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Why You Should Consider Switching Cat's Flea Treatment?

With time many strains of fleas are becoming resistant to the regular and efficient flea treatments. That is a serious concern. It's time to switch the treatments for cats if you find your treatments ineffective.

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Why You Should Consider Switching Cat's Flea Treatment?

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  1. Why You Should Consider Switching Cat's Flea Treatment? Flea treatments are very crucial for any cat parents because fleas are one of the most annoying parasites and you need to have a proper defense plan as far as flea infestations are concerned. Although flea treatments are very efficient, however, with time many strains of fleas are becoming resistant to the regular products and that is a serious concern. “Why do fleas become resistant to these treatments?” This is the question that will be arising in your brain currently so let’s address that first. Why Do Fleas Become Resistant To These Treatments? Similar to the case of humans, whenever you use a treatment and if the usage is not regular then there is a chance of the parasites developing the resistance because irregular usage gives flea’s body the much needed time to develop the resistance. And also if a product is in the market for a long time, the DNA of fleas develops a way to not get affected by these treatments. Hence, changing your flea treatment is very important in regular intervals. Switch The Treatments If You Find Your Treatment Ineffective Now if you are considering switching the product because you are not getting the desired results, you can switch the products For Example- If you are using Frontline spot-on you can switch to Bravecto Spot-on or Revolution. Also, Frontline spot-on containing fipronil is found ineffective on many cats so in that case, you can switch to Bravecto or Revolution. Below are the characteristics of these products. 1. Bravecto Spot-On For Cats

  2. Buy Bravecto Spot-on at Lowest Price | Free Shipping! •Safe to be given to kittens aged more than 6 months of age or weighing more than 2.6 pounds •The effective treatment eliminates fleas and ticks •Fluralaner containing spot-on has a long-lasting effect •The spot-on remains active for 3 long months •Mess-free and odor free easy to use treatment •The product is manufactured by Merk which is a world-renowned pet health care company •Starts working right after the 2 hours of administration •Kills 100% fleas in 12 hours and eradicates >94% of ticks within 48 hours of administration 2. Revolution Buy Revolution for Cats | Free Shipping! •Kills 100% fleas in 36 hours of infestations and also prevents re-infestation of fleas •Treats and controls intestinal worms like roundworms and hookworms

  3. •Treats sarcoptic mange •Effective in preventing heartworm •The treatment consists of selamectin as an active ingredient •Manufactured by the very reliable pet health care company, Zoetis •Safe to use of pregnant and lactating cats •Can be administered to kittens older than 6 weeks of age Dosage Schedule: There are many more products you can switch to like Stronghold, Advantage, Advantage (Multi), Frontline spray, and Effipro Spot-on. Never think twice if you see your flea treatment not working. Consult your vet and ask for a replacement. Parasites are upping their game its time you should do it too. Reference: https://canadavetexpressblog.wordpress.com/2019/03/13/why-should-you-switch- your-cats-flea-treatments-in-a-while/ You may also like to read Four Quick Remedies for Dull Coat in Cats : https://www.canadavetexpress.com/blog/4-quick-fix-remedies-for-dull-hair-coat-in-cats/

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