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If you or someone close to you was injured in a motor vehicle accident and you think negligence such as texting while driving played a role, the Boston car accident attorneys at Colucci, Colucci, Marcus & Flavin, P.C., are ready to protect your rights. They have a proven record of success obtaining results for people throughout the Boston area and across Massachusetts.
texting wh ile driving were 23 times as fou nd that truc k drivers wh o were Virg inia Tech Tra nsportation Institute the nation. A stu dy conducte d by the le ading cause of ca r accid ents a cross Textin g whil e drivin g is b ecomi ng a
Colucci, Co lucci, Marcus & Flavin, P. C., ac cident attor neys in Bos ton at wh ile driving pl ayed a role, the car you think neglige nce such as texting inj ured in a mo tor ve hicle a cciden t and I f you o r som eone close t o you was
THANKS Do you have any questions? Address - 31 Milk Street, Boston, MA 02109 Phone - 617-917-3917 Web - https://www.coluccilaw.com/contact-us/