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7 Guidelines for Setting Up Futuristic UI for Your Web App

Observing the trends that how we interact with responsive websites, UI has started becoming a critical component of web app development. Let’s look at the UI trends to watch out for that can shape future of web app development in 2018 – and reasons behind it.<br>

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7 Guidelines for Setting Up Futuristic UI for Your Web App

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  1. 7 Guidelines for Setting Up Futuristic UI for Your WebApp In past few years, new trends have emerged in User Interface (UI) design that have remarkably changed the face of professional web application developmentservices. Observing the trends that how we interact with responsive websites, UI has started becoming a critical component of web app development. The ongoing attraction towards responsive web designs and invention of mobile devices have pushed UI designers to find newer, interactive ways to optimize web experiences for everyuser. There might be many questions in your mind reading about UI. Forexample:

  2. How a UI should look like? What UI features to include while building a custom web applicationdevelopment? And manymore. These days, designers are requested to create designs that are personalized and more time­saving while proffering profound results than everbefore. Let’s look at the UI trends to watch out for that can shape future of web app development in 2018 – and reasons behindit. 1. Immersive Full­ScreenVideo There is a famous saying “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”. It was used in websites to represent concepts in a better way. Moreover, powerful looking images have long been a chief attraction of UI and responsive web designs. It has slowly and gradually has led the way for its successor –video. Traditional images are static, the video is dynamic – great way to grab the eyeballs of your visitors, offering a powerful medium of storytelling. They help in creating a meaningful connection with your web applicationsusers. Videos can easily be updated on your website due to the easy availabilityofdatastorageandenhancedwebapplication

  3. development services. It leads to a better engaging experience and eventually bettermetrics. What do you think? Is this trend likely to grow in 2018? Gradients and VividColors Selection of colors for your website reflect the look and feel of your UI. Utilization of flat design began to lose its hold in the year 2016, and it led to using more vivid and brighter colors, and increased use of gradients. This idea of applying intense colors helps to reflect focus of user to UI elements like navigation­page jump andbuttons. You should always try to use colors that depict your logo and business theme. Mixing such color combination creates a strong brand effect, making the brand stand out from the crowd. As you know brand establishment will be the key fragment in future to get businessgoing. BrandIllustrations These days, brand custom illustration is seen replacing the traditional photography. Tailor­made illustrations can become a tool for communication on your customized web application. They provide a sense of character and personality that is difficult to capture with conventional photography. Whether you go for homepage illustration, mascot characters or sharp line­based illustrations, they truly help to clarify and deliver the message by means of visual elements to your users.

  4. An illustration is a powerful and important means for enhancing your client experience and making interface both attractive and efficient. And guess what? They also incorporateeffortlesslywithotherupcomingUItrends. 4. MaterialDesign With Google behind its wheel, the Material design has become the next big thing in responsive web design trends. If you are planning to opt for professional web application development services to build a website, tell them to keep them materialdesign. It supports to retain the simplicity of flat design but intensifies it through the concepts of movements. It uses distinctivecardsandanimationstoarticulateyourweb

  5. application concept in a nifty little way. The success of material design is achieved by cleverly organizing small bursts of information on smallerscreens. Micro­MiniInteractions Micro­mini interactions offer useful, fun, and humanized feedback to let users know what has happened and will happen as they interact with the UI. They are helpful in making the client interaction of your website more interesting. Using such mini interaction depicts the activities that are performed by user on your webapplication. One great illustration of micro interaction can be reviewed from Facebook Live. During live video session, when a user clicks the famous heart icon of Facebook ‘Loved’ button, it increases in size, turns red, and floats on the video screen­ for a fraction of a second. Through this user gets animatedly inform that their action iscompleted. You can utilize such upcoming micro interaction concepts in the functional aspect of the UI design to make user experience more simple andenjoyable. VR and AI Device CompatibleUI Designs VR and AI are for­sure the upcoming concepts for future generations. Hence, making UI of your customized web applicationcompatiblewithitsoundsablissfulthought. For instance, if you are planning or own a web application like Netflix then you must think of developing responsive design that fits with VRheadsets.

  6. 7. The BottomLine We often feel like we have no choice but to try and keep up with what the cool designs in the market, even though trying to follow all the latest design fads can be exhausting. UI design is one of the major points to think about while planning a custom web applicationdevelopment. Along with devices and their interfaces changing, web application designs and their functionality will also keep on altering. Deciding perfect UI is all dependent on how do you see the future. How will the role of your web application changeinfuture?Whatnewtechnologywillyouadapt? Unstoppable march of technology is at times so overwhelming and profound that we often retreat to our safe place. Being a predictor of your company, rush to your nearest web app development serviceproviders.

  7. It is only by forecasting the future than we can prepare for the advancements just in a short span oftime. View Original Source: https://www.biztechcs.com/blog/guidelines­setting­up­ futuristic­ui­web­app/

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