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WHO ARE WE? ABOUT MY BRAND NEW LOGO You have an idea for a new company. Exciting times! The best part of starting any business is making it real. And there's nothing that creates more impact than abrand new logo. In the past, that was an expensive and tedious effort. My Brand New Logo solves that byautomating the design processof professional design studios. This gives you access to professional logos at a fraction of the price. On top of all that, My Brand New Logo lets you adjust every logo with its unique Smart Shape algorithm. This means you are totally in control to adjust every shape, while our algorithms make sure italways looks good.
Best design Logo Online for Your business Youhaveanideaforanewcompany. Excitingtimes!Thebestpartofstartingany businessismakingitreal.YoucanDesignlogo foryourcompanywithMyBrandNewLogo. My Brand New Logo's is the bestLogoMakerhelpsyoucreateyour ownlogodesign.Browsethousandsoflogo designstoolanduseourlogomakertodesign logoforyourveryown!
Why My Brand New Logo is best for logo designs? Uniquedesign OurAIalgorithmsarebasedonhowaprofessionaldesignerworks.Wecreateuniquelogoseverytime,notwologosareever thesame. DesignPrinciples Ouralgorithmsfollowdesignprinciplesfromprofessionalbrandingfirms.Thisensurescarefullybalancedandgood lookinglogodesigns. High-reslogos Whereveryouuseyourlogo(e.g.MicrosoftWord,PowerpointorAppleKeynote),theyarealwayssupercrisp. SocialMediaPackage YourlogosareautomaticallyresizedtouseonFacebook,Twitter,YouTube,Instagram.Justuploadyournewbrandimage. SmartShapes SmartShapesaregraphicsymbolsthatareeditableinlotsofways.Youcanadjustthecurvesandformfactorofeachof them. Fullcopyright Yourlogoisyours.Youcanuseitforcommercialornon-commercialpurposes. Print-ready,scalablelogos Besidesregulargraphicfiles,you'llreceiveyourlogoinSVGformat.Perfectforscalinginanysize. Tryitforfree Youcangenerateyourlogosforfree,andonlypaywhenyou'rehappy.
HOW TO DESIGN A LOGO Yourownlogo,designedinthreeeasysteps By using our logo generator, you can create a logo in 60 seconds or less. It's really simple, and fun too. Create your own logo in 3 steps. Let's break it down.