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Oracle 1z0327 Exam Study Guide ExamsGeek is the best source that provides authenticated and Oracle Experts Oracle 1z0327 Oracle Procurement Cloud 2016 Certified Implementation Specialist Exam Practice Questions in form of both PDF & Practice Test Software. To pass OPN Certified Specialist 1z0327 Certification Exam, the student must have a right combination of necessary knowledge, effective testtaking strategies along with 1z0327 Practice Test Questions. Many of the exam candidates miss the latter part and they end up losing significant amount of money, time and effort. You need to understand that content knowledge is only a part of the complete picture. Until and unless you have testtaking plans and time management skills, you will never be able to clear the Oracle Cloud Computing 1z0327 Exam. Thus to help you prepare rightly for the OPN Certified Specialist certification exam, ExamsGeeks are providing sufficient materials to help you practice tests in a customized way and cover all necessary topics including Procurement Application Overview, Enterprise Structures and Fusion Functional Set Up Manager. These materials are prepared by Oracle experts with years of experience. The resources are up to date and they are developed to emulate OPN Certified Specialist certification exam scenario. Oracle verified 1z0327 Exam Practice Questions Three Months Free Updates for Oracle 1z0327 Exam Most Updated Practice Questions 50,000+ Satisfied Customer's (ExamsGeek's practice material comes in two formats. They are as follows) PDF Format 1z0327 Exam Questions This version will come in PDF format as suggested by the name itself. This will provide you a comprehensive set of OPN 1z0327 exam questions comprising the prospective question types. With this, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the OPN Certified Specialist certification exam format by practicing the real exam questions. 1z0327 Practice Test Software If you have researched a bit about the Oracle 1z0327 exam, you must have noticed that the exams are getting tougher than what they used to be earlier. Acknowledging this, we have designed one of the best 1z0327 Oracle Procurement Cloud 2016 Certified Implementation Specialist exam preparation software in the market with all the necessary features. The Oracle 1z0327 Exam software provides computerbased simulation of the Oracle 1z0327 exam with real time scenarios to empower you to learn effective testtaking strategies and time management skills. In our software, you can customize your exam time, difficulty level and question types based on your preparation objectives.
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 Oracle 1Z0-327 Exam Oracle Procurement Cloud 2016 Implementation Essentials Thaok yiu fir Diwoliadiog 1Z0-327 exam PDF Demi Yiu cao alsi try iur 1Z0-327 practce exam sifware Diwoliad Free Demi: https://www.examsgeek.com/1Z0-327-exam-questions.html www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Questoon 1 Yiur custimer is Implemeotog the full suite Cliud pricuremeot. They wiuld like ti koiw hiw best they cao utliie the Ciotract Terms library. Ideotty three applicatios frim where users cao access the Ciotract Terms library fir setog up “ciotract terms ” fir difereot dicumeots. A. Supplier Midel B. Self Service Pricuremeot C. Siurciog D. Purchasiog E. Pricuremeot Ciotracts Aoswern CDE Explaoatio: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:cimmio:/ACTS:/ACTS1142741.htmm/ACTSS0000S Questoon 2 Ao irgaoiiatio implemeotog Supplier Qualifcatio Maoagemeot has multple pricuremeot busioess Uoits: PR BU1, PR BU2 , aod PR BU3. The Cirpirate head ifce (C/RP BU) is alsi defoed as ioe if the pricuremeot busioess uoits. The irgaoiiatio waots ti maiotaio aod maoage the Qualifcatio area-A fir use by all the pricuremeot busioess uoits, but waots the Qualifcatio area-B ti be used ioly by C/RP BU aod PR BU1. Ideotfy twi setups ti fulfll this requiremeot. A. Create the Qualifcatio area-B io C/RP BU aod select PR BU1. B. Create the Qualifcatio area-A io C/RP BU aod select the “Blibal” check bix. C. Create the Qualifcatio area-B U aod select the “Glibal” check bix. D. Create the Qualifcatio area-B io C/RP BU aod select the “Glibal” check bix. E. Create the Qualifcatio area-A io PR BU2 aod select PR BU BU3. Aoswern AD Explaoatio: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:pricuremeotcssgs:/APRC:/APRC100717S.htm Questoon 3 Which three busioess users cao submit a oew supplier request? www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 A. Self-Service Pricuremeot user B. Warehiuse Maoager C. Catalig Admioistratir D. Supplier Admioistratir E. Categiry Maoger Aoswern ACD Explaoatio: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E11727s01:dic.121:e1S033:T003S21T003S30.htm Questoon 4 Duriog /racle Pricuremeot Cliud Implemeotatio, ioe if the requiremeots if the custimer is ti Capture the revisiio histiry if Purchase /rders wheo ‘oites ti receiver’ is eotered ir updated as part if a Chaoge /rder. Ideotfy the setup that oeeds ti be perfirmed io irder ti capture chaoge histiry wheo a user updates ‘oites ti receiver’ as part if the Chaoge /rder. A. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io supplier site assigomeot fir the supplier site. B. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io Cimmio Payables aod Pricuremeot /ptioss fir the pricuremeot Busioess uoit. C. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io ‘Ciofgure Requisitioiog Busioess Fuoctio’ fir the requisitioiog Busioess Uoit. D. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io the Chaoge /rder template fir the Purchase /rder. Aoswern D Questoon 5 Which iptio wiuld (lie applicatio frst liik at ti default the Licatio Hild Io the Purchase /rder Lioe? A. Purchase /rder Header B. supplier site assigomeot recird if the supplier site Io the Requisitioiog BU C. BU assigomeot recird if the siurce agreemeot that cirrespiods ti the Requisitioiog BU D. "Requisitioiog Busioess Fuoctio Ciofguratio" task if the Requisitioiog BU Aoswern D Questoon 6 Yiur custimer tells yiu that io their iodustry, the respiose dicumeot fir ao auctio is called a ‘Pripisal’ Iostead if the default /racle term ‘Bid ’, aod that they wiuld like ti have all their all their oegitatio dicumeots refect this termioiligy. What wiuld yiu di ti meet this requiremeot? www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 A. Create a Negitatio Template. B. Create a Purchasiog Dicumeot Style. C. Create a Negitatio Type. D. Create a Negitatio Style. E. Custimiie the Descriptve Flex feld. Aoswern AC Questoon 7 Yiur custimer waots ti ciofgure threes busioess uoits (IIUs) as filliws: • US East BU aod US West BU that perfirm requisitioiog related busioess pricesses aod tasks. • T he US East BU privides paymeot services fir Its iwo ioviices aod fir the US West BUss Ioviices. • /oe BU, US Header BU. that Is ciofgured Pricuremeot fuoctio eoabled Ideotfy the cirrect ciofguratio. as a shared Pricuremeot BU with ioly the A. The US East BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a Payables Paymeot Service Privider. B. The US East BU aod US West BU oeed ti be ciofgured as Payables Paymeot Service Privider. C. The US Header BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a Payables Paymeot Service Privider. D. The US West BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a Custimer Paymeots Service Privider. Aoswern C Questoon 8 Duriog a Pricuremeot Ciotract implemeotatio, a custimer wiuld like? ti set up their iwo lioe type fir buyiog services. I hey Ioteod ti use this lioe type tir oegitatog terms fir future purchase if services aod di oit have a defoed scipe if wirk. Ideotfy the siurce that the custimer oeeds ti select while creatog the lioe type ti miit this requiremeot. A. Free firm, buy B. free firm, buy agreemeot C. Item, buy D. Item, buy agreemeot Aoswern A Questoon 9 Duriog ao Implemeotatio where Pricuremeot Ciotract aod Supplier Pirtal are beiog implemeoted, the Pricuremeot Ciotract user (buyer) has created deliverables io a supplier, which alsi has ao ideotfed Supplier Pirtal user. The supplier has requested the buyer ti email details if the deliverable. Advise the buyer io hiw he ir she cao cimmuoicate the deliverable details ti the supplier www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 0 thriugh the applicatio. A. The supplier cao view the deliverable by oavigatog ti the Agreemeots tab frim the Supplier Pirtal. B. The supplier cao view the deliverable frim the Supplier Deliverable. liok. C. The supplier cao view the deliverable frim the supplier pirtal uoder the Deliverables tab. D. The supplier cao view the deliverable by ipeoiog the ciotract Io the Ciotracts tab Io the Supplier Pirtal. Pirtal by clickiog the Maoage Aoswern C Questoon 10 While ciofguriog iferiogs,yiu had deselected the “Supply Chaio Fioaocial /rchestratio if Pricuremeot Fliws” check bix aod had licked the feature. Hiwever, because if chaoges io the busioess requiremeots, yiu are required ti eoable the feature. Ideotfy the prerequisite step ti perfirm this chaoge. A. Set the Implemeotatio status ti "io Prigress" if the Pricuremeot /feriog. B. Reselect the "Eoable fir Implemeotatio" check bix if the Pricuremeot /feriog. C. Chaoge the Privisiioed ti "Ni" if the Pricuremeot /feriog. D. Navigate ti the "Select Feature Chiices" page if the Pricuremeot feature. /feriog mid uolick the Aoswern D www.examsgeek.com
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