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ACC 225 UOP Courses

For more course tutorials visit www.shoptutorial.com<br><br>ACC 225<br>Financial Accounting<br>Week One: Accounting Information and Financial Statements<br>Discussion Questions<br>CheckPoint: Financial Statements<br>Exercises: Accounting and Business Organizations<br>Week Two: Business Transactions<br>CheckPoint: Debits and Credits<br>Assignment: Preparing Journal Entries and Trial Balances <br>Week Three: Preparing Financial Statements<br>Discussion Questions<br>CheckPoint: Adjustments and Accrual and Cash Basis Accounting<br>Week Four: Completing the Accounting Cycle<br>CheckPoint: Preparing Balance Sheets and Statements<br>Assignment: Preparing Entries and Statements<br>Week Five: Merchandising Accounting<br>Discussion Questions<br>CheckPoint: Inventory Systems and Calculating Revenues, Expenses, and Income<br>Week Six: Inventory<br>CheckPoint: Computing Inventory Balances and Lower of Cost or Market<br>Assignment: Estimating Inventory and Preparing Multiple Step and Single Step Income Statements<br>

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ACC 225 UOP Courses

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  1. ACC 225 UOP Courses

  2. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Entire Course ACC 225 Week 1 Checkpoint Financial Statements • ACC 225Financial Accounting • Week One: Accounting Information and Financial StatementsDiscussion QuestionsCheckPoint: Financial StatementsExercises: Accounting and Business Organizations • Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, Ch. 1• Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]• Consider that you have been asked to explain financial statements to someone whoknows nothing about accounting.

  3. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 ACC 225 Week 1 Exercise Accounting Organizations • Due Date: Day 2 [post to the Main forum]• Post your response to the following: Interview a friend or family member about his/herwork environment. Is his/her organization a sole proprietorship, partnership, orcorporation? Who is involved with the accounting decisions and information? • Exercises: Accounting and Business Organizations• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, p. 30• Due Date: Day 5• Post your answers to Exercises 1 1 and 1 4.

  4. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 2 Assignment PreparingjournalEntries ACC 225 Week 2 CheckPoint Debits and Credits • Assignment: Preparing Journal Entries and Trial Balances• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 76 and 80• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum • Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, p. 74• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum• Post your answers to Quick Study questions QS 2 3, QS 2 4, and QS 2 5.

  5. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 3 Checkpoint Adjustments ACC 225 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 • Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 116 118 and 120• Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum• Complete Quick Study questions QS 3 1 and QS 3 9 on pp. 116 and 117 and Exercises3 1 and 3 7 on pp. 118 and 120.• Post your answers as an attachment. • Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum• Post your response to the following:o What is the difference between cash basis and accrual basis accounting?o Why do accrual basis financial statements provide more useful information thancash basis financial statements?

  6. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 4 Assignment Preparing Entries ACC 225 Week 4 Checkpoint Preparing BalanceSheets • Resources: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 165 167• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum• Complete Problems 4 5A and 4 6A. When responding to the analysis component of 45A, be sure to think critically about the possible errors that are described. • Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 156 and 159• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum• Complete Quick Study question QS 4 2 on p. 156 and Exercises 4 4 and 4 5 on p. 159.• Post your answers as an attachment.

  7. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 5 Checkpoint Inventory Systems ACC 225 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 • CheckPoint: Inventory Systems and Calculating Revenues, Expenses, and Income• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 206, 208, and 209.• Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum • Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum• Post your response to the following: Find the financial statements of a service companyand of a merchandising company: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072512431/student_view0/chapter1/text_company_links.html

  8. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 6 Assignment Estimating Inventory ACC 225 Week 6 Checkpoint Computing Inventory • Assignment: Estimating Inventory and Preparing Multiple Step and Single Step IncomeStatements• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 251 and 256• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum • CheckPoint: Computing Inventory Balances and Lower of Cost or Market• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 247 249• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum

  9. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 7 Checkpoint Accounting ACC 225 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 • CheckPoint: Accounting Information Systems and Special Journals• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 289, 290, and 291• Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum • Discussion Question 1• Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum• Post your response to the following: Megagrocer is a grocery chain that operates fivestores.

  10. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 8 Assignment Internal Control ACC 225 Week 8 Checkpoint Internal Control • Assignment: Internal Control and Bank Reconciliations• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 338 and 339• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum • CheckPoint: Internal Control and Bank Reconciliations• Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 335 and 336• Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum

  11. ACC 225 UOP Courses ACC 225 Week 9 Capstone DQ ACC 225 Week 9 Final Project • Due Date: Day 3 [Main] forum• Post your response to the following: A major network is launching a reality programcalled The Accountant. A group of recent accounting graduates will be competing for aspot in a national accounting firm. • Final Project: Comprehensive Problem Perpetual• Resources: Appendix A, Fundamental Accounting Principles, p. 301, and Appendix C• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum• Complete the Comprehensive Problem Perpetual.

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