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At Seceon, we prioritize the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Our Online Advanced SIEM Solutions Services are designed to address the evolving cybersecurity landscape, empower your organization with actionable insights, and fortify your defenses against emerging threats. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
IsYourSIEMStrategyFailingYou? Here’s Why AI-Powered XDR MightBeTheAnswer The term “Security Information and Event Management” or SIEM might appeartobejustabuzzword,orsoftwarecategorybut for organizations with more than 300 endpoints, it’s an essential defense against a perpetually evolving landscape of cyber threats. However, is your SIEMstrategy truly safeguarding your organization or clients, or is it becoming an expensive liability? Here are five signs that your SIEM strategymightbefallingshort,andwhy anAI-poweredExtended DetectionandResponse(XDR)platform might bethe upgrade you need.
EscalatingCostsofCyberBreaches Consistently high costs to manage cyber breaches should raise alarm bells. For instance, the average cost for US firms to mitigate acyber- breach has soared to a staggering $9.44 million. This fact is driving up premiums for cyber insurance and the cost to hire the limited number of Cybersecurityprofessionals available. If you’renoticing asimilar trend, it could be asign that your SIEM strategy isineffective. AI-powered XDRplatforms canhelp curbthese costsby detecting threats faster andminimizingtheimpactofbreaches. AdvancedThreats BreachingYourDefenses Are sophisticated threats slipping past your defenses unnoticed? If so, your SIEM strategy isn’t doing its job. Consider the Defense Industrial Base(DIB)sectororganization,whichwitnesseditsnetwork compromised by multiple advanced persistent threats (APTs). An XDR platform with AI capabilities couldhelp identify such advanced threats intheirearlystages,enhancingyouroverallsecurityposture. RisingInsiderThreats Mostinsiderthreatsoccurduetonegligenceratherthanmalice,posing asignificantrisktoorganizations.A striking example isthe Dallas PoliceDepartment,whichlostover8.7millionfilesduetoanaccidentalinsider threat.IfyourSIEMstrategyisn’teffectivelyhandlingthese
IsYourSIEMStrategyFailing You?Here'sWhyAI-PoweredXDRMightBeTheAnswer-Seceon threats,anAI-poweredXDRplatformmightprovidetheadvanced detectioncapabilitiesyouneed. PersistentComplianceFailures Strugglingtokeep upwith rapidly evolvingregulations?YourSIEM strategymightbetheculprit.Amazon’s$850million fine for compliance breaches is astark example of the consequences of non- compliance. With AI capabilities, an XDRplatform canoffer superior compliancemanagement,helpingyoustayontopofchanging regulations. InadequateMonitoringofIoTandOTSecurity WithIoTandoperationaltechnology(OT)becoming increasingly mainstream,effectivemonitoring oftheseenvironments and technologies is critical. The troubling incident at the Oldsmar, Florida water treatment plant highlights the risks involved. AI-powered XDR platforms canoffersuperiormonitoringcapabilities,helpingyouto bettermanagethesecurityofthesetechnologies. If any of these warning signs resonate with your organization’s current situation, it might be time to consider transitioning from atraditional SIEMstrategytoanAI-poweredXDRplatform.XDRdoesn’t just identify problems, but it proactively prevents threats from turning into breaches, leveraging AI to make informed predictions. With ateam of oneormoreanalystsandAI-enhancedinsights,everyonein your organization can understand their essential role in maintaining security.
It’saboutnotjustcomplyingwith regulations,but exceedingthem, setting new benchmarks in every aspect of your security. Above all, AI- powered XDR platforms can future-proof your Cybersecuritystrategy, ensuringyoustayonestepaheadofcyberthreats. Contact Us Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Seceon_Inc Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/seceon