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Learn Scrum Master Online from trusted Websites. E-Learning brought learning to next level with low in fee cost and time saving. Scrum master has great demand in the market, if you are interested to learn scrum master online, their are some websites which can provide best online training for Scrum Master Technology. Know More @
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1.SCRUMStudy–scrumstudy.com–Rating:4.8/5 SCRUM Studycertifications are widelyreputedandaccepted byvariousFortune 500 companiessuchasApple, IBM, HP, Bank of America, AT&T, Dell, Verizon, Lockheed Martin,and PepsiCo. It hasan Establishedname in Scrum/Agile online training. OfferedScrum Courses: SCRUMStudyoffer various Scrumcourses ScrumFundamentals certified(SFC) ScrumMaster certified(SMC) Scrumproductowner certified(SPOC) ScrumStudyAgilemaster certified(SAMC) ScrumDeveloper certified(SDC) 2.Simplilearn –simplilearn.com–Rating:5/5 You can get the best scrumtrainingfromsimplilearn. Student satisfiedtraining methodologies& valuableknowledgeis simplilearn salientfeature. They offer training for Individuals and corporate. They havevery good trainers and theywill giveyou the certified scrum master trainingmaterialwhich will beinPDFformat. The trainingsessionswill beveryimpressive. Mostofthe professionalswhogottrained insimplilearnsaidthattheytook a lotoftimetogive examples,madethesessionsmore livelyandinteractive. CoursesOffered: AgileScrumMaster (ASM) Certificationtraining. 3.Manipal Pro Learn- courses.manipalprolearn.com–Rating:4.4/5 You can get the bestscrum online trainingfromManipal Pro Learn. Theycover eachandeverytopicrelated to scrumcertification. Instituteconduct the scrummastercertification online tests. After the completion of course,one will getCertificate ofCertified scrum Master(CSM).