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Korean rice cakes

Korean rice cakes are yummy and delicious food and it contains lots to nutrients because it is made up of rice flour and lots of nuts, berries, herbs, and spices.

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Korean rice cakes

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  1. Korean Rice Cakes

  2. What is Korean rice cake made of ? • The rice cakes are made from a combination of rice flour and tapioca starch. The tapioca starch gives the rice cakes a chewier quality. If you only used rice flour, the rice cakes will be well-founded and solider when you bite into them. • Korean rice cakes taste like pounded rice, the specific shape dramatically affects the texture. • Thin slices are significantly less chewy than large, cylindrical rice cakes that are genuinely toothsome in the degree of their chewiness.

  3. Benefits of Korean Rice cakes • Low Calories - One rice cake (9 grams) has 35 calories. A serving of rice cakes is lower in calories than bread or crackers, but the difference is minimal. In fact, gram for gram, rice cakes may even have more calories. They’re also lower in fiber and nutrients compared to whole-grain bread or crackers. • Gluten free - Rice cakes are made from whole grains and are usually gluten-free. However, they’re likely to raise your blood sugar quickly when eaten by themselves.

  4. Source of Energy - Each serving of cooked rice cake, has the same composition, which is typically derived from rice flour or glutinous rice flour. And every rice flour, has energy nutrients that are mostly derived from carbohydrates which can be processed by the body to produce energy. • Good for diet - Having an perfect body shape like a model would need a way and a special trick. Starting from the selection of healthy foods and sports are also routinely performed. Diet should be done in the right way so as not to bring a negative impact later on health. A healthy routine keeps the day done and the meal does have to be three times a day. But make sure that the calories that go into the body according to daily needs. • Maintain bone health - The benefits of rice cake with base ingredient is sticky rice flour that is enough to play one of them is to maintain bone health. According to the Institute of Medicine, manganese content in sticky rice can also help make proteoglycans, a type of protein needed to keep cartilage and other bone tissues healthy. Each serving of sticky rice contains a manganese intake of about 0.5 milligrams or about 22% of recommended daily intake for men and 28% for women.

  5. Thank you !

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