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Plastic Surgery Archives - Coastal Ear Nose & Throat

Our Facial Plastic and Reconstruction Department is run by Dr. Jared Goldfarb. Dr. Goldfarb has extensive extra specialization in facial plastic surgery that includes rhinoplasty (cosmetic nose surgery), deviated septum surgery, skin cancer (Mohs) reconstruction, nasal reconstruction, facelift and neck lift, eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), u00adu00adbrow lift, surgery for facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy), facial and jaw fracture reconstruction, and ear pinning (otoplasty). In addition, Dr. Goldfarb has comprehensive training in the evaluation and evidence-based treatment of general otolaryngology c

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Plastic Surgery Archives - Coastal Ear Nose & Throat

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  1. PlasticSurgeryArchives -CoastalEarNose& Throat Cont....

  2. KnowAboutSkinCancer (Mohs)Reconstruction After Mohs surgery (skin cancer removal) on the face, patients want the best cosmetic and functional result possible. This requires sophisticated surgical techniques alongwithexpectionalunderstandingoftheanatomyand dynamicmovementoftheface.Reconstructionsincluding recruitment of nearby skin and grafts are used to restore theaestheticandfunctionalstructureoftheface.Dr. Goldfarb uses his knowledge of facial anatomy and functioncombinedwithmeticuloussurgicaltechniqueto reconstructthefaceinwaysthatoptimizeskincolor matching,contour,andstructuralsupporttogiveyouthe best possible outcome. He works closely with Mohs surgeons to plan and coordinate your reconstructive procedureandminimizedowntime.

  3. Know About FillerInjections Fillerinjectionsareusedtoreplace volume in areas of the face that have lost their volume due to the changes of aging andtheeffectsofgravity.Undertheeyes, they can be used to smooth out the tear troughandreducetheappearanceofbags and dark circles. In the cheeks, they can helprestorevolumeandgivethefacea desirable triangular or “heart” shape. In the lips, they can be used to add fullness and a plump shape. Fillers can be used alongthechinorjawtohelpdefinethe lowerface.Dr.Goldfarbisconservativein howheusesfillerstoprioritizeanatural, refreshedandrejuvenatedappearance.

  4. KnowMoreAboutBotox Injections Botoxisagreattootomaintainasoft,restedand rejuvenated appearance. Botox injections work by temporarily lightening the muscles around an area of wrinklessotheybecomelessprominent.Botoxisveryuseful for preventing or pausing dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles you only see when you move your face) from becoming static wrinkles (wrinkles that are “etched” in the skin and visible evenatrest).Botoxinjectionsaresafe,minimallyinvasive, and well-tolerated. They are an effective part of the facial care regimen for both men and women beginning in their late20sandup.

  5. KnowAboutFacial NerveReconstruction FacialNerveweaknessorspasmfromconditionssuchasBell’sPalsy affectsalmosteveryaspectoffacialfunctionandcanbedevastatingfor patients’ daily wellbeing. The treatment for facial nerve changes depends on the cause and what the symptoms are – every patient is different. Dr. Goldfarb is experienced in the treatment of facial palsy andperformseyelidweightimplantation,lowereyelidtightening,brow lifts,facialslings,andBotoxinjectionstoimprovesymmetryoftheface.

  6. KnowMoreAboutBrowlift Overtime,theeyebrowstendtodescenddownwardwith gravity,resultinginatiredappearance.Abrowliftis designedtoreversethisprocess.Usingdifferenttechniques around the hairlineorinnaturalexistingskincreasesDr. Goldfarbcanelevatethe eyebrowsback totheir natural position. This minimally invasive procedure can be performedeitheronitsownorcanbe combinedwithother procedurestorejuvenatetheareaaroundtheeyesfora morerested,youthfulappearance.

  7. Know More About Blepharoplasty Blepharoplasty,oran“eyelidlift”,isaneyelidsurgerydesignedto give the area around the eyesa moreyouthful,refreshed appearance.Ablepharoplastycanbeperformedonjusttheupper eyelids,just the lowereyelids,orboth.Dr.Goldfarbisexperienced in many different techniques for blepharoplasty, which allows him tocustomizeyoursurgerytobestsuityourfacialcharacteristics and aesthetic goals. These techniques include selective removal of skin or fat, or in the case of the lower eyelids, transconjunctival incisions(noexternaleyelid incisions) andfattranspositioning (smoothingthe teartrough).

  8. KnowMoreAbout FaceliftandNecklift A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgery to correct the changes in the face and neck that occur from aging. Specifically, a facelift can tighten excess neck skin, significantly reduce jowling, smooth the jawline, and help restorevolumetothecheeksthathasflattenedanddescendedovertime. Allthesechangeshelpachieve ayouthful,refreshed,andrejuvenated appearance. Dr. Goldfarb is highly trained in both deep-plane and minimally invasive face-lifting. Dr. Goldfarb also employs techniques to achieverejuvenationofthenecktogetherwithafaceliftoralone to help define theneckandjawline.Duringyourconsultation,youandDr. Goldfarbwilldiscussyourareasofconcernandworktogether to plana procedureplanthatismost appropriateforyourneedsand expectations.

  9. KnowAboutNasalobstruction (DeviatedSeptum) Theshapeofyournasalcavitycouldbethe causeofdifficultybreathing throughyournoseorcontributing toepisodesofsinusitis.Thenasal septum is the wall dividing the nasal cavity into halves; it is composed of a centralsupportingskeletoncovered on each sidebymucousmembrane. The front portion of this natural partition is a firm, but bendable structure mademostlyofcartilageandiscoveredbyskinthathasasubstantialsupply ofblood vessels.Theidealnasalseptum isexactlymidline,separating the leftandright sidesof the noseintopassagewaysofequalsize.

  10. KnowMoreAbout Rhinoplasty (NoseSurgery) Arhinoplasty,or“nosejob”,isa surgerythatchanges theshape and structure of the nose. This procedure can be performed for functional reasons to breathe better, for cosmetic reasons to changehowthenoselooks,orbothatthesametime.Functional nosesurgeryhelps to bettersupportthenose to allowforstraight opennasalairwaypassagesthatresistcollapse.Cosmeticnose surgerycanbe performed to changemanyaspectofthenose such as thesize,bumps,straightnessandshapeofthe tip.Dr.Goldfarb has extensively trained, researched, taught and presented on advancedmoderntechniques inallaspectsofrhinoplastysurgery.

  11. ContactUs CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:3700Route33 Neptune,NJ07753 (732)280-7855(main) (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:1301Route72 Unit 340 Manahawkin,NJ08050 (609)978-0590 (732)280-7815 CoastalEar,Noseand Throat Address:100Commons Way #210 Holmdel,NJ07733 (732)280-7855 (732)-280-7815 https://coastalearnoseandthroat.com/services/plastic-surgery/

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