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Learn about Comfortis, the heavy flea infestation treatment for your dog. Comfortis also prevent fleas for 30 days

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  2. Comfortis Flea Control for Dogs Comfortis is a perfect solution for the heavy flea infestation on dogs. Available in five chewable flavored tablet sizes, Comfortis is an effective oral treatment. Recommended for prevention and treatment of flea infestation, these beef flavored tablets kill fleas within half an hour of administration. Lasting for 30 days, Comfortis controls and prevents fleas from attacking canines. How does it work? The active ingredient Spinosad in the tablet destroys fleas and all its life stages preventing future flea infestation in dogs. This eco-friendly component directly attacks nervous system of the fleas resulting in paralysis and eventually death. Comfortis kills fleas and protects dogs from harmful flea infestation. This monthly chewable tablet starts to kill fleas within 30 minutes and removes fleas completely. This oral treatment lasts for the whole month giving protection to your pet. Suitable for puppies as young as 14 weeks, Comfortis is safe for all breeds of canines. Benefits An active flea treatment for easy and quick oral administration. The fast acting formula starts working within 30 minutes of intake. It kills 100% fleas and prevents flea infestation. Comfortis is specially designed to kill adult fleas and eggs preventing flea multiplication. Highly effective when combined with tick or intestinal worm treatment. No side effects on pets and environment. This oral treatment is easy to administer compared to topical treatment. Direction Comfortis for dogs is available in five different colored packs according to the size of dog. Weigh your dog first before choosing the appropriate pack. Comfortis is a chewable tablet so can be given to your pet as a treat prior to feeding. Put directly into the mouth or mix it with pet’s food and ensure entire meal is eaten up. Fasting is not necessary for administering Comfortis to your pet. Administer Comfortis orally to your dog once a month for total protection from fleas. Dosage and Administration Standard dosage schedule: Body Weight 5 to 10 lbs 10.1 to 20 lbs 20.1 to 40 lbs 40.1 to 60 lbs 60.1 to 120* lbs Spinosad Per Tablet (mg) 140 270 560 810 1620 Tablets Administered One tablet as a single dose One tablet as a single dose One tablet as a single dose One tablet as a single dose One tablet as a single dose Safety Keep out of reach of pets and children

  3. Store it at temperature between 68-77 °F and away from edible items. Wash hands before and after administering the chewable. Avoid combining Comfortis with treatment having Ivermectin as an ingredient. This induces some side effects in sensitive dogs. Contraindications Not safe for puppies less than 14 weeks of age. For pregnant and lactating dogs, consult your veterinarian. For epileptic or breeding dogs, take advice from your vet. FAQs: When can I start giving Comfortis to my pet? Comfortis treatment can be given any time of the year. Best practice is to start a month before the flea season and then continue until the end of flea season. In heavily infested areas, continue the treatment for an entire year without interrupting the monthly dosage. If you have more than one pet then treat all of them with relevant flea treatments. This will rule out chances of infestations. Are there any vet considerations before starting Comfortis chewable tablets? You must consult your vet to check the sensitivity of your pet towards any of the ingredients of the tablet. This will help in preventing any adverse reactions. Vet advice is a must before starting any pet treatment. Ask for his advice if you are planning to breed your pet. Also, confirm the usage of tablets if your pet has a history of epilepsy or seizures. What is the best way to administer Comfortis? Being an oral tablet, it is best to give comfortis with food. You can give it after food or along with it. If possible then repeat every month on the same date. If vomiting occurs within one hour of administration then re-dose with another full tablet. On missing a dose, start the tablets from the day when you remember. Administer it with the meal and resume the monthly schedule from there onwards. In case of overdose, consult a vet immediately. What are the side effects of Comfortis? Although side effects are very rare, they might occur to hypersensitive pets. Vomiting is a common side effect but has a transient effect with no need of symptomatic treatment. Apart from that lethargy, diarrhea, increased thirst, excessive salivation, skin inflammation, cough and hyperactivity are other side effects. Consult your vet if any of these or other abnormal behavior is observed. Can I club Comfortis with other treatments? Not without the advice of your vet.

  4. More Info Target species Mode of administration Active Ingredients Manufacturer Brand Name Dogs Oral Spinosad Elanco Comfortis For more information or to place order please visit below link :- https://www.canadavetexpress.com/flea-and-tick-control-treatment/comfortis-for-dogs/p73.aspx

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