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Many of us have that old, unsightly and unwanted vehicle thatu2019s just taking up space in our driveway or on our streets. Initially itu2019s just an eyesore, but eventually it becomes a liability that we keep pouring money into and eventually have to find something to do with.<br><br>Rather than keep paying insurance on a car or truck that no longer works, or that no longer works for you, Bronx, NY Car Donation is ready to solve your problem and make a difference in a childu2019s life all in one phone call. By partnering with our Bronx, NY car donation service, youu2019re helping underserved children gain access to much-needed education and literacy resources.<br><br>You can spend months, weeks and thousands of dollars trying to "manage" possession of your broken-down vehicle, or your can solve your problem in a matter of hours by calling Bronx, NY Car Donation. Even if your vehicle doesnu2019t run or has severe cosmetic damage, we still may be able to accept your car or truck.<br><br>While youu2019re debating about what to do with your car or truck, you can be making a serous and profound difference in a childu2019s life. Bronx, NY Car Donation now to start the donation process. We look forward to hearing from you today.<br><br>
Bronx CarDonation Contact Address: 1776 Boston Rd, suite 325A, Bronx, NY10460 Phone: (929)201-1042 WebsiteURL: http://cardonateny.com/bronx-car-donation.html AboutUS Manyofushavethatold,unsightlyandunwantedvehicle that’sjusttakingupspaceinourdrivewayor on our streets. Initially it’s just an eyesore, but eventually it becomes a liability that we keep pouring moneyintoandeventuallyhavetofindsomethingtodowith. Rather than keep paying insurance on a car or truck that no longer works, or that no longer works for you, Bronx, NY Car Donation is ready to solve your problem and make a difference in a child’s life all in one phone call. By partnering with our Bronx, NY car donation service, you’re helping underserved children gain access to much-needed education and literacyresources. You can spend months, weeks and thousands of dollars trying to "manage" possession of your broken- down vehicle, or your can solve your problem in a matter of hours by calling Bronx, NY Car Donation. Evenifyourvehicledoesn’trunorhassevere cosmetic damage, westill may beable toacceptyourcar ortruck. Whileyou’redebatingaboutwhattodowithyourcarortruck,youcanbemakingaserousand profounddifferenceinachild’slife.Bronx,NYCarDonationnowtostartthedonationprocess.Welook forward tohearing from you today. RelatedSearches DonationCenter|UsedCars Dealer |car donation|donatea car|cardonationservice|donatejunk car|junkcardonation|junk cardonate|donationagency|car donationagency|autodonation| vehicledonation|boatdonation|best cardonation|cardonationtaxdeductible|cardonationfree pickup|Bronx |NY. AdditionalDetails Hours: 24hours Payment Accepted:Cash
NearbyLocations Pittsburgh|Bellevue|Columbus|Louisville|Georgetown 15106 |98004|43004|40018|78626 SocialProfiles https://web.facebook.com/Bronx-Car-Donation-294137507867766/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Gll_tLTkzEI35ZoHbt-eg/about https://www.instagram.com/bronxdonation/ GMBListing https://goo.gl/maps/9GvDwrqoPtddDdsD6