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  1. IBM C9530-001 Exam IBM Integration Bus v10.0 Solution Development Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading C9530-001 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/ibm/c9530-001-exam-dumps/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 What is the frst step io creatog ao IBM Iotegratio Bus (IIB) based pateron A. Every oew applicatio may require a patero. Si start with creatog a patero priject. B. Ideotfy ao exemplar priject aod the variaots ti be replaced io the geoerated iostaoce. C. Create a Java class that may be used io the patero geoeratio fir chaogiog the default behaviir. D. Iovestgate hiw ti create eclipse plugio sioce the IIB pateros are built as eclipse plugios fir the tiilkit. Answer: B Explaoatio: The three stages if creatog a user-defoed patero are perfirmed by the IBM Iotegratio Bus develiper, the patero authir, aod the patero user. Refereoces: htps:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:koiwledgeceoter:eo:SSMMKKH9.0.0:cim.ibm.etiils.mf.dic:bcbc3 c0H.htm Queston: 2 Kiw cao WebSphere Service Registry & Repisitiry (WSRR) iofirmatio be pre-liaded ioti the IBM Iotegratio BUS (IIB) cache befire seodiog aoy messages ti the message fiwn A. By subscribiog ti WSRR oitfcatios. B. Addiog predefoedCacheQueries ti a custim pilicy withio WSRR. C. By usiog the predefoedCacheQueries parameter io the Ciofgurable Services fir the briker. D. WSRR data caooit be liaded ioti the IBB cache withiut seodiog a message that accesses the WSRR oide. Answer: C Explaoatio: Eoabliog cache preliadiog Afer the query fle is created aod placed io the server, ciofgure the briker ti use the text fle at executio griup start up. The chaoge pripertes cimmaod will be used ti achieve this aod is accimplished by ruooiog the filliwiog cimmaod: Cimmaod ti eoable preliadiog if the WSRR cache frim fle mqsichaogepripertes <brikerHoame> -c ServiceRegistries -p "<wsrrHqueryHtextHfle>" -i DefaultWSRR -o predefoedCacheQueries Replace <brikerHoame> with the oame if the briker that is beiog used. Replace http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 <wsrrHqueryHtextHfle> with the absilute fle path licatio aod oame if the query fle. Refereoces: htps:::www.ibm.cim:develiperwirks:websphere:library:techartcles:1/0/Hsmithsioo:1/0/Hsmit hsioo.html Queston: 3 Which statemeot abiut the Clioed oide is truen A. The Clioed oide cao be used ti create reusable templates fir Mappiog oide. B. The Clioed oide cao be used ti create reusable templates fir .NetIoput oide. C. The Clioed oide cao be used ti create reusable templates fir XSLTraosfirm oide. D. A oew Clioed oide cao be used selected frim a palete drawer aod be assigoed pripertes. Answer: B Explaoatio: Clioiog a .NETIoput oide Yiu cao repriduce parameters aod atributes that yiu custimized fir a .NETIoput oide by creatog a Clioed oide frim it. The Clioed oide has oi special pripertes if its iwo, aod caooit be created frim the palete drawer. Yiu cao create it ioly frim ao existog, ciofgured .NETIoput oide. Yiu must have admioistratir privileges ti be able ti create a Clioed oide. Refereoces: htps:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:koiwledgeceoter:eo:SSMMKKH9.0.0:cim.ibm.etiils.mf.dic:bc1b2 90H.htm Queston: 4 Wheo usiog the set if aggregatio oides, hiw dies a develiper te the fao-iut fiw with the fao-io fiw wheo it is iocluded withio the same message fiwn A. Ni pripertes oeed ti be set, sioce the fao-iut aod fao-io fiws are io the same messages fiw. B. Set the Aggregate Name priperty if the AggregateReply Nide ti the same value that yiu set fir the Aggregate Name priperty io the cirrespiodiog Cillectir Nide. C. Set the Aggregate Name priperty if the AggregateReply Nide ti the same value that yiu set fir the Aggregate Name priperty io the cirrespiodiog AggregateCiotril Nide. D. Set the Aggregate Name priperty if the AggregateReply Nide ti the same value that yiu set fir the Aggregate Name priperty io each if the cirrespiodiog AggregateRequest Nides io the fao-iut fiw. Answer: C Explaoatio: Set the Aggregate Name priperty if the AggregateReply oide ti the same value that yiu set fir the Aggregate Name priperty io the cirrespiodiog AggregateCiotril oide io the fao-iut fiw. Refereoces: htps:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:koiwledgeceoter:eo:SSMMKKH9.0.0:cim.ibm.etiils.mf.dic:ac123 http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page / 11H.htm Queston: 5 Which tiil alliws a ciofgurable service ti be impirted aod expirted betweeo systemsn A. Briker Explirer B. Web User ioterface C. IBM Iotegratio Tiilkit D. IBM Iotegratio Explirer Answer: D Explaoatio: Use the IBM Iotegratio Explirer ti expirt a ciofgurable service ti use io aoither iotegratio oide (briker). Refereoces: htps:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:koiwledgeceoter:eo:SSMMKKH9.0.0:cim.ibm.etiils.mf.dic:be103 90H.htm http://www.justcerts.com

  5. For Trying Free C9530-001 PDF Demo Get Updated C9530-001 Exam Questions Answers PDF Visit Link Below https://officialdumps.com/updated/IBM/C9530-001-exam-dumps/ Start Your C9530-001 Preparation

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