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Head & Neck Surgery - Coastal Ear Nose & Throat

The surgeons at Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat are highly experienced and trained in all facets of head and neck conditions. Our physician, Dr. Kenneth Newkirk, is board certified in adult and pediatric otolaryngology, and is also a fellowship trained Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon. Dr. Newkirk is the Medical Director of Head and Neck Cancer at Jersey Shore University Medical Center and works with team of experts to provide patients with a multi-disciplinary approach to head and neck disorders.

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Head & Neck Surgery - Coastal Ear Nose & Throat

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  1. Head&NeckSurgery-Coastal EarNose&Throat The surgeons at Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat are highly experienced and trained in all facets of head and neck conditions. Our physician, Dr. Kenneth Newkirk,isboardcertifiedinadultandpediatricotolaryngology,andisalsoa fellowshiptrainedHeadandNeckCancerSurgeon.Dr.NewkirkistheMedical Director of Head and Neck Cancer at Jersey Shore University Medical Center and works with team of experts to provide patients with a multi-disciplinary approachtoheadandneckdisorders. Endoscopy/Biopsy MedicalOncology,RadiationOncology,Pathology,Radiology Multi-discliplinaryapproach MedicalOncology,RadiationOncology,Pathology,Radiology OncologicSurgery Manyheadandnecktumors,whethercancerousorbenign,aretreatedwith surgery. DiagnosticImaging Imagingmaybenecessaryinthediagnosisandmanagementofyourdisease.

  2. Bell'sPalsy&FacialParalysis- CoastalEarNose&Throat Disordersofthefacialnervecanoccurtomen,women,andchildren, buttheyaremoreprominentamongmenandwomenover40yearsof age,peoplewithdiabetes,upperrespiratoryailments,weakimmune systems, or pregnant women. Cases of facial paralysis can be permanent or temporary, but in all circumstances there are treatmentsdesignedtoimprovefacialfunction. Insightintofacialnervedisorders Howdoesthefacialnerveaffectfacialexpression? Whatcausessuddenfacialparalysis? Howarefacialnervedisorderstreated? andmore…

  3. Head&NeckCancer-Coastal EarNose&Throat Insightintorecognizingsymptomsforearly detection Earlydetectionofheadandneckcancer Symptomsofheadandneckcancer andmore… More than 55,000 Americans will develop cancer of the head andneck(mostofwhichispreventable)thisyear;nearly13,000 ofthemwilldiefromit.

  4. LaryngealTumors&Cancer-Coastal EarNose&Throat Laryngealcancerisnotaswellknownbythegeneralpublicas some other types of cancer, yet it is not a rare disease. The AmericanCancerSocietyestimatesthatin2005almost10,000 newcasesoflaryngealcancerwillbediagnosed,andcloseto 3,800 people will die from laryngeal cancer in the United States. Even for survivors, the consequences of laryngeal cancer can be severe with respect to voice, breathing, or swallowing.Itisfundamentallyapreventablediseasethough, since the primary risk factors for laryngeal cancer are associatedwithmodifiablebehaviors.

  5. NeckMasses-CoastalEarNose&Throat Neck masses in children are most often benign. One of the most commonly diagnosed benign neck masses is an enlarged lymph node. Lymphnodeshelptofightinfection,sotheywilloftenswellupduringan upper respiratory infection. Usually, these “swollen glands” are tender during the course of the infection. Most of the time, they will shrink downastheinfectionresolves.Onoccasion,enlargedlymphnode(s)can become an abscess (collection of pus) which requires intravenous antibioticsandsurgery. Another common neck mass is a cyst, which is filled with fluid. Many cystsintheheadandneckarecongenital,thatis,theyhavebeenpresent since birth. Despite their presence in the neck, an actual lump may not appearuntilmuchlaterinlife.Infact,somecongenitalneckcystsdonot getdiagnoseduntiladulthood.

  6. Parathyroid&Hyperparathyroidism- CoastalEarNose&Throat The parathyroid glands are four small glands in the neck that are part of the endocrine system. They produce parathyroid hormone (PTH),whichmaintainscalciumandphosphoruslevelsintheblood. Themostcommondiseaseassociatedwiththeparathyroidglandsis overproductionofPTH,knownashyperparathyroidism. Uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism may lead to hypercalcemia or elevatedbloodcalciumlevels.Twiceasmanywomenasmensuffer fromthisconditionandtheriskofdevelopinghyperparathyroidism increases with age. Hyperparathyroidism is more common in patients over the age of 60. Risk factors for hyperparathyroidism includehavinghadradiationtreatmenttotheheadorneck.Rarely, cancermaybethecauseofthecondition.

  7. SalivaryDisorders-Coastal EarNose&Throat The glands are found in and around your mouth and throat. Wecallthemajorsalivaryglandstheparotid,submandibular, andsublingualglands. Theyallsecretesalivaintoyourmouth,theparotidthrough tubesthatdrainsaliva,calledsalivaryducts,nearyourupper teeth,submandibularunderyourtongue,andthesublingual throughmanyductsinthefloorofyourmouth. Besidestheseglands,therearemanytinyglandscalledminorsalivaryglandslocatedinyourlips,innercheekarea (buccal mucosa), and extensively in other linings of your mouth and throat. Salivary glands produce the saliva usedtomoistenyourmouth,initiatedigestion,andhelpprotectyourteethfromdecay.Asagoodhealthmeasure, itisimportanttodrinklotsofliquidsdaily.Dehydrationisariskfactorforsalivaryglanddisease.

  8. SalivaryTumors-CoastalEar Nose&Throat Therearethreepairedsetsofsalivaryglandsintheheadand neck region. These include the ones in front of the ears (parotid),belowthejaw(submandibular),andunderneaththe tongue (sublingual). Additionally, there are numerous very smallsalivaryglandsthroughoutthemouthandthroat. Primary benign and malignant salivary gland tumors usually show up as painless enlargements of these glands. Tumors rarelyinvolvemorethanoneglandandaredetectedasagrowth in the parotid, submandibular area, on the palate, floor of mouth, cheeks, or lips. An otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeonshouldchecktheseenlargements. Malignant tumors of the major salivary glands can grow quickly, may be painful, and can cause loss of movementofpartoralloftheaffectedsideoftheface.Thesesymptomsshouldbeimmediatelyinvestigated.

  9. ThyroidDisorders&Surgery-Coastal EarNose&Throat Whatisathyroiddisorder? Whattreatmentmayberecommended? Whatisthyroidsurgery? andmore… Your thyroid gland is one of the endocrine glands that makes hormones to regulate physiological functions in your body, like metabolism.Otherendocrineglandsarethepancreas,thepituitary, theadrenalglands,andtheparathyroidglands.Thethyroidglandis locatedinthemiddleofthelowerneck,belowthelarynx(voicebox) and wraps around the front half of the trachea (windpipe). It is shapedlikeabowtie,justabovethecollarbones,havingtwohalves (lobes) which are joined by a small tissue bar (isthmus.). You can’t alwaysfeelanormalthyroidgland.

  10. ContactUs CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:3700Route33 Neptune,NJ07753 (732)280-7855(main) (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:1301Route72 Unit 340 Manahawkin,NJ08050 (609)978-0590 (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:100Commons Way #210 Holmdel,NJ07733 (732)280-7855 (732)-280-7815 ForMoreDetailsVisitUs: https://coastalearnoseandthroat.com/services/head-and-neck-surgery/

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