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Make delicious chicken pasta using exotic flavors of ground spices. All spices are available online at Chefcap - supplier of spices.
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Only for those whothink a ‘’Hungry man is an Angry man’’, because here isthe delicious and tempting chicken pasta recipe, that can make ahungry man’smouth watered. So here itis: Chicken PastaRecipe
*Plain Pasta • Boneless Chicken • Olive Oil • *Green, Red, Yellow Pepper • Corn • *Mushroom • *Garlic • *Ginger • *Orange Carrot • *Broccoli • Note: Youcanuseothervegetablestoo,ofyourchoice.Ihavechosengroundspices. Ingredients:
Step1:Takeapot,fillithalf withthewaterandletthe waterboil,oncethe waterbeginstoboiladdfew dropsofoliveoilandsalt,then after fewminutes addpastaandstiritunlessthe pasta cooks well. Once it is cooked, takethe starchoutandkeepthepasta asidesothat,thewaterbegins togoandpastagets dried. How toCook
Step2:Sliceallthevegetables nicely,butmakesuretheyare allslicedverythin, andwashvegetablesand chickentoo. How toCook
Step3:Nowtakeapotadd oliveoilandlettheoliveoil heatandthenput chickenpiecesinitandstirtill the chicken gets cooked and brown, thenadd littlebutterandmixitwell. Oncechickenbeginstoget brown add garlic and ginger and stir it for few minutes. How toCook
Step4:Chickenpieces aredone,nowthetime is to put all the vegetablesand saltandchillyflakesto tasteandstiritforfew minutes. How toCook
Step 5: It is about to be cooked,Iknowyourmouthis watering,andsoismine.Now letsputthepastainpotand mix it all well and let the entiremixture cookfor2-3minutes.Onceit is cooked put mayonnaise and sauce and some seasoningandmixitallagain. How toCook
Nowitisdone.Timetoserveit,andjustwatchtheexpressionsofthe hungrybuds.