besturate - Best Reviews For VPN'S, Website Builder, Web Hosting, and other Online Business Tools

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  2. INTRODUCTION DIGITAL “ ANYWHERE, ANYTIME” E-Commerce refers to the buying, selling, and exchange of services through the electronic/ digital world. E-COMMERCE • Firm Output • Firm Input •Innovative Application • World Wide Web (WWW) ELECTRONIC COMMERCE


  4. TYPES OF ECOMMERECE BUSINESS TO CONSUMER Dealings between business to consumers such as Digikala.com CONSUMER TO BUSINESS Dealings between consumer to business such as the freelancer.com BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Dealings between business to business such as Alibaba.com CONSUMER TO CONSUMER Dealings between consumer to consumer such as EBay

  5. TYPES OF ECOMMERECE GOVERNMENT TO BUSINESS Dealings between government to business such as ever business paying taxes to government BUSINESS TO GOVERNMENT Dealings between business to government such as Government purchases goods and services via online CONSUMER TO GOVERNMENT Dealing between consumer to government such as payment for renewals of car registartion

  6. Merchants Of Ecommerce PHYSICAL GOODS The stores that sell the goods physical such as the online retailers. SERVICES The services that are bought and sold online. DIGITAL PRODUCT Digital products such as the Amazon, Shopify, Digikala and Ponisha etc . These are the merchants that sell goods online via ecommerce platform.

  7. “Ecommerce With Respect TO “New Normal” Discover More About New Normal Means “Technology Plays an Important Role in shaping the retail industry” N = NEW NORMAL N = NEW RESULTS N = NEW CHANGES N = New Situation

  8. BENEFIT OF ECOMMERCE BENEFITS TO ORGANIZATION BENEFIT TO CONSUMER Extended hours Best services Customization Fast delivery Reduction in the cost Information Improvements in the supply chain Variety Of Product and service Improvements in customer relation ship Low price availability of product and service Reach Worldwide Time Saving

  9. COVID – 19 Impact On Ecommerce According to the survey Analysis the impact of ecommerce sales due to covid- 19 seems like 75% out of 100 has been on the beauty and personal care, then 50% on clothes and shoes, then 25 % hit to the home and kitchen appliances

  10. PAYMENT SYSTEM OF ECOMMERCE The electronic payment is the online transaction payment that can be done in the following methods: Bank payment PayPal Google Wallet Mobile Money Wallet Credit Card Prepaid Card Payments Crypto currencies

  11. CONCLUSION The Final thought of the topic Ecommerce is that the digital is the best formula for capturing Maximum number of sales Building Customer Loyalty Creating Opportunity For Online Sales

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