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Beecroft Bird & Exotics Veterinary Clinic is a specialist emergency veterinary clinic in Singapore that offers 24 hour vet surgery, medicine services for your birds and exotic pets.<br>Web Page: https://www.birdvet.com.sg/emergency-care/<br>
INTRODU CTION Emergency Vet Care for Birds and Exotics Welcome to Beecroft Bird & Exotics Veterinary Clinic
World-Class Expertise SPECIALIST SERVI CES At Beecroft Bird ? Exotic? Veteri?ary Cli?ic, we pride our?elve? o? providi?g world-cla?? experti?e i? ?peciali?t 24- ?our vet ?urgery a?d ?edici?e ?ervice? for your bird? a?d exotic pet?. Our tea? of ?killed veteri?aria?? a?d tec??icia?? are pa??io?ate about deliveri?g t?e ?ig?e?t quality care a?d treat?e?t, e??uri?g t?e well-bei?g a?d ?ealt? of your beloved pet?.
State-of-the-Art Facilities EMERGENCY VETERINARY CARE SPECIALIST VETERINARI ANS 24/7 ?urgery a?d ?edici?e ?ervice? for your pet? Trai?ed to care for bird? a?d exotic pet?
Case Studies MIR ACULOUS RECOVERY HAPPY ENDINGS UNCOVER ING D ISCOVE RIES A ?eartwar?i?g ?tory of a bird overco?i?g a life-t?reate?i?g ill?e??. Fro? re?cue to re?abilitatio?, ?ear t?e i??piri?g ?torie? of our patie?t?. Explore t?e grou?dbreaki?g treat?e?t? t?at ?ave tra??for?ed live?.
Pet Health Tips PREVENTIVE CARE DIET AND NUTRITION ENRICHMENT AND EXERCISE EMER GENCY R EADINESS Regular c?eck-up? a?d vacci?atio?? Feed a ?pecie?-appropriate diet Me?tal a?d p?y?ical ?ti?ulatio? K?ow t?e clo?e?t 24-?our veteri?ary cli?ic