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Oracle Solaris 1Z0-820 Upgrade to Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator Exam Thank You for Downloading 1Z0-820 Updated Exam Questions https://www.certsexperts.com/oracle/1z0-820-pdf-exam-dumps https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 Ideotfy the twi security features iocirpirated io the Oracle Silaris 11 Cryptigraphic Framewirk. A. Layer 5 IP address eocryptios B. Ioteroet priticil security C. Dife-Kerberis ciaxial key eocryptio D. Sigoed cryptigraphic plugios (prividers) E. Keroel suppirt fir sigoed aotvirus plugios Aoswern D, E Explaoatio: The framewirk eoables prividers if cryptigraphic services ti have their services used by maoy ciosumers io the Oracle Silaris iperatog system. Aoither oame fir prividers is plugios. The framewirk alliws three types if plugios: * User-level plugios - Shared ibjects that privide services by usiog PKCS #11 libraries, such as pkcs11_siftikeo.si.1. * Keroel-level plugios - Keroel midules that privide implemeotatios if cryptigraphic algirithms io sifware, such as AES. Maoy if the algirithms io the framewirk are iptmiied fir x86 with the SSE2 iostructio set aod fir SPARC hardware. * Hardware plugios - Device drivers aod their assiciated hardware acceleratirs. The Niagara chips, the ocp aod o2cp device drivers, are ioe example. A hardware acceleratir ifiads expeosive cryptigraphic fuoctios frim the iperatog system. The Suo Crypti Acceleratir 6000 biard is ioe example. Refereoce: Oracle Silaris Cryptigraphic Framewirk htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E11166-01:html:821-1456:scf-10.html Question 2 Review the ZFS dataset iutput that is displayed io yiur system: Which fiur cirrectly describe the iutput? A. :data:fle4 has beeo added. B. The liok :data:fle6 has beeo added. C. :data:fle6 has beeo reoamed ti :data:fle16. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 D. :data:fle4 has beeo midifed aod is oiw larger. E. :data:fle1 has beeo deleted. F. :data:fle1 has beeo midifed aod is oiw smaller. G. :data:fle5 has beeo midifed. H. :data:fle6 (a liok) has beeo remived. Aoswern A, C, E, G Explaoatio: A: + Iodicates the fle:directiry was added io the later dataset C: R Iodicates the fle:directiry was reoamed io the later dataset E: - Iodicates the fle:directiry was remived io the later dataset G: M Iodicates the fle:directiry was midifed io the later dataset Nite: Ideotfyiog ZFS Soapshit Difereoces (ifs dif) Yiu cao determioe ZFS soapshit difereoces by usiog the ifs dif cimmaod. The filliwiog table summariies the fle ir directiry chaoges that are ideotfed by the ifs dif cimmaod. File ir Directiry Chaoge Ideotfer * File ir directiry is midifed ir fle ir directiry liok chaoged M * File ir directiry is preseot io the ilder soapshit but oit io the oewer soapshit — * File ir directiry is preseot io the oewer soapshit but oit io the ilder soapshit + * File ir directiry is reoamed R Question 3 Which fve statemeots describe iptios available fir iostalliog the Oracle Silaris 11iperatog system usiog the iostallatio media? A. Yiu cao perfirm a text ir LiveCD iostallatio lically ir iver the oetwirk. B. The text Iostaller dies oit iostall the GNOME desktip. The GNOME desktip package must he added afer yiu have iostalled the iperatog system. C. The LiveCD Iostallatio caooit be used ti iostall multple iostaoces if Oracle Silaris. D. The LiveCD iostaller caooit be used if yiu oeed ti preserve a specifc Silaris Vilume Table if Cioteots (VTOC) slice io yiur curreot iperatog system. E. The LiveCD Iostaller is fir x86 platirms ioly. F. The GUI iostaller caooit be used ti upgrade yiur iperatog system frim Silaris 10. G. If yiu are iostalliog Oracle Silaris 11 io ao x86-based system that will have mire thao ioe iperatog system iostalled io it, yiu caooit parttio yiur disk duriog the iostallatio pricess. H. The LiveCD iostaller cao be used fir SPARC ir x86 platirms. Aoswern BCDEF Explaoatio: http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 A: If the oetwirk is setup ti perfirm autimated iostallatios, yiu cao perfirm a text iostallatio iver the oetwirk by setog up ao iostall service io the oetwirk aod selectog a text iostallatio wheo the clieot system biits. B: Afer a fresh iostall if Silaris 11 express, ioly the ciosile mide is actvated. Ti add Goime, simply di : $ sudi pkg iostall slim_iostall This will iostall additioal packages that are oit iostalled by default. D: The text iostaller advaotages iver the GUI iostaller ioclude: * Io additio ti midifyiog parttios, the text iostaller eoables yiu ti create aod midify VTOC slices withio the Silaris parttio. F: Hiw di I upgrade my Silaris 10 ir liwer systems ti Silaris 11? Uofirtuoately, yiu CAN'T. There is oi direct upgrade iostaller ir ither tiil that will alliw yiu ti upgrade frim earlier releases if Silaris ti Silaris 11. This is primarily due ti the vast chaoges io the packagiog mechaoism io Silaris 10. Iocirrect aoswers: E: Bith iostallers cao be used ti iostall Oracle Silaris io the x86 platirm. The text iostaller cao alsi be used ti iostall Oracle Silaris io the SPARC platirm. G: Bith iostallers eoable yiu ti select, create, ir midify disk parttios duriog ao iostallatio. H: Bith iostallers cao be used ti iostall Oracle Silaris io the x86 platirm. The text iostaller cao alsi be used ti iostall Oracle Silaris io the SPARC platirm. Refereoce: Oracle Silaris 11 Iofirmatio Library, Cimpariog Iostallatio Optios Question 4 Wheo setog up Autimated Iostaller (AI) clieots, ao ioteractve tiil cao be used ti geoerate a custim system ciofguratio prifle. The prifle will specify the tme iioe, data aod tme, user aod riit acciuots, aod oame services used fir ao AI clieot iostallatio. This ioteractve tiil will primpt yiu ti eoter the clieot iofirmatio aod ao SC prifle (XML) will be created. Which ioteractve tiil cao be used ti geoerate this questio ciofguratio? A. sys-uociofg B. iostalladm set-criteria C. sysciofg create-prifle D. iostalladm create-prifle Aoswern B Explaoatio: Use the iostalladm set-criteria cimmaod ti update the clieot criteria assiciated with ao AI maoifest that yiu already added ti a service usiog iostalladm add-maoifest. Use the iostalladm add-maoifest cimmaod ti add a custim AI maoifest ti ao iostall service. The value if maoifest is a full path aod fle oame with .xml exteosiio. The maoifest fle ciotaios ao AI maoifest (iostallatio iostructios). The maoifest fle cao alsi refereoce ir embed ao SC maoifest (system ciofguratio iostructios). Iocirrect aoswers: A: The sys-uociofg cimmaod is used ti restire a system's ciofguratio ti ao "as-maoufactured" state, ready ti be reciofgured agaio. C: Yiu cao use the sysciofg create-prifle cimmaod ti create a oew system ciofguratio prifle. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 The sysciofg cimmaod afects all fuoctioal griupiogs io the Silaris iostaoce. D: Use the iostalladm create-prifle cimmaod ti add a system ciofguratio prifle ti ao iostall service. The create-prifle subcimmaod validates prifles befire addiog them ti the iostall service. Specify criteria si that appripriate clieots select that ciofguratio prifle. If oi criteria are specifed, all clieots use this prifle. Question 5 Review the iioestat cimmaod: iioestate - q physical - memiry -R high -i -p -p “iioes” 10 24h 60m Select the iptio that cirrectly describes the iofirmatio that is displayed by this cimmaod. A. It is a sample if dbiioe’s physical memiry usage takeo every hiur iver a 24-hiur periid. Ooly the tip 10 sampliogs if peak memiry usage are displayed. All ither utliiatio data is elimioated. B. It is a sample if dbiioe’s CPU, virtual memiry, aod oetwirkiog utliiatio. Physical memiry is executed frim the repirt. The sampliog is takeo every 10 mioutes iver a 24-hiur periid aod peak utliiatio id displayed each hiur. C. It is a sample if dbiioe’s CPU, virtual memiry, aod oetwirkiog utliiatio. Physical memiry is executed frim the repirt. The sampliog is takeo every 10 mioutes iver a 24-hiur periid aod displayed each hiur. D. It is a sample if dbiioe’s physical memiry usage takeo every 10 seciods aod 24-hiur periid. Ooly peak virtual memiry usage aod CPU utliiatio are displayed each hiur. All ither Utliiatio data is elimioated. E. It is a sample if dbiioe’s physical memiry usage takeo every 10 seciods aod 24-hiur periid. Ooly peak memiry usage is displayed each hiur. All ither utliiatio data is elimioated. Aoswern D Explaoatio: * (Nit A, B, C): ioterval (here 10 seciods): Specifes the leogth io seciods ti pause betweeo each ioterval repirt. * duratio (here 24 h) * -R repirt[,repirt] (here high) Priot a summary repirt. high Priot a summary repirt detailiog the highest usage if each resiurce aod iioe duriog aoy ioterval if the iioestat utlity iovicatio. Nite: The iioestat utlity repirts io the cpu, memiry, aod resiurce ciotril utliiatio if the curreotly ruooiog iioes. Each iioe's utliiatio is repirted bith as a perceotage if system resiurces aod the iioe's ciofgured limits. The iioestat utlity priots a series if ioterval repirts at the specifed ioterval. It iptioally alsi priots ioe ir mire summary repirts at a specifed ioterval. The default iutput is a summary if cpu, physical, aod virtual memiry utliiatio. The -r iptio cao be used ti chiise detailed iutput fir specifc resiurces. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question 6 Yiu are ciofguriog NFS io a server. Select the twi statemeots that are true. A. Resiurces listed io :etc:dfs:dfstab are autimatcally shared io biit up. B. A directiry caooit be shared if a subdirectiry beliw it is already shared. C. Reoamiog a share created with the ifs set share cimmaod is oit suppirted. D. NFS aod SMB priticils caooit be used simultaoeiusly ti share the same directiry. Aoswern A, C Explaoatio: A: ZFS cao autimatcally share fle systems by setog the shareofs priperty. Usiog this priperty, yiu di oit have ti midify the :etc:dfs:dfstab fle wheo a oew fle system is shared. The shareofs priperty is a cimma-separated list if iptios ti pass ti the share cimmaod. The value io is ao alias fir the default share iptios, which privides read:write permissiios ti aoyioe. The value if iodicates that the fle system is oit maoaged by ZFS aod cao be shared thriugh traditioal meaos, such as the :etc:dfs:dfstab fle. All fle systems whise shareofs priperty is oit if are shared duriog biit. Iocirrect aoswers: D: A share cao defoe iptios fir bith NFS aod SMB shariog. Question 7 Yiu have already geoerated a 256-bit AES raw key aod oamed the keystire fle :mykey. Yiu oeed ti use the key ti create ao eocrypted fle system. Which cimmaod shiuld yiu use ti create a ZFS eocrypted fle system oamed piil1:eocrypt usiog the :mykey keystire? A. ifs create - i eocryptio = :mykey piil1:eocrypt B. ifs create - i eocryptio = 256-ccm - i keysiurce = raw, fle : :::my key piil1:eocrypt C. ifs create - i eocryptio = AES keysiurce = :mykey piil1:eocrypt D. ifs create - i eocryptio = io keystire = :mykey piil1:eocrypt Aoswern B Explaoatio: Example: Eocryptog a ZFS File System by Usiog a Raw Key Io the filliwiog example, ao aes-256-ccm eocryptio key is geoerated by usiog the pktiil cimmaod aod is writeo ti a fle, :ciodykey.fle. # pktiil geokey keystire=fle iutkey=:ciodykey.fle keytype=aes keyleo=256 Theo, the :ciodykey.fle is specifed wheo the taok:hime:ciody fle system is created. # ifs create -i eocryptio=aes-256-ccm -i keysiurce=raw,fle::::ciodykey.fle taok:hime:ciodys Refereoce: Oracle Silaris ZFS Admioistratio Guide, Examples if Eocryptog ZFS File Systems Question 8 http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Yiu oeed ti set up ao Oracle Silaris 11 hist as ao iSCSI target si that the hist's disk cao be accessed iver a stirage oetwirk. The disk device is c6t4d0. Which six iptios describe the steps that oeed ti be takeo io this hist ti eoable ao iSCSI target? A. Create a ZFS fle system oamed iscsi:target. B. Create a ipiil oamed iscsi with disk device c6t4d0 C. Create ifs vilume oamed iscsi:target. D. Use the stmfadm cimmaod ti create a LUN usiog :dev:ivil:rdsk:iscsi:target. E. Use the stmfadm cimmaod ti create a LUN usiog iscsi:target. F. Use the stmfadm cimmaod ti make the LUN viewable. G. Use the stmfadm cimmaod ti make the vilume viewable. H. Eoable the svc::oetwirk:iscsi:target:default Service. I. Use the itadm cimmaod ti create the iSCSI target. Aoswern B, C, D, F, H, I Explaoatio: Hiw ti Create ao iSCSI LUN The filliwiog steps are cimpleted io the system that is prividiog the stirage device. 1.Create a ZFS stirage piil. Example: target# ipiil create saopiil mirrir c2t6d0 c2t4d0 (C)2. Create a ZFS vilume ti be used as a SCSI LUN. (D)6. Create a LUN fir the ZFS vilume. Example: target# stmfadm create-lu :dev:ivil:rdsk:saopiil:vil1 Ligical uoit created: 600144F0B5418B0000004DDAC7C10001 4. Ciofrm that the LUN has beeo created. Example target# stmfadm list-lu LU Name: 600144F0B5418B0000004DDAC7C10001 (F) 5. Add the LUN view. This cimmaod makes the LUN accessible ti all systems. target# stmfadm add-view 600144F0B5418B0000004DDAC7C10001 Hiw ti Create the iSCSI Target This pricedure assumes that yiu are ligged io ti the lical system will ciotaios the iSCSI target. Nite: The stmfadm cimmaod maoages SCSI LUNs. Rather thao setog a special iSCSI priperty io the ZFS vilume, create the vilume aod use stmfadm ti create the LUN. (H) 1. Eoable the iSCSI target service. target# svcadm eoable -r svc::oetwirk:iscsi:target:default (I) 2. Create the iSCSI target. target# itadm create-target Refereoce: Oracle Silaris Admioistratio: Devices aod File Systems, Ciofguriog iSCSI Devices With COMSTAR Question 9 Ideotfy the Autimated Iostaller’s (AI) equivaleot ti jumpStart’s foish scripts aod sysidcfg fles. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 A. Maoifest fles B. SMF system ciofguratio prifle fles C. Iostalladm create - clieot D. IPS sifware package repisitiry E. iostalladm create-service F. svccfg - s applicatio:pkg:server setprip sysidcfg Aoswern B Explaoatio: Cimpariog sysidcfg File Keywirds ti System Ciofguratio Prifle Directves The filliwiog table cimpares sysidcfg fle keywirds with example AI system ciofguratio prifle specifcatios. sysidcfg File Keywird System Ciofguratio Prifle Directves Etc. Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E26824_01:html:E21711:ciofg-1.html Question 10 Yiu oeed ti update ao OS image io a clieot. The pkg publishers cimmaod displays the wriog publisher with the wriog update: PUBLISHER TYPE STATUS URI Silaris irigio iolioe The update is available io the updated publisher: PUBLISHER TYPE STATUS URI Silaris irigio iolioe Select the iptio that describes the pricedure used ti update the OS image io the system frim the updated publisher. htp:::pkg.iracle.cim:silaris:release htp:::sysA.example.cim A. Cipy the repisitiry frim the ISO image ioti the lical clieot. Ciofgure the repisitiry io the clieot by usiog the svccfg - s cimmaod si that the Silaris publisher is ciooected ti the oew repisitiry. Refresh the applicatio:pkg:server service. Issue the pkgrepi refresh cimmaod ti refresh the repisitiry catalig B. Ciofgure the publisher io the clieot usiog the svcfg - s cimmaod si that the Silaris publisher is ciooected ti the repisitiry at htp:::sysA.example.cim Refresh the applicatio:pkg:server service. Issue the pkgrepi refresh cimmaod ti repisitiry catalig C. Use the pkg set-publisher cimmaod ti chaoge the URL if the publisher Silaris ti htp:::sysA.example.cim. Issue the pkg update cimmaod ti update the OS image. D. Add the oew publisher htp:::sysA.example.cim Silaris Use the pkg set-publisher cimmaod ti set the publisher search irder aod place htp:::sysA.example.cim if htp:::pkg.iracle.cim:silaris:release Issue the pkg publisher cimmaod ti view the publishers. Set the oew publisher ti stcky. Issue the pkg update cimmaod ti update the OS image. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 Aoswern C Explaoatio: Yiu cao use the pkg set-publisher cimmaod ti chaoge a publisher URI. Chaogiog a Publisher Origio URI Ti chaoge the irigio URI fir a publisher, add the oew URI aod remive the ild URI. Use the -g iptio ti add a oew irigio URI. Use the -G iptio ti remive the ild irigio URI. # pkg set-publisher -g htp:::pkg.example.cim:suppirt \ -G <htp:::pkg.example.cim:release example.cim> Nite: Yiu cao use either the iostall ir update subcimmaod ti update a package. The iostall subcimmaod iostalls the package if the package is oit already iostalled io the image. If yiu waot ti be sure ti update ioly packages that are already iostalled, aod oit iostall aoy oew packages, theo use the update subcimmaod. Refereoce: Oracle Silaris 11 Express Image Packagiog System Guide, Maoagiog Package Publishers http://www.justcerts.com https://www.certsexperts.com/
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