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This latest electronics projects to build eBook contains many latest interesting and useful electronic circuit diagrams to build, each project is using low cost and easily available components.
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 01 Contents BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG Door Left Open IndicatorAlarm • Digital Variable Resistor • Cold Sensor Switch Using LM35 & CA3140 • Simple Loud SecurityAlarm Using PIR Sensor Module • LED Thermometer with Selectable Temperature Switch • Home & Office Basement FloodAlarm • Motion Sensing Main Gate Night Light • Contact Less Mains Power FailureAlarm • Motion Sensor Solar Outdoor Light • Automatic Washroom Light • SimpleAutomatic Emergency Light • Single Chip Light Dark Sensor Switch • Automatic Sequence Solar Battery Charger • TouchActivated Switch Using 4011 IC • Multiple Style Flasher Using 555 • For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: www.circuitdiagram.org
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 02 About This Book BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG This free eBook is a joint effort of circuitdiagram.org team for electronics students, electronics engineers and electronics hobbyists to provide latest & working electronics projects that uses low cost, reliable and easy to get components. This book contains some of the very useful electronic projects, which can be built in one or two hours if all components are available with you. You can also make changes in these projects to make them according to your requirements or use them with your big electronics projects. These projects can also be connected with microcontrollers for further enhancements. This free book is produced by Circuitdiagram.org, www.circuitdiagram.org is an educational website which provides free electronics projects, there are hundreds of latest designed electronics projects are on the website and new circuits / projects are added frequently. You will find many categories of electronics projects / circuits on the website which are audio circuits, power supply circuits, battery charger circuits, test & measurement circuits etc. For more latest electronics projects please visit www.circuitdiagram.org and do not forget to visit the website often to get the latest added electronics projects. Published on April, 2017 For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 03 Door Left Open Indicator Alarm BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG Electronics technology is helping us in every part of life and as this technology is growing day by day it is making our life easier & better. It is solving many issues & problems of our life and in these issues one of the main issue is security. The uses of electronic security devices increasing because every one wants to be secure and wants security of their homes, cars, offices etc. The simple circuit diagram shown here will also serve for a very useful security related purpose. It will alert you by a melodious alarm when you forget to close the door after a preset time period. The circuit can be used for any of your door for example your home door, office door, garage door, store room door or even your lockers and cupboard doors. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 04 Digital Variable Resistor BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG This is a circuit diagram of digital variable resistor, the circuit can be used to replace analog variable resistor in any desired electronic circuit, therefore it can be used to adjust the value of resistance by pushing a button or digitally adjust connecting it to microcontroller, this procedure replaces the need of manually hand adjustments by the user. The circuit is very easy to build and using low cost ICs and components. The operating voltage of the circuit can be any from 5V to 16V DC. It can also be operated with 3V, and if you want to operate with 3V just replace the NE555 IC with its low voltage CMOS version 7555 or LMC555 etc. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 05 Cold Sensor Switch Using LM35 & CA3140 BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG Like heat sensor a cold sensor circuit can also be made using almost same components which is used by heat sensor. The circuit diagram of cold sensor switch using LM35 & CA3140 shown here can be used to control AC and DC devices on desired cold temperature. The LM35 temperature sensor IC is used to detect the temperature. The CA3140 is an operational amplifier & it is working in comparator mode here. The circuit can be operated with any voltage from 5V to 12V DC. Make sure to use the relay value according to the operating voltage. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 06 Simple Loud Security Alarm Using PIR Sensor Module BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG This is a circuit diagram of simple loud security alarm. This circuit can be used in any room or outside area. The circuit will make a loud alarm when the PIR sensor module used in the circuit will detect the presence of any person or animal in its detection range. The circuit uses a ready made PIR sensor module that can be easily purchased from your local electronic store or from any reputable online electronic store. This ready made PIR sensor Module also contains a variable resistor to set the time period of output after sensing an infrared. The operating voltage of the circuit is 5V to 12V DC. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 07 LED Thermometer With Selectable Temperature Switch BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG Here is a very useful project of a LED thermometer with selectable temperature switch. The circuit contains two different functions which are temperature sensing with visual indication through LEDs and another function is it can also control any AC/DC device or appliance on the desired selected temperature. A 10K NTC thermistor is used as a sensor for temperature. 10 LEDs are connected at the output of LM3914 IC. LM3914 IC contains 10 separate opamps and each LED is derived by a separate opamp. The point marked IC connection in the circuit diagram can be connected with any desired pin of the IC from which any LED is connected so it will switch on the relay switch on the desired temperature. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 08 Home & Office Basement Flood Alarm BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG The figure below shows a very useful project of home & office basement flood alarm that will indicate if water enters in your home or office basement. The circuit makes an early indication so the user have much time to stop the water before it enters in the furniture or in electronic appliances. The circuit is very easy and can be built with in one hour if you have all the components at your table. A UM66 melody alarm circuit is connected at the output which will become activated when the two sensors shown in the circuit will detect water. The two sensor points shown in the circuit diagram should be attached where there are most chances of water to come first or you can also attach it on multiple location by simply attaching more wires with it. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 09 Motion Sensing Main Gate Night Light BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG Here is a very useful project of a motion sensing main gate night light circuit. The circuit will switch ON the mains gate light of your home when it will detects any person in the range of the PIR sensor. It can be very useful for security purposes or it can also be used as a power saver by switching on the lights only when it is required. The circuit is very simple and easy to build. It is using very few components, It is also using a ready made PIR sensor module which can be purchased from any local or a reputable online store. The circuit is also using a dark sensor circuit that will only switch on the circuit at night, so after building the circuit adjust the 100K variable resistor to activate the circuit at night. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 10 Contact Less Mains Power Failure Alarm BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG This is a circuit diagram of contact less mains power failure alarm circuit that will automatically activate and produce an alarm when the mains power goes off. The circuit not require any connections for detecting the mains voltage. It will sense it wirelessly through EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) that is build around the AC wires. The 1M variable resistor is used to adjust the sensitivity of the circuit to detect the EMF. The antenna wire used in the circuit should be 4 inches in length. The circuit is also using a separate supply from batteries and it can be operated from any battery from 4.5V to 12V. The circuit will use very less current in consequent mode therefore the batteries will last very long and you don’t need to change them very often once it is placed with the circuit at any place where you want detect the power failure. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 11 Motion Sensor Solar Outdoor Light BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG The figure shows a motion sensor solar outdoor light project. It will charge a 1.2AH lead acid battery from solar panel and only activate the output LEDs when it will detects a person in front of it or else it will remain in off mode. This function saves the battery a lot and also provide very bright lighting of four 1watt LEDs. Once the PIR sensor detects a person then its output goes high which lit up the LEDs for a preset time period, this time period can be set with the build in variable resistor in the PIR sensor module. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 12 Automatic Washroom Light BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG This automatic washroom light circuit will activate the light only when it is required. The circuit is actually a vibration sensor that can sense the vibrations of the door which will produce when some one touch the door to open it. A peizo sensor is used in the circuit to sense vibrations, for best results use long wire between peizo sensor and the circuit and place the peizo sensor on the door and rest of the circuit should be placed where it will not come in contact with water. Operating voltage of the circuit is 5V to 12V DC, you can also use any plug pack of output voltage between 5V to 12V DC. The relay value should be choose according to the operating voltage. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 13 Simple Automatic Emergency Light BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG An emergency light is a very useful device to switch on immediately when sudden mains power outage is happen. The circuit is using very few components and it will switch on automatically when the mains power will go off. The circuit is using four super bright white LEDs which produce enough light to light a single room. As shows in the circuit diagram the circuit is using 3 1.5V AAA batteries as backup, when power outage will happens the circuit will automatically shift to the AAA batteries. In the presence of mains power the circuit will be completely disconnected with the batteries due to which the batteries will last longer. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 14 Single Chip Light Dark Sensor Switch BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG This topic describes a single chip light dark sensor switch using a LM358 IC, the circuit can be used to control any AC and DC devices in both situations i.e. light or dark. Two separate relay switches are connected at the output of LM358 IC. The sensitivity of the circuit to activate the relay switches on desired light and dark levels can be set by the two 10K variable resistors which are VR1 and VR2. The circuit can be operated with any voltage from 5V to 12V DC. The relay values should be used according to the operating voltage. Let say you want to operate the circuit with 5V then use a 5V relay and if you are operating the circuit with 12V then use a 12V relay. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 15 Automatic Sequence Solar Battery Charger BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG Solar panels are best source of free green energy and if you want to build a smart solar system which also saves the wasted energy of solar panels then this circuit is ideal for your. Solar panels charge batteries in the sunlight but a charge controller device or circuit is also required between the solar panels and batteries which disconnects the batteries from solar panels when they are fully charged. Some times the batteries are charged quickly (in few minutes or hours after the sun rise) due to not much usage by the user and the charge controller disconnects them from solar panels. When the batteries are disconnected from the solar panels in the day time the solar panels still generates energy which gets wasted. The automatic sequence solar battery charger circuit shown here will over come this problem by shifting the solar panels output to the next battery automatically. More details about this circuit can be found on this link: http://www.circuitdiagram.org/automatic-sequence-solar-battery-charger.html For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 16 Touch Activated Switch Using 4011 IC BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG Here is a project of touch activated switch using 4011 IC. As you can see in the circuit diagram there are two touch points which are touch point 1 and touch point 2. When user touches the touch point 1 the output of the 4011 IC goes high as a result the 2N4403 transistor will goes in ON state and current starts travel to the relay through the transistor which will activate the relay switch. And in opposite condition when the user touches point 2 the output of the 4011 IC goes low, hence the transistor goes in OFF state which disconnects the current going to the relay and as a result the relay become deactivated. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG
LATEST ELECTRONICS PROJECTS TO BUILD FREE EBOOK BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG PAGE 17 Multiple Style Flasher Using 555 IC BY WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG This project of multiple style flasher can be used to blink the LEDs in different styles. The blinking patterns can be changed by adjusting the 3 100K pots in the circuit. The number of LEDs can also be increased, for doing so connect three LEDs in parallel with a 75 ohms resistor as shown in the diagram. The circuit is built around three 555 timer ICs. The max output current of a 555 timer IC is 200mA therefore you can drive 20 to 30 LEDs with each 555 IC. The operating voltage of the circuit is 12V DC. For More Latest Electronics Projects Visit: WWW.CIRCUITDIAGRAM.ORG