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This article gives insights about the benefits of using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM along with its portals that help in increasing your business and understand your customers.
sales@crmjetty.com 5 Features Why Dynamics CRM 365is Perfect for AnyEnterprise A loyal customer base is one of the most important aspects of a successful company. And it is necessary to build a relationshipwiththemandunderstandtheirneeds. For any organization, managing customers’ data is crucial. To handle such data and build relationships with customers, a powerful CRM is all youneed. Today, it's difficult to choose the right option for you as there are plenty of optionsavailable.
sales@crmjetty.com mostused MicrosoftDynamics365isoneofthe • enterprise-level CRM. Many organizations are choosing Dynamics365becauseofitsfeature-richfunctionality. • Microsoft launched it at the end of 2016. It has new and enhanced tools to help increase your sales, better your marketingeffortsandsimplifythecustomerserviceprocess. • With Dynamics 365, your employees become more productive as well. It provides deeper insights into performance, customer relationships and opportunities. Additionally, it is easytointegratewithyourcompany’sbusinessstructure. • Overall, it’s a powerful solution to manage all your business aspects. • There are many reasons to use Microsoft 365 but let's look at someofthefeatureswhichmakeitstandoutofthecrowd.An insightintowhyitisthefirstchoiceofmanybusinessowners. • Sales • This helps you and your sales team to manage the sales workflows and drive in more sales. With itsprocess-driven module, you can conversionprocess. simplifyyourleadqualificationand Also,ithelpstounderstandyour customersonadeeperlevel.
sales@crmjetty.com • Marketing • It offers you the ability to manage leads, contacts, and campaigns. The best part is that it includes customers, prospect segmentation, and planning of marketing campaigns with a proper workflow. It helps in providing analytics, reportingandeasycollaborationbetweenmarketingandsales. • CustomerService • You can easily manage your service phase of the customer lifecycle using this CRM. It’s a powerful system thatunifies the whole experience of your customers. The best part is that it has streamlined customer service process that helps you to deliverstrongandefficientcustomercare. • FieldService • This module is for companies having field service technicians. It offers features like project management, scheduling, routing, work orders, contract management, inventory, and return capabilities. Moreover, CRM mobile application makes iteasy for technicianstoaccessthesefeaturesonthego.So,if your company has field technicians then this is a must have feature for you. As it provides ease to you as well as your technicians. • ProjectService
sales@crmjetty.com This module is for project-based businesses. It has tools like project planning, resource scheduling, time and expense management, and service analytics. Using this tool, you can knowproject-wiseperformanceinbrief.Togetthebestofthis module,youcaneasilyintegrateitwithMicrosoftProject. Now let’s look at some of the most unique selling points of Microsoft Dynamics CRM which sets it apart from other CRM platforms. Integration This CRM easily integrates with the other Microsoft products likeOffice365andDynamics365apps.Ithelpsyoutoincrease productivity andperformance. The integration with Outlook will help you to view existing customer information, sales activities, opportunity information, track outlook emails in your outlook screen, etc. You can easily perform CRM tasks such as adding new leads, tasks,appointmentsorcallsinyourcustomerrecord. ItbecomeseasytosharecustomerdatafromDynamics365to Microsoft Excel Sheet or Word. You can export data from Dynamics365toPowerBIforanalyzinganddecisionmaking. PowerApps This tool gives you the opportunity to build custom applications without the need of technical expertise orcode.
sales@crmjetty.com ItsintegrationwithallMicrosoftproductsincludingOffice365 makesiteasytoleveragedataanddeployit. LinkedInSalesNavigatorApplicationPlatform (SNAP) In 2016, Microsoft purchased LinkedIn. This makes integration of Dynamics 365 and LinkedIn seamless. This helps you to search the LinkedIn network for leads and save them directly as CRM records. It also recommends you with leads based on your searches and makes it easy to view profiles while searching for capablecandidates. Portals Portals, especially customer portals, are an essential part if you are growing your business. They help you to provide better customer service by being available 24/7 for your customers. Microsoft provides a variety of Dynamics CRM portalstocomplementthatfunctionality. There are many companies that develop customized portals thatyoucanintegratewithyourDynamicsCRM. Anygood Dynamics365customerportalwillhavefeatureslike knowledge base, chat support to resolve queries, etc. and would be fully scalable as well. And if you are usingWordPress as your CMS, then there is a Dynamics CRM WordPress customerportalavailableinthemarket.
sales@crmjetty.com Conclusion: DidthesebenefitsencourageyoutotryoutDynamics365and its powerful tools? Use it with other tools like Dynamics 365 portals, integrations, etc. to grow your business and customer base. ThisArticlePostisOriginallyPostedhere: https://www.sooperarticles.com/technology-articles/soft ware-articles/5-features-why-dynamics-crm-365-perfect-a ny-enterprise-1750699.html www.crmjetty.com