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Web Development Checklist: A useful Guide for Web App Development Teams!

This blog discusses the examples and importance of ready-made web development checklists that the teams of every Web App Development Company must have.tttttttt<br>

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Web Development Checklist: A useful Guide for Web App Development Teams!

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  1. Web Development Checklist: A useful Guide for Web App Development Teams! With the large number of Web Development technologies surfacing to build modern-day web apps, Web App Development is getting increasingly complex and challenging. With the internet brimming with abundant web applications, users abandon and switch to other web applications in no time, if the application fails to satisfy their expectations, thereby damaging company’s brand reputation. So, for delivering a successful end-product, the organization needs to carefully execute each of these developmental and promotional stages to minimize errors, conform to business objectives, and provide a rich user experience. However, fulfilling all the aforesaid factors becomes quite complicated and time-consuming. Hence, chances of lapses are likely; specifically, if your team is inexperienced or in a hurry to complete a project within the set timeline. Therefore, the web development team should maintain a checklist of the essential tasks; to avoid any misses. This blog provides web development checklists that your team needs to refer to; for building a successful web application or a website. The following checklists have been created by consolidating the inputs from software-sector veterans; and will help a Web App Development Company to ensure that important action items are not neglected or overlooked. Before we dive deeper let’s have a look at why checklists are required. Copyright © Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.

  2. Checks for Web Development Every web app development project must undergo the following validations to ensure the creation of a flawless website. Let’s have a look at the key checklists and understand their importance. Design, UX and SEO checks •Optimize your website for all kinds of devices – mobiles, tablets, laptops and desktops. •Get rid of irrelevant images. •Check whether the UX design has been executed as per the set standards. •Make sure your website is free of broken links and validation errors. Broken links – the links which show an error or the “page not found” message on clicking – adversely affect the UX and also the website’s SEO score. •Remember to include meta tags - title, description, etc. –as they improve the website’s position and boost the chances of ranking in the search engines. Readability checks •Cross-check the website contentfor any possible mistakes regarding spellings, grammar, etc. before the website’s live launch. •Make sure that your content is unique and free of plagiarism. •Adjust the font style to ensure that your web page is easy to read and scan; as this factor is a game-changer in terms of user retention. Copyright © Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.

  3. Functionality and Performance checks •Check the appearance and loading speed of your images. In case they are slower in loading or appear blurred; have this problem fixed by optimizing the image-size. Optimization of images improves performance as well as search engine rankings. •Check the loading time of your website. If the loading time turns out to be more than 4 sec, get the issue fixed, or else it will adversely affect your viewership. •Check your website’s rendering and performance on trending browsers such as Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc. •Your website’s caching should always be turned on as caching optimizes the speed of a webpage and also minimizes the server-load by minimizing scripts like JavaScript and CSS that are time-consuming. A cache plugin named ‘W3 Total Cache’ can be easily installed if WordPress is being used to build the website. •Ensure that your web page involves effortless navigation and all the links are functional. Security checks •SSL (Secured Socket Layer): Possessing an SSL (Secured Socket Layer) certificate is desirable if your website gathers sensitive user-information such as personal details, credit cards/banking particulars. •An anti-malware Plugin: The usage of anti-malware plugins helps to combat malware threats and protect a website from viruses and malware attacks. Handy Web Development Checklists and their offerings Now have a look at the ready-made Web development checklists recommended for your team! Checklists related to an app’s pre-launch and post-launch •The Essential Pre-launch Checklist for Your Website comprises functionality, design elements, cross-browser testing, content editing, and SEO. •Website Launch Checklist by Glasgow developer offers tools for checking actions after completion, greying out items that are not applicable, and resetting the checklist to make it ready for the next project. It includes content editing, links’ testing, navigation usability, CSS and HTML validity, GDPR compliance, Communication, infrastructure, styles and scripts’ minification, compatibility, analytics, accessibility, performance, etc. Copyright © Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.

  4. •The Essential Launch Checklist for Web Apps and Mobile Apps by Ben Cheng enables product managers to test the performance level, security, compatibility, and broken links in applications. Checklists on Front-end performance •A front-end Deployment Checklist by Fred Rocha, guides on validating the markup; and checking the performance, the console for JavaScript, and many more. •The Front-end Checklist by David Dias is a digital interactive tool wherein one has to enter the project’s URL to get a full report on areas such CSS, HTML, JavaScript, head, web fonts, images, SEO, performance, and accessibility. This check is an exhaustive one and categorizes items based on high, medium, or low priority requirements. •Front-end Performance Checklist 2020 by Vitaly Friedman offers the following items How to get ready on planning and metrics, how to set realistic goals, define the environment, assets, build and delivery optimizations, monitoring, and testing, etc. Checklists related to the backend server and database security •Back-end Best Practices provides stack-agonistic guidance on the best available practices involving different back-end architectures like security, data storage solutions, app monitoring, server environments, etc. It also offers a responsibility checklist for organizing the team-tasks and a release-checklist needed at the time of launch of the app or website. •Database Testing Checklist offers items regarding stored procedures, database integrity, field validation, transactions, security, constraints, etc. Checklists on Cross-browser testing •Cross-browser Testing Checklist Before Going Live includes testing on font rendering, element alignment, API connections, etc. •Cross-browser TestingChecklist offers all items needed for testing on various browsers and OS. Final Verdict: Thus, comprehensive knowledge about these checklists is essential for architecting a flawless and universally acceptable web app or website for your business. Click here to know about the robust JavaScript frameworks for crafting web apps. Copyright © Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.

  5. I hope this blog was helpful. Have you come across any roadblocks while web app development? Do share your experiences in the comments section below and let us know in case of further queries. Copyright © Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.

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