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Are you looking for a neurotherapy center for stroke patients in Jamaica, NY? The Highland Care Center is a stroke rehabilitation facility. A program of various therapies called stroke rehabilitation is meant to help you regain abilities you lost as a result of a stroke. Rehabilitation can assist with movement, speech, strength, and daily living skills, depending on the areas of your brain that were impaired by the stroke. You can restore your independence and enhance your quality of life with the aid of stroke rehabilitation.https://highlandrehabandnursing.com/services/neurostar/
The Neuro/Stroke Rehabilitation Program at Highland Care Center has been designed specifically for individuals who are recovering from a stroke or other traumatic brain injury. Our goal is to help you recover as much functionality as possible and improve your physical and cognitive status so you can returnhomeasquicklyandsafelyaspossible. First step is to design a ‘CUSTOMIZED’ treatment plan based on your needs and abilities which will teach you how to move correctly again. Prior to admission, the Interdisciplinary Team (therapists, nurses, social workers and other related health professionals) will review the clinical information provided by your acute care facility in order to familiarize the team with the clinical care you received prior to transfer to Highland Care and the recommendations of the acute care physicians and therapists. During your first few day at Highland Care Center, members of the Interdisciplinary Team, led by a board-certified physician, will assess your current level of functioning, discuss your current physical & cognitive status with you and your family (as permitted) and ask you to define YOUR GOALS (ambulate a designated distance, climb steps, drive a car). Based on this discussion, a plan of care will be developed, which will include a full range of neurological recovery and brain injury rehabilitative services (based on your health history, medical needs and outcome goals) so that theteamcanworkcloselywithyouinordertoachievethosegoals.
COMPREHENSIVECARE AND UNPARALLELED THERAPY Our ‘NeuroStar’ program features an intensive therapy program, as well as the latest equipment and modalitiestoimproveyour function and performance. These include:
Strength-building and mobility equipment (treadmill, bike, arm bike, SciFitandgymballs) Ultrasound,E-stimandshort-wavediathermytreatmentsthatenhance recovery by helping to relax and heal muscles, as well as alleviate pain andstiffness. Balancemachinetoidentifybalancerelatedissues,develop interventions and monitor progress to improve your balance MedicationManagement,cognitiveretrainingandpsychological consultationstoprovidemotivation,addressanxiety,depressionand othersideeffectsofstroke. Ahighlyskilledteamoflicensedtherapistsandnursingstaffcertified inpost-acutecareprotocolsandpractices. Licensednurseswhoprovidecareandservices24hoursaday Casemanagement anddischarge planingto coordinate our treatment planandensureasmoothtransitiontohome.
‘NeuroStar’ allows our patients to receive comprehensive coordinated care, education,andthetoolsneededtorestore theskillsnecessarytoreturnhome.
ContactUs 91-31175th StreetJamaica, NY11432 718-657-6363 www.highlandrehabandnursing.com
ThYaonuk www.highlandrehabandnursing.com