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Embrace mobility with Birdwood Podiatry, the foremost experts in Orthotic Therapy in Springwood. Our bespoke orthotic solutions are designed to support your lifestyle, offering relief and improved function. Begin your path to pain-free living today!
(02) 4707 6558 phil@birdwoodpodiatry.com.au Home About Treatments FAQs Meet the Team Bookings Blog Contact Us Book an appointment Orthotic Therapy What are Orthotics? Orthoses are cushioned inserts that are put into your shoes to correct your foot alignment and poor biomechanics. Orthotics are more broadly classified into two types: 1. Custom Orthotics: Custom orthotics are custom made to your foot's shape and your podiatrist's specifications. 2. Over-the-counter Orthotics: These orthotics are fitted to shoes. Orthoses come in a variety of materials, styles and designs tailored to your specific needs. What are Orthotics used for? Orthotics are usually used to treat a variety of lower limb issues and to ultimately correct your biomechanics and reduce pain. Orthotics can be used to treat many different types of conditions, including: • Plantar fasciitis • Heel pain • Flat feet • Painful arthritis • Shin splints • High arched feet • Corns and calluses • Achilles tendinitis • Sever’s disease • Neuromas • Bunions Do you need orthotics? If you suffer from issues in your lower limbs, you could benefit from orthotics. Speak to our podiatrists for their advice. How do I book an appointment? Birdwood Podiatry provides treatment for a wide range of lower limb issues, including orthotics, right here at our clinic in Springwood. If you’d like to book an appointment or have any questions about this treatment please get in touch with us. Give us a call at (02) 4707 6558, email phil@birdwoodpodiatry.com.au or to book an appointment click here. Blue mo unta ins po dia trist, So re heels, co rn, ba ck, cycling , blue mo unta ins po dia trists, fung a l na il, sho ckwa ve, Po dia trist Phillip Smith, hip, spur, running , ca idens, fla t, leg s, ca llo us, leg s inserts, pa in feet, tinea , hig h Medica re, Blue Mo unta ins Po dia try, o rtho tics dia betes, pla nta r fa sciitis, pa in feet o rtho tics, a thletes fo o t, hea lth sho es, severs knee, knee, g a it, blue mo unta ins po dia trists, wa rt, a rch, shin splints, dia betes, Children's po dia trist, Lithg o w, Bla ckhea th, Ka to o mba , Leura , Wentwo rth Fa lls, La wso n, Ha zelbro o k, Fa ulco nbridg e, Spring wo o d, Bla xla nd, Glenbro o k, Emu Pla ins, Penrith Treatments Get In Touch Phillip Smith Sports Podiatry (Injury Prevention) Sever's Disease & Osgood Schlatters (02) 4707 6558 phil@birdwoodpodiatry.com.au Shop 4, 127 Macquarie Road, Springwood NSW 2777 Birdwood Podiatry has quickly built a positive reputation in the Blue Mountains through our commitment to personalised treatment. Plantar Fasciitis Foot Pain & Bunions Children's Walking & Sports Injuries Orthotic Therapy Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm Neuromas Ingrown Nail Management. & Surgery Shockwave Therapy