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Are you looking for a Stokes rehabilitation center in Queens? If yes, then Highland Care Center offers the best neurological physical therapy in Queens. The purpose of neurological physical therapy is to regain functional mobility, strength, and coordination in people with neurological conditions that affect their quality of life. If anyone is looking for a neurological care program, then feel free to contact us with the help of our site.
Neurological PhysicalTherapy InQueens Learnmore
‘NeuroStar’(NEURO/STROKEREHABILITATION) The Neuro/Stroke RehabilitationProgramat HighlandCareCenterhasbeendesigned specifically for individuals who are recovering from a stroke or other traumatic brain injury. Ourgoal istohelpyourecoverasmuch functionalityaspossibleandimproveyour physicalandcognitivestatussoyoucan returnhomeasquicklyandsafelyaspossible.
Firststepistodesigna‘CUSTOMIZED’treatmentplan based on your needs and abilities which will teach you how tomovecorrectlyagain.Priortoadmission,the Interdisciplinary Team (therapists, nurses, social workers andotherrelatedhealthprofessionals)willreviewthe clinical information provided by your acute care facility in ordertofamiliarizetheteamwiththeclinical careyou receivedpriortotransfertoHighlandCareandthe and recommendations of the acute care physicians therapists.DuringyourfirstfewdayatHighlandCare Center, members of the Interdisciplinary Team, led by a board-certified physician, will assess your current level of functioning, discussyourcurrentphysical& cognitive status with you and your family (as permitted) and ask you to define YOURGOALS(ambulate a designated distance, climbsteps,driveacar).
COMPREHENSIVECAREAND UNPARALLELEDTHERAPY Our ‘NeuroStar’ program features an intensivetherapyprogram,aswellasthe latest equipment and modalities to improveyourfunctionandperformance. Theseinclude:
Therapyuptosevendaysperweek StateoftheArtTherapyRoom Strength-buildingandmobilityequipment(treadmill,bike,armbike,SciFit andgymballs) Ultrasound, E-stim and short-wave diathermy treatments that enhance recoverybyhelpingtorelaxandhealmuscles,aswellasalleviatepainand stiffness. Balancemachinetoidentifybalancerelatedissues,developinterventions andmonitorprogresstoimproveyourbalance MedicationManagement,cognitiveretrainingandpsychological consultations to provide motivation, address anxiety, depression and othersideeffectsofstroke. A highly skilled team of licensed therapists and nursing staff certified in post-acutecareprotocolsandpractices.
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