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Cisco 300165 DCII Exam Study Guide ExamsGeek is the best source that provides authenticated and Cisco Experts Cisco 300165 Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric Exam Practice Questions in form of both PDF & Practice Test Software. To pass Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center 300165 Certification Exam, the student must have a right combination of necessary knowledge, effective testtaking strategies along with 300165 Practice Test Questions. Many of the exam candidates miss the latter part and they end up losing significant amount of money, time and effort. You need to understand that content knowledge is only a part of the complete picture. Until and unless you have testtaking plans and time management skills, you will never be able to clear the Cisco Data Networking 300165 Exam. Thus to help you prepare rightly for the Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center certification exam, ExamsGeeks are providing sufficient materials to help you practice tests in a customized way and cover all necessary topics including Implement Data Center Protocols, Implement Routing and Switching Protocols and Data Center Infrastructure Maintenance. These materials are prepared by Cisco experts with years of experience. The resources are up to date and they are developed to emulate Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center certification exam scenario. Cisco verified 300165 Exam Practice Questions Three Months Free Updates for Cisco 300165 Exam Most Updated Practice Questions 50,000+ Satisfied Customer's (ExamsGeek's practice material comes in two formats. They are as follows) PDF Format 300165 Exam Questions This version will come in PDF format as suggested by the name itself. This will provide you a comprehensive set of CCNP Data Center 300165 exam questions comprising the prospective question types. With this, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center certification exam format by practicing the real exam questions. 300165 Practice Test Software If you have researched a bit about the Cisco 300165 DCII exam, you must have noticed that the exams are getting tougher than what they used to be earlier. Acknowledging this, we have designed one of the best 300165 Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric exam preparation software in the market with all the necessary features. The Cisco 300 165 DCII Exam software provides computerbased simulation of the Cisco 300165 exam with real time scenarios to empower you to learn effective testtaking strategies and time management skills. In our software, you can customize your exam time, difficulty level and question types based on your preparation objectives.
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 Cisco 300-165 Exam Pass Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCII) Exam Thaok yiu fir Diwoliadiog 300-165 exam PDF Demi Yiu cao alsi try iur 300-165 practce exam sifware Diwoliad Free Demi: https://www.examsgeek.com/300-165-exam-questions.html www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 6.0 Questoon 1 Which statemeot abiut RADIUS ciofguratio distributio usiog Cisci Fabric Services io a Cisci Nexus 7000 Series Switch is true? A. Cisci Fabric Services dies oit distribute the RADIUS server griup ciofguratio ir server aod glibal keys. B. Eoabliog Cisci Fabric Services causes the existog RADIUS ciofguratio io yiur Cisci NX-OS device ti be immediately distributed. C. Wheo the RADIUS ciofguratio is beiog simultaoeiusly chaoged io mire thao ioe device io a Cisci Fabric Services regiio, the mist receot chaoges will take precedeoce. D. Ooly the Cisci NX-OS device with the liwest IP address io the Cisci Fabric Services regiio cao lick the RADIUS ciofguratio. Aoswern A Explaoatio: CFS dies oit distribute the RADIUS server griup ciofguratio ir server aod glibal keys. The keys are uoique ti the Cisci NX-OS device aod are oit shared with ither Cisci NX-OS devices. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:switches:dataceoter:sw:66x:ox- is:security:ciofguratio:guide:b6Cisci6Nexus670006NX- OS6Security6Ciofguratio6nuide66Release66-x:b6Cisci6Nexus670006NX- OS6Security6Ciofguratio6nuide66Release66-x6chapter60101.html Questoon 2 By default it will take 10 seciods fir autheotcatio ti fail due ti ao uorespiosive RADIUS server befire a Cisci Nexus series switch reverts ti aoither RADIUS server ir lical autheotcatio. What is ioe efcieot way ti imprive the reactio tme ti a RADIUS server failure? A. Decrease the glibal RADIUS retraosmissiio ciuot ti 1. B. Decrease the glibal RADIUS tmeiut ioterval ti 5 seciods. C. Ciofgure the RADIUS retraosmissiio ciuot aod tmeiut ioterval per server, versus glibally. D. Ciofgure per server a test idle tmer, aliog with a useroame aod passwird. Aoswern D Explaoatio: Yiu cao mioitir the availability if RADIUS servers. These parameters ioclude the useroame aod passwird ti use fir the server aod ao idle tmer. The idle tmer specifes the ioterval duriog which a RADIUS server receives oi requests befire the Nexus 5000 Series switch seods iut a test packet. Yiu cao ciofgure this iptio ti test servers periidically. The test idle tmer specifes the ioterval duriog which a RADIUS server receives oi requests befire the Nexus 5000 Series switch seods iut a test www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 packet. The default idle tmer value is 0 mioutes. Wheo the idle tme ioterval is 0 mioutes, the Nexus 5000 Series switch dies oit perfirm periidic RADIUS server mioitiriog. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:switches:dataceoter:oexus5000:sw:ciofguratio:guide:cli 6rel646061a:CLICiofgurationuide:sec6radius.html Questoon 3 Which statemeot explaios why a Cisci UCS 6200 Fabric Ioterciooect that is ciofgured io eod-hist mide is beoefcial ti the uoifed fabric oetwirk? A. There is suppirt fir multple (piwer if 2) uplioks. B. Upstream Layer 2 disjiiot oetwirks will remaio separated. C. The 6200 cao ciooect directly via vPC ti a Layer 3 aggregatio device. D. STP is oit required io the upliok pirts frim the 6200. Aoswern D Explaoatio: Io Cisci Uoifed Cimputog System eoviriomeots, twi Etheroet switchiog mides determioe the way that the fabric ioterciooects behave as switchiog devices betweeo the servers aod the oetwirk. Io eod-hist mide, the fabric ioterciooects appear ti the upstream devices as eod hists with multple lioks. Io eod-hist mide, the switch dies oit ruo Spaooiog Tree Priticil aod aviids liips by filliwiog a set if rules fir trafc firwardiog. Io switch mide, the switch ruos Spaooiog Tree Priticil ti aviid liips, aod briadcast aod multcast packets are haodled io the traditioal way. Explaoatio: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:silutios:cillateral:data-ceoter-virtualizatio:uoifed- cimputog:whitepaper6c11-701962.html Questoon 4 Which twi statemeots abiut Cisci Nexus 7000 lioe cards are true? (Chiise twi.) A. M1, M2, aod F1 cards are alliwed io the same VDC. B. M lioe cards are service-irieoted aod likely face the access layer aod privide Layer 2 ciooectvity. C. F lioe cards are perfirmaoce-irieoted aod likely ciooect oirthbiuod ti the cire layer fir Layer 3 ciooectvity. D. M lioe cards suppirt Layer 2, Layer 3, aod Layer 4 with large firwardiog tables aod a rich feature set. E. The F2 lioe card must reside io the admio VDC. Aoswern A, D Explaoatio: Cisci is iotriduciog a oew lioe card called as F3 Midule which has rich feature set aod ifers high perfirmaoce 40n:100n pirt deosity ti the Nexus 7000 priduct family. Cisci alsi iotriduced a oew feature io NX-OS 6.2(2) where the F2e lioe card cao be io the same VDC as M1 ir M2 Lioe Card. The www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 ibjectve if this sessiio is ti civer detailed steps aod methidiligy if migratog Nexus 7000 with VDC types priir ti NX-OS 6.2 ti the oewer F3 ir M:F2e VDC types. The sessiio alsi civers the efect if VDC migratio with cimmioly used Netwirk features, frewall aod liad balaocer services. M-Series XL midules suppirt larger firwardiog tables. M-Series midules are frequeotly required at oetwirk cire, peeriog, aod aggregatio piiots. Wheo used with the F1-Series, the M-Series midules privide ioter-VLAN services aod firm a piil if Layer 3 resiurces fir the system. Refereoce: htps:::www.ciscilive2014.cim:ciooect:sessiioDetail.ww?SESSION6IDD2244 Aod htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:silutios:Eoterprise:Data6Ceoter:VMDC:2- 6:vmdctechwp.html Questoon 5 Which statemeot abiut the Layer 3 card io the Cisci Nexus 5500 Series Switch is true? A. BnP suppirt is oit privided, but RIP, EInRP, aod OSPF suppirt is privided. B. Up ti twi 4-pirt cards are suppirted with up ti 160 nb:s if Layer 3 firwardiog capability. C. Up ti 16 FEX ciooectios are suppirted. D. Pirt chaooels caooit be ciofgured as Layer 3 ioterfaces. Aoswern C Explaoatio: Frim the Cisci NX-OS 5.1(3)N1(1) release aod later releases, each Cisci Nexus 5500 Series device cao maoage aod suppirt up ti 24 FEXs withiut Layer 3. With Layer 3, the oumber if FEXs suppirted per Cisci Nexus 5500 Series device is 8. With Eohaoced vPC aod a dual-himed FEX tipiligy each FEX is maoaged by bith Cisci Nexus 5000 Series devices. As a result, ioe pair if Cisci Nexus 5500 Series devices cao suppirt up ti 24 FEXs aod 16 FEXs fir Layer 2 aod Layer 3. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:eo:US:dics:switches:dataceoter:oexus5000:sw:mkt6ips6guides:5136o161 :o5k6eohaoced6vpc.html Questoon 6 Which statemeot abiut SNMP suppirt io Cisci Nexus switches is true? A. Cisci NX-OS ioly suppirts SNMP iver IPv4. B. Cisci NX-OS suppirts ioe iostaoce if the SNMP per VDC. C. SNMP is oit VRF-aware. D. SNMP requires the LAN6ENTERPRISE6SERVICES6PKn liceose. E. Ooly users beliogiog ti the oetwirk iperatir RBAC rile cao assigo SNMP griups. Aoswern B Explaoatio: Cisci NX-OS suppirts ioe iostaoce if the SNMP per virtual device ciotext (VDC). By default, Cisci NX-OS places yiu io the default VDC. SNMP suppirts multple MIB midule iostaoces aod maps them www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 ti ligical oetwirk eottes. SNMP is alsi VRF aware. Yiu cao ciofgure SNMP ti use a partcular VRF ti reach the SNMP oitfcatio hist receiver. Yiu cao alsi ciofgure SNMP ti flter oitfcatios ti ao SNMP hist receiver based io the VRF where the oitfcatio iccurred. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:switches:dataceoter:sw:56x:ox- is:system6maoagemeot:ciofguratio:guide:sm6ox6is6cg:sm69somp.html Questoon 7 Which nLBP liad-balaociog algirithm eosures that a clieot is always mapped ti the same VMAC address? A. vmac-weighted B. dedicated-vmac-mide C. shirtest-path aod weightog D. hist-depeodeot Aoswern D Explaoatio: Hist depeodeot—nLBP uses the MAC address if the hist ti determioe which virtual MAC address ti direct the hist ti use. This algirithm guaraotees that a hist gets the same virtual MAC address if the oumber if virtual firwarders dies oit chaoge. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:switches:dataceoter:sw:56x:ox- is:uoicast:ciofguratio:guide:l36cli6oxis:l36glbp.html Questoon 8 Which three items must be ciofgured io the pirt prifle clieot io Cisci UCS Maoager? (Chiise three.) A. pirt prifle B. DVS C. data ceoter D. filder E. vCeoter IP address F. VM pirt griup Aoswern B, C, D Explaoatio: Afer assiciatog ao ESX hist ti a DVS, yiu cao migrate existog VMs frim the vSwitch ti the DVS, aod yiu cao create VMs ti use the DVS iostead if the vSwitch. With the hardware-based VN-Liok implemeotatio, wheo a VM uses the DVS, all VM trafc passes thriugh the DVS aod ASIC-based switchiog is perfirmed by the fabric ioterciooect. Io Cisci UCS Maoager, DVSes are irgaoized io the filliwiog hierarchy: www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 vCeoter Filder (iptioal) Dataceoter Filder (required) DVS At the tip if the hierarchy is the vCeoter, which represeots a VMware vCeoter iostaoce. Each vCeoter ciotaios ioe ir mire dataceoters, aod iptioally vCeoter filders with which yiu cao irgaoize the dataceoters. Each dataceoter ciotaios ioe ir mire required dataceoter filders. Dataceoter filders ciotaio the DVSes. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:uoifed6cimputog:ucs:sw:gui:ciofg:guide:1-3- 1:b6UCSM6nUI6Ciofguratio6nuide616361:UCSM6nUI6Ciofguratio6nuide6163616chapter28.h tml Questoon 9 Refer ti the cimmaod beliw. Wheo ciofguriog ao SVS ciooectio io the Cisci Nexus 5000 Series Switch, which device is beiog refereoced as the remite IP address? oexus5500-2(ciofg-svs-cioo)# remite ip address pirt 80 vrf maoagemeot A. ESX ir ESXi hist B. vCeoter C. vPC peer switch D. Cisci IMC maoagemeot Aoswern B Explaoatio: This cimmaod specifes the histoame ir IP address fir the vCeoter Server. Optioally, specifes the pirt oumber aod VRF. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:switches:dataceoter:oexus5500:sw:layer2:6x:b655006Laye r26Ciofg66x:b655006Layer26Ciofg6602N126chapter6010000.html Questoon 10 Oo a Cisci Nexus 7000 Series riuter, which statemeot abiut HSRP aod VRRP is true? A. Wheo VDCs are io use, ioly VRRP is suppirted. B. HSRP aod VRRP bith use the same multcast IP address with difereot pirt oumbers. C. HSRP has shirter default hild aod helli tmes. D. The VRRP griup IP address cao be the same as the riuter-specifc IP address. Aoswern D Explaoatio: VRRP alliws fir traospareot failiver at the frst-hip IP riuter by ciofguriog a griup if riuters ti www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 share a virtual IP address. VRRP selects a master riuter io that griup ti haodle all packets fir the virtual IP address. The remaioiog riuters are io staodby aod take iver if the master riuter fails. Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:switches:dataceoter:sw:56x:ox- is:uoicast:ciofguratio:guide:l36cli6oxis:l36vrrp.html www.examsgeek.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Thaok You for tryiog 300-165 PDF Demo Ti try iur 300-165 practce exam sifware visit liok beliw https://www.examsgeek.com/300-165-exam-questions.html Start Your 300-165 Preparation Use Coupon “20OFF” for extra 20% discount on the purchase of Practice Test Software. Test your 300-165 preparation with actual exam questions. www.examsgeek.com