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Business & Startup Coaching Adelaide Federico is an experienced business coach and startup coach with over 25 years of business building experience throughout Australia.
He has coached hundreds of individuals across Melbourne and other regions,including Startups, SME business owners, CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, and other enterprising individuals, who aspire to reach their peak performance in their lives, business venture(s), and/or with their careers.
Areas of Speciality: Federico’s areas of speciality and solid hands-on experience encompasses multiple facets of a typical organisation including: • businessmodelling, planning, strategy, & development • leadership, staffmanagement, teambuilding, organisationalculture, staffhiring & firing • revenuegeneration, salespitching, negotiation, goalsetting, budgeting, & customerrelationshipmanagement • expensebudgeting & financialmanagement • import / export, B2B, wholesaledistribution • logistics, 3PL, manufacturing, & productsourcing • productdevelopment, brandmanagement, communication, retailpointofsale • digitalmarketing, socialmedia, SEO / SEM, onlineretail, & e-commerce • successionplanning & exitstrategies • entrepreneurship, mindsettraining, ‘decisionship’ methodology, & emotionalintelligence Federico has extensive experience as a business coach, executive coach, startup coach, and business consultant across many industry sectors. His clientele have stemmed from industries including:
retail, agricultural, automotive, building & construction, health & fitness, educational, food & beverage, graphic arts, hair & beauty, wholesale & distribution, informationtechnology, media, journalism, hospitality, healthcare, manufacturing, animalhealthcare, government, tourism, pharmaceutical, publishing, realestate, security, andmore. Compared to other business coaches in Australia, Federico’s broad experience across many industry sectors, hands-on approach and experience as a business consultant, gives him an edge over other business coaches in the marketplace. WhatyouwillexpectfromFederico’sBusinessCoaching: Federico’s career as a business coach and startup coach first began in 2007 when he was personally coached by British Serial Entrepreneur - Anne McKevitt. It was this initial encounter with Anne that ignited Federico’s passion, and desire to pursue a career in business coaching. In 2013, Federico received further training and coaching by Australian Serial Entrepreneur Creel Price, at the BransonCentreofEntrepreneurshipinSouthAfrica in ‘Decisionship’ Methodology. Federico’s extensive professional training in business management and mindset coaching, has enabled his Clients to achieve peak performance, transforming them into successful and high performing individuals. His coaching style embraces NeuroLinguisticProgramming (NLP) and DecisionshipMethodology.
“Federicoisanactiveandemphaticlistener. Hiscoachingstyleisdirectyetempathetic, thought-provoking, andguaranteedtoyieldimpressiveresultsfortheClient”
His approach to business coaching and startup coaching is direct yet empathetic, thought-provoking, and guaranteed to provide instant and transformational results for his Clients in realistic timeframes. Many satisfied Clients consider Federico as one of ‘Australia’sbestBusinessCoaches’. Federico’s impressive list of endorsements via LinkedIn, by industry professionals and clients worldwide, is testament of his deep experience and reputation as a business coach. This also extends across many other specialities or areas, including but not limited t0 -‘entrepreneurship',‘ publicspeaking', ‘start-ups’, ‘ business strategy',‘ businessdevelopment', ‘leadership',‘ management', and many more. HowcanFederico’sBusinessCoachingserviceshelpmybusiness ? Business coaches or startup coaches are often employed by business owners who want to expand or accelerate their business growth, increase profitability, enhance staff performance, become a market leader, or simply address operational issues on a day to day basis. Business coaches will assist business owners of all shapes and sizes, to come up with practical solutions, viable tactics, and simple strategies to achieve their personal and business goals. “anexperiencedbusinesscoach, likeFedericoRe, canoffertheexpertknowledgenecessarytohelpanybusiness ownertransformtheirordinarybusinessintoathrivingenterprise” Even those with plenty of management / business experience can find themselves struggling to achieve their desired goals on their own. This is quite typical for ‘solopreneurs’. An experienced business coach, like Federico
Re, can therefore offer the expert knowledge necessary to help any business owner transform their ordinary business into a thriving enterprise. His unique 1:1 programs are designed to offer a convenient, affordable, and professional business coaching service, from an Aussie entrepreneur who has literally survived and thrived in the business eco-system for over 25 years. Contact Federico on his mobile (0408510378), for a confidential discussion. His Business Coaching Adelaide services are offered 1:1 via Teams. “anexperiencedbusinesscoach, likeFedericoRe, canoffertheexpertknowledge necessarytohelpanybusinessownertransformtheirordinarybusinessintoathriving enterprise” Suggested Programs: 30-MinuteQuickCoaching This program is a fast and cost-effective coaching solution to boost personal performance. For just $149 a session, you can receive one-on-one tactical coaching from an industry expert and
achieve guaranteed and immediate results! Click here for more information.
Book a FREE DISCOVERY SESSION with Federico Re Testimonial “Federicoisanadamantprofessional. He displaysstrongcharacterandexcellenceinall
ofhisbusinessdealings. InthetimethatI havehadthepleasureofworkingwithhimwe havedevelopedastrongtrust-based relationship. Ilookforwardtoworking togethercloselyonfutureprojects. Itrust thatyouwillhavethesameexperienceasI have. Professional, personableandattentiveto detail.” David Burkett - Managing Director at Flowstate Agency Business Coaching Adelaide CreativeEntrepreneur- Copyright. All rights reserved.
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