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People with jawline acne, can get prevention and treatment if they choose to. But it may persist far into adulthood. Pimples, blemishes, and everything else that accumulates and causes acne are always embarrassing, and it can be difficult to identify the root cause. As per Best Acne Doctor in Gurgaon at Citrine Clinic, Acne can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormones, clogged pores, dirt, excess sebum, and others, making it difficult to figure out the correct treatment.u2019<br><br>Website: https://www.citrineclinic.com/acne-treatment-in-gurgaon
What Causes Acne on the Jawline? People with jawline acne, can get prevention and treatment if they choose to. Acne affects one out of every three people at some point in their lives, mostly during their teenage years, but it may persist far into adulthood. Pimples, blemishes, and everything else that accumulates and causes acne are always embarrassing, and it can be difficult to identify the root cause. As per Best Acne Doctor in Gurgaonat Citrine Clinic, Acne can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormones, clogged pores, dirt, excess sebum, and others, making it difficult to figure out the correct treatment.’ The worst type of acne is jawline acne, which is characterised by big, painful pimples that appear regularly. Such types of breakouts might cause excessive pimples along the jawline to appear overnight. What is Jawline Acne? In comparison to other areas of the face, the jawline is extremely acne-prone. This area has a greater number of sebaceous glands, which produce oil. Due to this density, acne occurs more frequently here than in other areas of the body, such as the elbows or ankles. Acne is caused by clogged hair follicles under the skin. These follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and sebum, which is an oil that moisturises the skin. When the balance is wrong, pimples may emerge on the jawline. Types of Jawline Acne As per Best Dermatologist in Gurgaon, Dr. Niti Gaur at Citrine Clinic, jawline acne can be of following types: • Fungal Acne This type of acne, also known as Pityrosporum folliculitis, occurs when yeast accumulates in the follicles. Fungal acne can be extremely irritating.
• Cystic Acne • Cystic acne is caused by pus-filled nodules that grow deep beneath the skin's surface and cause surface irritation. It is essential not to attempt to burst this type of acne, as it can often result in scarring. Cystic acne on the jawline can be exceedingly painful and persistent, interfering with daily activities such as eating and drinking. • Hormonal Acne Hormonal acne is caused by an excessive amount of sebum oil and is the most prevalent cause of acne on the jawline, including those annoying whiteheads. As the name indicates, this type of acne develops as a result of hormonal imbalances caused by stress, lack of sleep, certain skincare and hair-care products, medicines such as birth control or testosterone therapies, and medical diseases such as poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). • Nodular Acne Nodular acne is severe and less common, appearing as both a pimple on the skin's surface and a deeper pus-filled nodule beneath the skin (similar to cystic acne). This type of acne usually requires medical intervention to relieve patients of the painful nodules that grow. How to Get Rid Of Jawline Acne? 1. Use products containing salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Do not be afraid to use many products. The best way to treat jawline acne is through combination therapy, which involves taking medications that target as many of the causes as possible. In terms of over-the-counter treatments, one can combine benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. They work together to destroy acne-causing bacteria, open pimples, promote exfoliation, and remove excess oil. 2. Keep your hands away from your face, especially your jawline. If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that touching the face is one of the most powerful ways to spread bacteria. From holding the hand on the jawline while sitting at a desk or table to picking the skin while deep in thought, it's important to keep the hands off this area. For jawline acne, a non-drying, sulphate- free cleanser is recommended that uses salicylic and glycolic acids - salicylic acid helps keep bacteria out of the pores, and glycolic acid smoothes and fades post-breakout marks. 3. Keep your phone clean.
This advice goes in tandem with the hand not touching the face, and for good reason: mentally, anything we can do to reduce the amount of bacteria coming into contact with the skin lessens the chance of breaking out. 4. Remember to exfoliate your skin regularly. Exfoliation isn't just for preventing wrinkles and fine lines; it's also an important step in keeping skin fresh and preventing breakouts over time. Chemical exfoliation can be done with retinoids, physically using an exfoliating brush or with a very gentle physical exfoliant. But, regardless of which form one chooses, be careful not to overdo it. 5. Change your diet. We all know that oily food and chocolate can cause the face to flare up at times, and dairy may also be problematic for some people. The skin functions as an excretory system, removing toxins that are not compatible with the body. When individuals consume more dairy than the body can digest, it can be excreted through cystic acne on the chin and jawline. Go to Dermatologist orAcne Treatment in Gurgaon It is necessary to use a dermatologist's recommended products. If the condition has not improved after a few weeks, consult with the best dermatologist at Citrine Clinic to get a proper treatment plan for acne management.