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t's Time For Everyone To Wake Up!<br>The Globalists Deep-State & Plandemic Secrets You Need To Know ASAP. Visit And Share: https://greatawakening.world<br><br>Real Great Awakening Daily QANON, Trump & PLANdemic News! Join Our Community On Telegram Here: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld
The Plandemic CREATE A FAKE PROBLEM STEP 1 What COVID-19 is really about and what the mainstream media are NOT telling you • Take an illness with a 99%+ recovery rate* and common flu-like symptoms (and which are mostly mild / non-existent*). An illness that wouldn’t be noticed by the public if it wasn’t hyped and sensationalised 24-7 by the media. • Use a totally unreliable PCR test that cannot distinguish COVID from a common cold, regular flu, hepatitis C, measles, West Nile Virus, Ebola.* • Exaggerate fake virus “case numbers” by reclassifying normal flu, cold and respiratory infections as “COVID”.* • Exaggerate deaths by reclassifying many normal deaths as “COVID-related” and ignore the real underlying causes.* • Keep low cost and effective treatments (like HCQ+zinc*) hidden from the public and policy makers. • Frighten politicians and policy makers with dodgy science.* * See SWPRS.org SWPRS.org and dissidentsignposts.org for scientific references and sources STEP 2 PROVOKE A TERRIFIED REACTION • Terrorise the public 24 Terrorise the public 24- -7 7 using a compliant & sensationalist mainstream media. • Force anti Force anti- -social distancing social distancing and make fear of other humans the “new normal”. . • Ignore boosting natural health Ignore boosting natural health or building up herd immunity like Sweden. • Ignore all normal illnesses Ignore all normal illnesses and diseases with far higher rates of mortality. • Ignore the fact that most “cases” actually have no or very mild symptoms Ignore the fact that most “cases” actually have no or very mild symptoms. • Scare fit and healthy people Scare fit and healthy people by referring to them as ‘asymptomatic’. • Cancel all cancer screenings Cancel all cancer screenings and other preventative medicine. • Quarantine healthy people Quarantine healthy people and shut down schools unnecessarily. • Abandon the elderly, Abandon the elderly, socially ostracise them in care homes, bury them alone. • Push “COVID testing” Push “COVID testing” of people with no symptoms to drive up ‘case’ numbers. • Ignore the massive rise in COVID depression Ignore the massive rise in COVID depression, suicides and related illnesses. • Enforce unnecessary lockdowns Enforce unnecessary lockdowns that destroy local and national economies. • Close churches, gyms, beaches and parks Close churches, gyms, beaches and parks that keep people healthy. • Close small local businesses Close small local businesses but keep large multinationals open. • Create massive unemployment Create massive unemployment and business failures. • Promote Promote cashless spending, cashless spending, online shopping and weaken small businesses. • “Flatten the curve” “Flatten the curve” but destroy the economy. • Suppress dissent Suppress dissent by shutting down places where people chat and share opinions. • Make face nappies compulsory Make face nappies compulsory even though they are ineffective and unhealthy. • Force people to inhale their own waste air Force people to inhale their own waste air & increase risk of bacterial infections. • Reduce essential oxygen intake, Reduce essential oxygen intake, blur thinking and undermine communications. • “Trust the experts” “Trust the experts” really means don’t ask questions and follow the herd. • Censor all dissenting medical experts Censor all dissenting medical experts from mainstream and social media. • Ban and delete COVID sceptical doctors Ban and delete COVID sceptical doctors from YouTube, Facebook & Twitter. • Bully & bribe doctors Bully & bribe doctors into silence & label sceptics ‘conspiracy theorists’. • Keep the media stoking the fear Keep the media stoking the fear by reporting ‘cases’, ‘clusters’ & ‘outbreaks’. • Wear people down Wear people down with constant COVID fear stories. • DELIBERATELY MAKE LIFE SO MISERABLE that most people will agree to surrender their freedoms by being permanently vaccinated, genetically modified, tracked & controlled. . DissidentSignPosts.org
PROVIDE A ‘SOLUTION’ Step 3 1. Impose unnecessary lockdowns to destroy local businesses but make global billionaires even richer and massively increase State debt. 2. Impose contact tracking apps and tracers to erode privacy. 3. Impose COVID “health passports” to control personal freedom to travel, work and live freely. 4. Impose compulsory experimental vaccinations on everyone, every year to allow the creation of genetically modified humans. 5. Grant the vaccine industry 100% legal immunity against all harmful side-effects (and guarantee them massive profits) ). 6. Impose a cashless economy that will allow constant financial surveillance and control of everyone’s income and spending. 7. Connect everyone to the ‘cloud’ using smartdust in vaccines 8. Make the loss of human freedom & privacy “the new normal”. DissidentSignPosts.org The End Goal CONTROL & DEPOPULATION The 1% elite are using COVID to trigger a “Great Reset • surrender control over your body, health & lifespan • surrender control over your privacy & freedom of movement • surrender control over your spending & finances • surrender control over your freedom of thought & speech The WHO (funded by Bill Gates and Big Pharma) wants compulsory global vaccinations. This will allow the elite to have everyone vaccinated, genetically modified monitored and controlled genetically modified monitored and controlled in a world run by Artificial Intelligence and robotics, dominated by global corporations, constant digital surveillance and where everyone and everything is connected to the Internet everyone and everything is connected to the Internet. In this ‘New World Order New World Order”, also referred to as the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, they see billions of people billions of people becoming ‘surplus to requirements’ ‘surplus to requirements’. They want to reduce the global population global population down to just 500 million. perfect excuse perfect excuse to try to achieve this using sterilizing Depopulation will also occur due to a rise in infertility and chronic health conditions caused by huge increases in 5G try to connect everyone and everything to the Internet. Many of these illnesses will be blamed on COVID blamed on COVID. Big Pharma, Big Tech, the controlled media, politicians and the medical establishment are simply the opportunists, profiteers and careerists who are, unwittingly, being manipulated and incentivised to execute the plan. THE ‘PANDEMIC’ IS NOT ABOUT CONTROLLING A VIRUS. IT IS A SMOKESCREEN TO CONTROL HUMANITY. . WATCH Great Reset” to get you to... THINK... vaccinated, 4th Industrial Revolution’, 500 million. COVID provides the sterilizing vaccines. 5G microwave radiation microwave radiation as they VISIT UNCENSORED WEBSITES • ChildrensHealthDefense.org • AmericasFrontlineDoctors.us • Mercola.com • Principia- -Scientific.org .org • PlanetLockdownFilm.com • CorbettReport.com • SWPRS.org • Off-Guardian.org .org • WorldDoctorsAlliance.com WAKE UP The New Normal by happen.network on Odysee.com Ask questions Think for yourself Don’t be brainwashed by one-sided media propaganda. Plandemic: InDoctor on Odysee.com DoctorNation V5.2
COVID-19 R ROADMAP The billionaires who run the global economy have a problem. They want to introduce a ‘4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)’ dominated by global corporations, powered by Artificial Intelligence, robotics, autonomous vehicles, facial recognition systems and a society where everyone & everything is connected and monitored 24-7 over the internet. To work, this plan requires that everyone be tagged with a unique digital identity number and surrender their privacy. The massive automation that the 4IR will bring will also destroy many small businesses and cause up to 80% of people to become permanently unemployed —and a massive financial and ecological burden. So they want to ’cull the herd’ by reducing the global population from 7 billion to 1 billion by 2030. ‘The Great Reset’ is the name of the plan to implement the 4IR but they need a smokescreen to manipulate people into co-operation. OADMAP what is really going on and why THE ‘PROBLEM’ THE PROBLEM The billionaire elite, the people who meet in Davos, run the World Economic Forum and the global economy, have a problem. They want to introduce a ‘4thIndustrial Revolution’ using Artificial Intelligence, robotics and the ‘Internet of Things’ so that everyone and everything can be connected, monitored and controlled 24-7 over the internet, and where humans can begin merged with machines. Their plan will also mean that up to 80% of people will become economically ‘surplus to requirements’ and a massive and potentially restless financial burden. In other words, they believe that there are now ‘too many animals on the farm’ - and a major population cull is needed to reduce the global population down from 8 billion to less than 1 billion (research ‘Georgia Guidestones’). Since most people would never support such an extreme goal, the Davos elite have come up with a detailed plan and the perfect smokescreen so that most people willingly co-operate with their agenda. Human genetic engineering for depopulation 24-7 over the Internet The ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. Implemented using the ’Great Reset’ Digital identity for everyone. Everyone & everything monitored Digital currencies No cash = = € 6 6 6 6 6 6 THE 12 STEP ‘SOLUTION’ CREATEAFAKESCARETOTERRIFYPEOPLEINTOCOMPLIANCE Fake a ‘pandemic’ using a version of the flu with very common symptoms and a 99%+ recovery rate. Massively exaggerate the seriousness of the virus by using totally unreliable PCR diagnostic tests and by recording all regular colds & flu as COVID. Use constant propaganda to provoke massive fear. Ignore far more serious illnesses like cancer. Impose media censorship on those asking questions. IMPOSELOCKDOWNSTOSTARTPROCESSOFELIMINATINGSMALLBUSINESSES Prevent people meeting up and asking questions. Pay unsustainable welfare payments to dampen initial resistance. Begin wiping out small businesses and their financial independence. Begin the massive transfer of wealth and power to global corporations such as Amazon. Push countries into accumulating massive amounts of unaffordabledebt. Push work, education and living online. Remove religious freedoms. Normalise cashless payments. Use lockdowns to promote fear and weaken natural immunity. IMPOSESURVEILLANCEANDTHESTARTOFAPOLICESTATE Get people to accept contact tracing and having all movements and social contacts monitored. Give police vast new powers to restrict personal freedom of movement and speech. IMPOSEFACEMASKSANDANTI-SOCIALDISTANCING Masks help promote COVID fear and signal public compliance. Frightened people are easier to control. Masks are also unhealthy and can trigger respiratory infections that can be blamed on COVID. PUSHGENETICALLYMODIFYINGCOVIDINJECTIONS New experimental COVID gene editing injections will begin the process of genetically modifying humans, bio-engineered for, among other things, sterility. Scientists are bribed with grants and doctors with bonus payments to support testing and injections. People are promised they can have ‘some’ of their freedoms back if they willingly queue up to take the injections. IMPOSEDIGITAL ‘HEALTHPASSPORTS’ Medical-apartheid will be used to reward the obedient and discriminate against those who have not been injected. ‘Health passports’ are the first step to creating global digital identities. TRIGGERASERIESOFDEPOPULATIONWAVES The COVID mRNA injections will expose recipients to pathogenic priming. When these people are then exposed to flu-like illness, their genetically modified immune systems are more likely to over-react and create fatal auto-immune responses. This will cause death rates among injected people to start to rise very rapidly during over winter flu seasons. Blame will be placed on all sorts of ‘new COVID variants’ to further heighten public fear. Propaganda will intensify. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 DissidentSignPosts.org STEP 7
FORCEMANDATORY ‘TOPUP’ COVIDINJECTIONS & DIGITALIDENTITIES Rising death rates and public panic will create an excuse to try to make the COVID injections and digital identities compulsory. Updated injections will include smartdust (nano-chips) to allow all movements, contacts and health status of injected people to be subject to constant 24-7 internet surveillance. Those who refuse injections and digital identities will be actively persecuted. TRIGGERAFULLGLOBALECONOMICCRASH Extended lockdowns, rising death rates, food shortages, public panic, out of control State spending and massive printing of trillions in paper money will inevitably lead to a global economic collapse. Millions will become unemployed. Governments globally will start to confiscate private savings and assets to avoid complete bankruptcy. National assets will be sold off to global corporations at bargain prices. The economic crash will be, conveniently, blamed on COVID. IMPOSEDIGITALCURRENCIES & ABOLISHCASH Cash allows people to shop in privacy. But new digital currencies introduced as part of ‘The Great Reset’ will remove allpersonal financial privacy about what, where and how you can spend your money. Access to money will require a digital identity. This will allow the introduction of Chinese-style social credit systems where access to your own money will become dependent on you being an obedient citizen. IMPOSEUNIVERSALBASICINCOMESCHEMES... WITHSTRINGSATTACHED The global economy will be ‘reset’ along centrally planned lines under the control of the global elite. The IMF and World Bank will fund national ‘debt forgiveness’ and ‘universal basic income’ welfare programmes in exchange for citizens handing over all personal property rights, compliance with annual injections, accepting digital identities, nano-chipping and other conditions. By this stage most people will have: surrendered control over their bodies, health & lifespans surrendered control over their privacy & freedom of movement surrendered control over their spending & finances surrendered control over their freedom of thought & speech All obstacles to the rollout of the so-called ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ will have been removed —unless enough people wake up to the plan and resist. STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 STEP 11 ARRIVEATTHE ‘NEW NORMAL’ 21st Century Communism / Fascism THINK! STEP 12 If allowed, the “New Normal” will be a depopulated, ‘cleaned-up’, high-tech, dehumanised, totalitarian dictatorship run as a bio-medical police State by technocrats for the benefit of a tiny billionaire elite. Most people will be genetically modified, digitally tagged, nano-chipped, permanently connected to the internet where they will be monitored 24-7 by artificial intelligence, living socially distant, unquestioning virtual lives devoid of meaning or spirituality. Global corporations will own most assets including homes. Most people will be forced to rent. According to the World Economic Forum’s own propaganda “you will own nothing and you will be happy”. If this is allowed, human freedom will be eliminated. BUT MANY PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP & RESISTING... WATCH The New Normal by happen.network VISITUNCENSORED WEBSITES WAKE UP Ask questions. Think for yourself. Do your own research. Look at both sides. Strengthen your body, mind and Spirit for the battle now being waged against freedom & humanity Connect with others who are also awake. ◼ ◼ EvidenceNotFear.com ◼ ◼ AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com ◼ ◼ ChildrensHealthDefence.org/defender ◼ ◼WorldDoctorsAlliance.org ◼ ◼ WorldFreedomAlliance.org ◼ ◼Principia-Scientific.org ◼ ◼ Mercola.com ◼ ◼ SWPRS.org ◼ ◼PanData.org PlandemicSeries.com DissidentSignPosts.org ◼ ◼ Off-Guardian.com ◼ ◼GlobalResearch.ca ◼ ◼ Technocracy.News PlanetLockdownFilm.com
COVID-19 HIDDEN FACTS that the media forget to report 99.9+% of people 99.9+% of people have no risk of dying have no risk of dying [1] 1 Adults are more likely to die in acar accident than from COVID [2]. Childrenhave a greater chance of beingstruck by lightningthan dying of COVID-19 [3]. As with the flu, those most at risk are people with serious pre-existing clinical conditions. For most people it is not a serious disease[4]. 2 In 80%+ of cases COVID produces no or mild In 80%+ of cases COVID produces no or mild symptoms symptoms — — similar to just amild cold-like illness [5]. Theinfection fatality ratefor COVID-19 is0.15%-0.2% This brings it close to seasonal flu [1]. This bridge is 99.9+% safe This bridge is 99.9+% safe The government want you to swim across The government want you to swim across COVID PCR tests massively exaggerate COVID PCR tests massively exaggerate ‘ ‘cases cases’ ’ 3 COVID tests cannot distinguish it from the regular flu or the common cold. Up to 90% of reported “COVID positive” cases are inaccurate “false positives”. Dr Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, has said that it was never designed to be used for diagnosing any illness [6]. Bogus testing means massive number of healthy people are being falsely diagnosed as being “infected”. The more bogus COVID testing is done, the more false “cases” are being reported and sensationalised by the media to cause public fear, stress and illness [7]. Internationally, doctors are taking legal action for fraud against the WHO for gross medical negligence in promoting the use of unreliable PCR tests. [8 [8]. Boosting natural immunity is being ignored Boosting natural immunity is being ignored Proven immunity boosting measures like sunshine, exercise, good nutrition and Vitamin D, C and Zinc are being deliberately ignored. Proven, affordable, safe and efficient COVID treatments are available (such as HCQ or Ivermectin) for anyone who shows severe symptoms [9]. Yet hugely profitable but high risk, experimental, genetically modified vaccines are promoted instead. Who is benefitting from promoting fear? Broken leg? It Broken leg? It’ ’s COVID! s COVID! Suppose you go to hospital for treatment for a broken leg. While there, you will also be given the unreliable COVID PCR test. If the result is “positive”, then you will be recorded as a hospitalised COVID “case / infection”. This happens even though you have no symptoms and are really only being treated for a broken leg. This dishonest and exaggerated reporting is official World Health Organisation policy. Confirmed to the Irish Parliament / Dáil (29/09/20). See https://www.bitchute.com/video/MZkgvaQEHhl7/ 4 References References [1] https://evidencenotfear.com/infection-fatality-rate-of-covid-19-inferred-from-seroprevalence-data-prof-ioannidis-who/ [2] https://evidencenotfear.com/tag/car-accidents/ [3] https://evidencenotfear.com/children-and-covid19/ [4] https://evidencenotfear.com/evidence/#mostly-harmless [5] https://evidencenotfear.com/stanford-study-suggests-coronavirus-might-not-be-as- deadly-as-flu-the-spectator/ [6] https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless/ [7] https://evidencenotfear.com/tag/collateral-damage/ [8] acu2020.org/english-versions/ [9] www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ LEARN MORE LEARN MORE DissidentSignPosts.org EvidenceNotFear.com SWPRS.org Principia-Scientific.org V 1.0 (2021)
COVID Cult COVID Cult CULT IDEOLOGY • Irrational belief that a version of the flu with no or mild symptoms for most people is a threat to humanity* • Irrational belief that a version of the flu with a 99.9%+ survival rate is the most terrifying disease ever* • Irrational belief that someone dying with COVID is the same as someone dying from COVID • Irrational belief that healthy people are actually ill but symptomless so should be avoided • Irrational belief that billionaires & global pharmaceutical corporations are only motivated by good • Irrational belief that personal freedom of movement, work and free speech are dangerous • Irrational belief that thinking for oneself is dangerous CULT CODEOF CONDUCT • Obsessive fear of fellow human beings and avoidance of human contact • Obsessive hand washing and social distancing • Obsessive devotion to propaganda from one-sided State-funded and corporate media • Obsessive mask wearing to hide one’s humanity and to signal obedience to ‘The Cult’ • Obsessive avoidance of any temptation to think or investigate facts and truth for oneself CULT OBJECTSOF WORSHIP • Worship of daily media propaganda about "cases", “deaths” & “variants” • Worship of lockdowns and the permanent destruction of millions of jobs • Worship of high-risk experimental vaccines that will genetically-modify one’s body CULT SACRIFICES & OFFERINGS • Members must sacrifice their freedom of movement and civil liberties • Members must sacrifice their jobs, livelihoods & economic independence • Members must sacrifice their children's physical, social & mental health • Members must sacrifice their bodies to experimental vaccines • Members must sacrifice their privacy through ‘health passports’ and digital IDs CULT RITUALS & CEREMONIES • Self-isolation and quarantining at the first sign of a cold or flu • Dancing nurses in half-empty hospitals and dancing police to mock you CULT INTOLERANCEOF DISSENTERS • Non-cult members must be treated as heretics. Cult members believe heretics are dangerous unbelievers who must be shunned, censored by the media, insulted, barred from public spaces and fired from jobs. Why? BECAUSEANYONEWHOTHINKSFORTHEMSELVESANDDARESTOINVESTIGATE THEFACTSWILLSEETHATTHECULTISAFRAUD. ITISBEINGUSEDASANEXCUSETO INSTILLTHEFEARNEEDEDTOCREATEANAUTHORITARIAN & TOTALITARIANSOCIETY. How to tell if you have been brainwashed into the DissidentSignPosts.org THINK FOR YOURSELF THINK FOR YOURSELF *Sources: ◼ EvidenceNotFear.com ◼ SWPRS.org ◼ Mercola.com ◼ WorldDoctorsAlliance.com ◼ AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com WAKE UP RECLAIM YOUR HUMANITY
COVID-19 VAX FACTS 7 7 IMPORTANT THINGS YO IMPORTANT THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW U SHOULD KNOW COVIDVACCINESDONOTPROTECTAGAINSTINFECTIONORTRANSMISSION. They are only designed to reduce symptoms [1]. Remember, COVID is an illness with a 99.9+% recovery rate and that, for most people, has only mild or no symptoms [2]. COVID mRNAVACCINESAREEXPERIMENTAL. They are genetically engineered injections intended to re-programme human cells. No mRNA vaccines have ever been shown to work before. No mRNA vaccine has ever been approved for the treatment of any disease before. Their long-term effects on human health are completely unknown [3]. NOLONG-TERMSAFETYTESTINGHASBEENDONEONANYEXPERIMENTAL COVIDVACCINE[3]. Normally, new vaccines are tested and evaluated over 5-10 years to monitor for long-term side effects before even being considered for public use. Many vaccines fail to pass this safety testing. However, the new rushed COVID vaccines have only been tested for a few months on relatively small numbers of people, some of who died during testing or experienced serious side effects [4]. Some COVID vaccines indicate increased the risk of getting HIV and other illnesses [5]. Since roll out, there have been increasing reports of vaccine-related deaths [6]. Anyone who takes the vaccine is effectively taking part in a very high-risk human experiment [7]. STERILIZATIONHASBEENIDENTIFIEDASASERIOUSPOTENTIAL RISK by concerned scientists and doctors, including the former Pfizer Research Director for Respiratory Diseases [8] 1 2 3 4 "Don’t forget, these vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population. They are very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or 70%." Jonathan Bell, Prof. of Medicine, Oxford University (Bill Gates-funded COVID vaccine researcher) [9]. 5
You would not buy a car that could not get insurance. So why should you let yourself be injected with a vaccine that cannot get any patient safety insurance? NOINSURANCECOMPANYINTHE WORLDISWILLINGTOPROVIDE PUBLICLIABILITYINSURANCEFOR THEEXPERIMENTALCOVID VACCINESbecause of the huge health risks involved [10]. THEVACCINECOMPANIESCANNOTBESUEDFORANYHARMCAUSED. Anyone who takes an experimental vaccine is taking on 100% of the risks. THOUSANDSOFDOCTORS, NURSESANDMEDICALSCIENTISTSARENOTTAKING THEEXPERIMENTALVACCINES due to the serious risks involved [11]. 5 6 7 [1] https://principia-scientific.com/who-chief-scientist-no-evidence-covid-vaccine-prevents-viral-transmission/ [2] swprs.org/covid19-facts/ [3] https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/vaccines/ & https://www.bitchute.com/video/HmdPzp6njOXR/ [4] https://principia-scientific.com/13-people-died-during-modernas-covid-vaccine-trial/ [5] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32156-5/fulltext [6] https://principia-scientific.com/california-halts-covid-vax-adverse-reactions-at-unusually-high-number/ https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/12/08/coronavirus-vaccine-side-effects.aspx [7] https://principia-scientific.com/professor-dolores-cahill-people-will-start-dying-after-covid-vaccine/ [8] https://2020news.de/en/dr-wodarg-and-dr-yeadon-request-a-stop-of-all-corona-vaccination-studies-and- call-for-co-signing-the-petition/ [9] UK Channel 4 News—https://www.bitchute.com/video/94NyKw1b6B2Q/ [10] https://www.propertycasualty360.com/2021/01/12/who-is-liable-if-a-vaccine-goes-wrong/? [11] See WorldDoctorsAlliance.com and AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com 7 FORuncensored uncensoredINFORMATIONONCOVIDVACCINESSEE ► ► WorldDoctorsAlliance.com ► ► Principia-Scientific.org ► ► SWPRS.org ► ► AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com ► ► Mercola.com ► ► TheHighWire.com
Vaccine Q&A Vaccine Q&A COVID COVID- -19 19 Facts to help you make a decision* Facts to help you make a decision* YES YES NO NO 1.Are the COVID mRNA gene editing vaccines experimental? 2.If I take an injection, will I be part of a medical experiment? 3.Have the injections been safety tested on animals? 4.Have they had any long-term safety testing on humans? 5.Are the effects of these experimental injections reversible? 6.Will the injections stop me getting COVID? 7.Will the injections stop me spreading COVID? 8.Will the injections allow me to stop wearing a mask? 9.Do the experimental injections contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? 10.Do the Astra-Zeneka & Johnson & Johnson injections contain aborted human or monkey tissue? 11.Is there a risk of auto immune disease, strokes, seizures, convulsions, blindness, paralysis or other side effects? 12.Have the COVID injections caused any deaths or injuries? 13.Do doctors have concerns about the long-term risk to human health andfertility from the injections? 14.Are the vaccine manufacturers legally liable for any injuries or deaths caused by their experimental injections? 15.Are there many doctors and scientistsrecommending people NOT to take these injections? 5 *Uncensored Sources *Uncensored Sources ◼ Americas AmericasFrontlineDoctors ◼ WorldDoctors DoctorsAlliance.com ◼ Physicians PhysiciansforInformed For more independent covid For more independent covid vaccine information vaccine information see: ◼ Childrens ChildrensHealthDefense ◼ Mercola Mercola.com ◼GreenMed MedInfo.com ◼ TheHighWire HighWire.com Doctors.com rInformedConsent.org see: Defense.org/defender/
Pg. 1 Pg. 4 VACCINES & THEIR DELIVERY SYSTEMS are tiny semiconductor particles a few nanometres in size, having optical and electronic properties that differ from larger particles due to quantum mechan- ics. Luciferase is a bioluminescent enzyme that is required to make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a mobile device. QuantiLum® Recombinant Luciferaseis a luciferase expressed froma cloned gene from the North American firefly. For Christians familiar with Revelations chapter 13 and ‘The Mark of the Beast’ it is worth noting that the Oxford English Dictionary defines the name Beelzebub (Satan) as Latin for the Lord of the Flies. Within a cashless society one can see how this may unfold. Revelation 13: 16-18 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. In Ireland our children by age 12/13 receive vaccines (17 shots and 2 oral drops) for approximately 40 different diseases. Shouldn’t we at least be aware of what is being injected into their bodies? Human and Animal DNA Human DNA from an aborted babie/s: Awaterbagdelivery technique is used where the baby is birthed alive and the organs harvested for cells for vaccines and/or for their development. The MRC-5 Cell line in the MMR vaccine is from an aborted baby. Other Foetal cell lines include WI-38, HEK-293 and PER-C6. Both Casino Biologics and Oxford University/AstraZeneca are using Foetal DNA cell lines in their human Covid 19 Vaccine trials. Many others (including Moderna) are using these cell lines in the vaccine development. Animalcellscome from a variety of species, including monkey (kidney), cow (heart), dog (kidney), calf (serum), chicken (embryo and egg), pig (blood), and guinea pig. Complete Immunity from Liability Big Pharma have complete immunity from liability for damages caused to you or your child as a result of their vaccines! This is because they know that there are serious risks associated with these products. Nano Particle Aluminium Capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and can persist in the brain for decades. Linked to neuro developmen- tal disabilities particularly Alzheimers. See study by Christopher Exley, PhD, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK. January 13th 2020. Mercury (thimerosal) Symptoms include muscle weakness, poor coordination, numbness in the hands and feet, skin rashes, anxiety, depression, memory problems, trouble speaking, trouble hearing, or trouble seeing. Also linked to autoimmune diseases with many studies showing a link to Autism eg. Heyer et al. in 2012 Neomycin Sulphate (antiobiotic) This antibiotic comes with an FDA Black Box warning. Black box warnings alert doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous. Allergic reactions can range from mild to life threatening. Beta-Propiolactone Known to be associated with skin can- cer. Suspected gastrointestinal, liver, nerve, skin and sense organ poison. ID2020 & Gavi (The Vaccine Alliance) Morethan 1 Billion people on the planet do not have an official from of identification, whether that be a birth certificate or license, essentially rendering them invisible. ID2020, which works with governments, NGOs and the private sector, is looking to technology to create a DIGITAL IDENTITY for these people. Accenture, Gavi and Microsoft are among its partners. Given ID2020’s involvement with GAVI and Microsoft and given that GAVI are co-leading global efforts for the equitable distribution of a Covid Vaccine (with the help of 18 million from the Irish tax payer) one can see how this DIGITAL IDENTITY will not be reserved for the mere 1 billion undocumented but for the rest of us as well. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are founding members of Gavi & have injected over 4 Billion into this digital tagging initiative. The Quantum Dot ‘Tattoo’ or a biochip implant will most likely be used for this purpose. Patent WO2020060606 Recently Microsoft have filed a patent for the buying and selling of bitcoin cryptocurrency that works by a device attached to the human body that interacts with a computer network system. The device (which would likely be internal) compiles body activity data derived from the sensed body activity of the user (see Revelations 13:17-18 above). Injected Biochip Implants for CovidDetection The Dept. of Defence and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have partnered with a Silicon Valley company, Profusa, to implement a technology that will see the use of an injected hydrogel biochip to connect a human to the Internet (Cloud). The chip, about the size of a grain of rice, provides feedback to a database on changes in body chemistry and other biometrics. The company says that this technology will be used to detect Covid 19 in the general population before symptoms show. This in-body nanotechnology connected to an Artificial Intelligence platform is wide open to misuse by totalitarian regimes. The hydrogel chip which is injected with a syringe, could be injected along with any Covid vaccination. Mandatory vaccination would be key to the widespread deployment of this project. (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!) Studies in the US have shown that rates of autism have increased in line with the vaccine schedule. In the 1980s, autism was so rare it wasn’t even tracked. Childhood vaccines 24 1/2000 1983 Autism Rate 1/36* Childhood vaccines 72 2018 Autism Rate If autism rates continue unabated, by 2035 experts predict that 1 in 2 children in the USA will be autistic.
Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Flu Vaccine for Children in Ireland & GP Bonuses! Infant Vaccinations Driving Cot Deaths (SIDS)? Remarkably, after banning vaccinations for babies under the age of 2 in Japan, Cot deaths virtually disappeared.In the years that followed, Japan became known for having the lowest infant death rate in the world. In contrast, the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate and the highest vaccination rate as well. If infant vaccinations improve health and save lives, why do statistics NOT support such claims? During the Covid 19 lockdowns the worldwide rate of infant cot deaths decreased by 30% as vaccination rates fell during this period. During this same period there was a worldwide very significant decrease in premature babies being born for which the same reason appears to apply: less expectant mothers being vaccinated for whooping cough and the seasonal flu. Covid 19 Vaccine Big Players Moderna With significant financial backing from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation this vaccine will be the first one ever made with messenger RNA (mRNA). It uses a sequence of genetic RNA material produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein-making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus. There are unique and unknown risks to messenger RNA vaccines, including the possibility that they generate strong type 1 interferon responsesthat could lead to inflammation and autoimmune conditions. Moderna are using DNA from an aborted baby in the development of this vaccine. Moderna was founded by Derek Rossi of Harvard. He is credited with reprogramming a stem cell in the body using modified RNA. He founded Moderna on this concept. Elon Musk (of Space X and Neuralink) and Ray Kurzweil of Google are self proclaimed transhumanists who support this technology. Moderna have never brought a medicine, much less a vaccine to market. Injecting this mRNA vaccine into the muscle will make changes to the recipients DNA while most likely not changing the person’s actual genome. This is akin to playing God in that mRNA can be used to make almost any desired change to one’s DNA. The flu vaccine for children will be available from the middle of October 2020. This is a quadrivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine - LAIV (as a nasal spray). Childrenaged 2 to 12 are encouraged to get this nasalflu vaccine forfree through their GP although the HSE have not ruled out the possibility of it being administered in school. While GPs will get €15 per adult vaccination and €20 per child nasal spray vaccine, they will also get bonuses for extra productivity. The IMO have announced that in agreement with the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, GPs will receive a bonus of €100 for every 10 adults vaccinated and €150 for every 10 children vaccinated. The Shedding of a live vaccine from one child to another cannot be ruled out. The age of consent is now 16 yrs for any surgical, medical or dental treatment in Ireland. The HSE National Consent Policy 2019 states that a mature minor (under 16 and with no lower age limit) may be given the right to chose under certain circumstances. Manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur Inc. this vaccine contains Formaldehyde (Classified by US EPA as a ‘probable carcinogen’ and linked to Leukemia in humans). Thimerosal (mercury) is in the multi-dose vial of this vaccine. Mercury is highly toxic and linked to autoimmune and neurological diseases. Flu Shot, is it worth the Risk? A 2018 US Centre for Disease Control study concluded that there is an increased risk of acute respiratory illness (ARI) among children <18 years caused by non-influenza respiratory pathogens post-influenza vaccination compared to unvaccinated children during the same period. Vaccinated children were 30.1 times more likely to have been diagnosed with Allergic Rhinitis and 5.9 times more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia than unvaccinated children (Mawson et al. 2017 Journal of Translational Science). 2020 Pentagon study showed that Flu vaccines increase risk of coronavirus by 36%. The Flu shot has never been shown to decrease the risk of flu. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ireland The most recent data on the prevalence of ASD in Ireland is reported in a study carried out by Dublin City University (Boilson et al. 2016). It estimates that at this time the rate of ASD in Ireland amounts to 1 child in every 66 (This is likely to be at least 1 in 60 today). Future Human Vaccine Delivery Systems: Bill Gates and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) are currently developing the “Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.” It’s a ‘tattoo’ for the hand, which will include your identification and vaccination records. Quantum dots (QDs) Oxford University, AstraZeneca: AZD1222 (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) Made by researchers at the University of Oxford and the international pharmaceutical com- panyAstraZeneca. The ChAdOx1 vaccine is a chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine vector.This vaccine includes the HEK-293 cell line from a 1973 baby aborted in The Netherlands. the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI); and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)funded directly by Gates are investing $750 million in the development of this vaccine. CanSino, Chinese Military: Ad5-vectored COVID-19 Made by biotechnology company CanSino Biologics and the Chinese military. Like AZD1222, CanSino uses the viral vector-based vaccine based on a weakened adenovirus. This vaccine uses foetal DNA from no less than 9 babies aborted live in 2020. Quantum Dot ‘Tattoo’ Mobile device reader BioNTech, Pfizer: BNT162b1 BNT162b1 is an mRNA-based vaccine made by German firm BioNTech & the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Like Moderna’s vaccine, BNT162b1 uses a fatty nanoparticle wrapping to deliver a fragment of the genetic code for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into human cells. Sub Cutaneous implant
The The Great GreatA Awakening. wakening.W World orld W Website ebsite Secrets Secrets Revealed Revealed GreatAwakening.World is a website devoted to helping people to awaken from the illusions that have been imposed on them by governments and globalists alike, as well as through their own personal experiences. A significant number of individuals are now of the view that a significant number of conspiracy theorists are supporting. The plandemic, Trump, and QANON are all issues that need to be addressed, as does the huge currency financial turmoil and the ascended leader. GreatAwakening.World is a website dedicated to encouraging people to awaken from the falsehoods that have been forced on them by governments and globalists alike. This website has a series of films that provide insight into the many aspects of these theories. The campaign has progressed in a methodical manner. From Deep State to Plandemic to Trump & QANON to Global Financial Reset and then Ascension and finally free gifts, all of these phases are now accessible, complete with videos. Meanwhile, the site makes all of the extra offers available to site visitors at the same time. The theories and concepts discussed here are mind-boggling, and they offer fresh perspectives on well-known ideas and concepts in the process. The GreatAwakening.World website is aimed at assisting individuals who have fallen prey to globalist or governmental delusions to escape from the 3D MATRIX. Hack The Dark, Spread The Light! Visit: GreatAwakening.World