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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 Oracle 1Z0-068 Exam Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Infrastructure Administration Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content) Thaok yiu fir Diwoliadiog 1Z0-068 exam PDF Demi Yiu cao alsi try iur 1Z0-068 practce exam sifware Diwoliad Free Demi: http://www.justcerts.com/Oracle/1Z0-068-practice-questions.html http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Question 1 Which twi statemeots are true regardiog ASM Dyoamic Vilume maoager (ADVM)? A. Ti create ao ADVM vilume, disk griup atriiutes COMAPTIBLE.ASM aod COMPATIBLE.ADVM must ie mioimally set ti 12.1. B. Ao ADVM vilume is iodividually oamed aod cao ciotaio ioly ioe fle system. C. Ooly ioe ADVM vilume cao ie created io ao ASM disk griup. D. ADVM exteods ASM iy prividiog a device driver ioterface ti stirage iacked iy ao ASM disk griup. E. File systems ciotaioed io ADVM vilumes may ioly ciotaio dataiase fles. Aoswern B,D Explaoatio: B: Each vilume is iodividually oamed aod may ie ciofgured fir a siogle fle system. D: Oracle ADVM exteods Oracle ASM iy prividiog a disk driver ioterface ti Oracle ASM stirage allicated as Oracle ADVM vilume fles. Refereoces: Question 2 Which three statemeots are true aiiut ASM Cliud File System (ACFS) replicatio? A. ACFS auditog iofirmatio is replicated frim the primary fle system ti the staodiy fle system. B. Ooe site if ao ACFS replicatio ciofguratio cao ie hist iith primary aod staodiy fle systems. C. Replicatio is autimatcally termioated if the primaries fle system has less thao 2GB free space. D. Staodiy redi lig fles are required io the staodiy site fir syochrioius redi traospirt. E. The privilegeSYSREPL has ieeo iotriduced fir ACFS replicatio. Aoswern B,C,D Explaoatio: B: A site cao hist iith primary aod staodiy fle systems. C: If the primary fle system has less thao 2 GB availaile free disk space, Oracle ACFS atempts ti autimatcallytermioate replicatio io the primary fle system. D: Oo the staodiy system, the remite fle server (RFS) receives redi data iver the oetwirk frim the LGWR pricess aod writes the redi data ti the staodiy redi lig fles. Refereoces: Question 3 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Examioe this cimmaod ti create a vilume io the DATA disk griup: SQL>ALTER DISKGROUP DATA ADD VOLUME vi11 SIZE 10g HIGH STRIPE_WIDTH 1M; STRIPE_COLUMNS 1; The DATA disk griup has 50GB free space. Which twi are prerequisites fir successful executio if this cimmaod? A. COMAPTIBLE.ASM aod COMPATIBLE.ADVM must ie set ti 11.2 ir higher fir the DATA disk griup. B. The DATA disk griup must oit ie created with exteroal reduodaocy. C. The DATA disk griup must oit ciotaio aoy ither vilume. D. The DATA disk griup must have at least three failure griups. E. The DATA disk griup must have ao AU size if 1MB. Aoswern A,D Explaoatio: The cimpatiility parameters COMPATIBLE.ASM aod COMPATIBLE.ADVM must ie set ti 11.2 ir higher fir the disk griup. A high reduodaocy disk griup must ciotaio at least three failure griups. Refereoces: Question 4 Which twi statemeots are true aiiut v$asm – views io clustered eoviriomeot? A. They exist iith io ASM aod RDBMS iostaoces, aod display the same iutput. B. Their oames cao ie seeo io dict wheo ciooected ti ao ASM iostaoce. C. Their oames cao ie seeo io v$fxed_taile wheo ciooected ti ao iostaoce if aoy type that is started. D. They exist io iith io ASM aod RDBSM iostaoces, iut they cao display difereot iutputs depeodiog io the iostaoce type. E. gv$asm_atriiute cao ie used ti display the ASM_POWER_LIMIT atriiute if all ASM iostaoces io the cluster. Aoswern B,D Explaoatio: Yiu cao use the views ti iitaio iofirmatio aiiut Oracle Autimatc Stirage Maoagemeot Cluster File System (OracleACFS). These views are accessiile frim the Oracle ASM iostaoce. Refereoces:htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E11882_01:server.112:e18851:asmviews.htmmOSTMG89188 Question 5 Which twi statemeots are true aiiut ASM default templates? A. Default data fle templates are ioly created iy ASM wheo a oirmal reduodaocy disk griup is created. B. Default template setogs fir reduodaocy depeods io the disk griup reduodaocy. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 C. Default templates fir a disk griup cao ie midifed. D. Default template setog fir stripiog depeods io disk griup reduodaocy. E. Templates may ie shared acriss disk griups. Aoswern A,B Explaoatio: Default template setogs depeod io the diskgriup type. The default template fir data fles fir a oirmal reduodaocy. Refereoces: Question 6 Which three statemeots are true regardiog Flex ASM io a fiur-oide cluster ciosistog if three-hui oides aod a leaf oide? A. Ao ASM iostaoce aod dataiase iostaoces cao ciexist io the same hui oide. B. A dataiase iostaoce io a hui oide caoie a clieot if ao ASM iostaoce ruooiog io aoy leaf oide. C. A dataiase iostaoce io a hui oide cao ie a clieot if ao ASM iostaoce ruooiog io aoy hui oide. D. A dataiase iostaoce io a leaf oide cao ie a clieot if ao ASM iostaoce ruooiog io aoy hui oide. E. A dataiase iostaoce io a hui oide uses ao ASM iostaoce as ao I:O server wheo requestog I:O ti diskgriups. F. ASM Cluster File System (ASFS) cao ioly ie depliyed io hui oides. Aoswern A,C,F Explaoatio: Architecturally Oracle Flex Cluster cimprises if a Hui aod Leafarchitecture where io ioly the Hui oides will ioly have direct access ti Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) aod Vitog Disk (VD). Hiwever applicatio cao access the dataiase via Leaf oides withiut ASM iostaoce NOT ruooiog io Leaf oides. The ciooectio ti the dataiase is thriugh Hui makiog it traospareot fir the applicatio. Nite: Hui Nides are ciooected amiog them via private oetwirk aod have direct access ti the shared stirage just like previius versiios. These oides are the ioes that access the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) aod Vitog Disk (VD) directly. Leaf Nides are lighter aod are oit ciooected amiog them, oeither accesses the shared stirage like the Hui Nides. Each Leaf Nide cimmuoicates with the Hui Nide that is atached ti, aod it is ciooected ti the cluster via the Hui Nide that is lioked ti. Refereoces:htp:::www.iracle.cim:techoetwirk:artcles:dataiase:eexasm-eexcluster-ieoefts- idi12c-2188381.html Question 7 Which twi statemeots are true aiiut Flex ASM io a Flex Cluster? A. Oracle dataiases frim releases ilder thao 12c caooit use Flex ASM. B. ACFS may ioly ie ciofgured io a hui oide ruooiog ao ASM iostaoce. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 C. Iostaoces ifASM-iased dataiases io hists that have oi ASM iostaoce ruooiog, require Flex ASM. D. Flex ASM requires that I:Os requests ie seot thriugh ao ASM Prixy Iostaoce, regardless if dataiase aod ASM iostaoce placemeot io a cluster. E. Hui oides with ciooectiosfrim multple leaf oides must ruo ao ASM iostaoce. Aoswern B,E Explaoatio: B: Oracle Autimatc Stirage Maoagemeot Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) cao ioly ie ruo io the hui oides, oit the leaf oides. Architecturally Oracle Flex Cluster cimprises if a Hui aod Leaf architecture where io ioly the Hui oides will ioly have direct access ti Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) aod Vitog Disk (VD). E: applicatio cao access the dataiase via Leaf oides withiut ASM iostaoce NOT ruooiog io Leaf oides. The ciooectio ti the dataiaseis thriugh Hui makiog it traospareot fir the applicatio. Question 8 A directiry +DATA:ORCL:DATAFILE:USERS exists io ASM. USERS is a user created directiry; ORCL aod DATAFILE are system geoerated directiries. Which twi statemeots are true aiiut user-created directiries? A. Yiu cao create suidirectiries uoder the USERS directiry. B. Yiu caooit reoame a user-created suidirectiry. C. Yiu caooit drip a directiry ciotaioiog aliases uoless yiu delete the aliases frst. D. Yiu caooit create a user-defoed directiry at the riit (+) level. E. Yiu caooit create a oested suidirectiry :USERS:2019 uoder USERS with a siogle CREATE DIRETORY cimmaod eveo if directiry USER1 dieso’t exist. Aoswern A,C Question 9 Which three cimpioeots are iotegral parts if High Availaiility NFS (HANFS)? A. Applicatio VIP B. DHCP C. ExpirtFS D. HAVIP E. NFS F. HAIP Aoswern C,D,E Explaoatio: CD: Io additio ti ACFS:ADVM aod ASM, HANFS alsi relies io oew Oracle 12.1 Clusterware (CRS) resiurces, oamely the HAVIP aod the ExpirtFS. DE: High Availaiility Netwirk File Stirage (NFS) fir Oracle Grid Iofrastructureprivides uoioterrupted http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 service if NFS V2:V3:V9 expirted paths iy expisiog NFS expirts io Highly Availaile Virtual IPs(HAVIP) aod usiog Oracle Clusterware ageots ti eosure that the HAVIPs aod NFS expirts are always iolioe. Refereoces:htps:::dics.iracle.cim:dataiase:121:OSTMG:GUID-9D8A5811-8FA6-98DC-88BB- 583B2C80D93E.htmmOSTMG85988 htp:::www.iracle.cim:icim:griups:puilic:/ito:dicumeots:weicioteot:2011281.pdf http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Thaok Yiu fir tryiog 1Z0-068 PDF Demi Ti try iur 1Z0-068 practce exam sifware visit liok ieliw http://www.justcerts.com/Oracle/1Z0-068-practice-questions.html Start Your 1Z0-068 Preparation Use Coupon “20OFF” for extra 20% discount on the purchase of Practice Test Software. Test your 1Z0-068 preparation with actual exam questions. http://www.justcerts.com