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If you are looking for the best pulmonary rehabilitation center in NYC, then Highland Care Center is the best option for you. Highland Care Center provides the best care facilities for patients. Pulmonary rehab includes programs of exercise, nutritional counseling, education, and breathing strategies to improve day-to-day activities. <br>To learn more: https://highlandrehabandnursing.com/services/pulmostar/
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Nyc Learnmore
‘PulmoStar’ (PULMONARY CAREPROGRAM) ThePulmonaryCare ProgramatHighland Care Center is designed to meet the clinical needsofpatients withchronicandacute respiratoryconditionswhichmayrequire oxygen,suctioning,nebulizer treatments, and/or the use of a BiPAP or CPAP machines. Thegoaloftheprogramistolimitthe physical effects of respiratory-related illness andimproveoverallhealth.An INDIVIDUALIZED pulmonary-focused plan of care is designed for each patient placed in in our PulmonaryCareProgram.
REHABILITATION EDUCATION&SUPPORT Pulmonary-FocusedRehabilitationisa customizedprogramcomprisedof exercise and education designed to help youunderstandyourconditionand provide you with a treatment plan that includesphysical reconditioning, nutritionalcounseling, emotional support andeducation.
Throughout your stay, your condition and progressaremonitored24hours/7 days perweekbyatrainedteamoflicensed therapistsand nursing staffwho continuously track your progress. You will also benefit from healthy practices such as a nutritious diet, daily exercise routines on state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to assist you to cope with the stress related toyourcondition.. INDIVIDUALIZEDPLANOFCARE
Exercisesafelyinordertoincreaseyour physical activityandendurance EXERCISE AND HEALTH Planandfollowahealthydietdesignedto reduce stress to your respiratory system Reduceyourriskforfuturerespiratory- relatedproblems Improveyouroverallemotionalhealth andwell-being
Improved tolerance for physicalactivity Reducedsubsequent hospitalizations Returntomeaningful vocationandleisure activities Reduction of significant complications OPTIMALGOALSOF ‘PulmoStar’PROGRAM
ContactUs 91-31175thStreetJamaica, NY11432 718-657-6363 www.highlandrehabandnursing.com