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Chloe's Auto Repair & Tire has been serving the best auto repair services in Mountain Park at modest prices with over 20 years of experience with their professional staff. We offer quality service and repairs at affordable prices. We are fully Licensed, Insured & our goal is to provide excellent customer service with full satisfaction work. If you want any kind of auto repair services, then call us at 770-641-7400. https://www.chloesautorepair.com/auto-repair-shop-mountain-park-ga-mechanic
AboutUS Chloe’s Auto Repair was established to provide services that the average mechanicinMariettazone.Wedo not just repair vehicles as well as oil changes, and brake jobs. We also offer24/7emergencytowingservices as well as complimentary roadside assistance.Chloe’sAutoRepair clients can also take advantage of our shuttle service. You’re never strandedwhenyouhaveChloe’sAuto Repairaround.
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