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Seceon aiMSSPTM is modern, advanced and fully automated end-to-end multi-tenant platform that is built from ground up to enable service providers to fully embrace MSSP 2.0 shift. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
aiMSSP: Most Advanced and completeEnd-to-endMSSP& MDR platform enabling new MSSP2.0 shift PostedbySunilK.Kotagiri According toIDCMSSPSurvey2018,globalManagedSecurity Servicesrevenuewillgrowto32BillionUSDby2022from22B in 2018 with 10.2% CumulativeAnnual Growth Rate (CAGR). As a ManagedSecurityServiceProvider(MSSP),areyouwell positioned to
reap the benefits of this tremendous growth opportunity or still holding on to age-old technology stack and methods that is holding yourtrue potential? • TrendsinCybersecurity • Here are most important Cybersecurity trends that are keeping EnterpriseChiefInformationSecurityOfficers(CISO)upatnightand arefuelingthegrowthofManagedSecurityServicesbusiness: • SophisticationofCyberMiscreantsgrowingrapidly.Criminalsare leveraging most advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques to identify the easy-to-attack and most vulnerable Enterprises. If your detection and protection methods are still stuck in log and rule basedmethods, youarenolongersafe. • Proliferation of security tool sets and silos, collectively generate over 100 thousand alerts per day, with major percentage of being false positives. • Growing NumberofDevicesandEnvironmentstoprotectas enterprisesareembracingcloud, mobile-firsttechnologies. • DeathofPerimeterasweknowit,asemployeesaremoreglobal andmobileandenterprisesembracingSaaS(SoftwareasaService) applications. • Scarcity of qualified information security professionals. According to Cybersecurity Ventures 2018 report, there will be more 3.5 MillionunfilledCybersecurityjobsgloballyby2021. • Continued growth of Compliance regulations. Privacy and security protection laws are becoming stricter and violation fines levied are growing rapidly. • CybercrimeasaServiceis makingiteasyfor criminalsto launch cyber attacks on organizations and individuals with little effort and knowledge. HowManagedSecurityServices(MSS)offeredtoday? Most of the Managed Security Service offerings today, including those offeredbyverylargeproviders, predicated onthefollowing:
LogManagement:InvolvingMonitoring,ScanningandAlerting • Heavy Manual process for Alert/Event investigation with additional retainerfees per incident. • Defined Network Perimeter that doesn’t consider today’s changing infrastructure • ChallengeswiththeTraditionalModel • The traditional model may have worked when organizations have defined perimeter, limited applications, simple network infrastructure and endpoints. However, it breaks completely with today’s rapidly evolving enterprises that are undergoing digital transformations and theincreased sophistication ofcybercriminals.Herearesomeofthe reasonswhy: • Broader attack surface that comprises of not only firewalls, but also SaaS/Cloudinfrastructure, Mobile endpoints, email phishingand globalworkforce. • Increased volume of data to manage that require Big Data Storage and Analytics • Increased volume of known & unknown threats with more than 100Mnewmalwarediscoveredeveryyear.StaticRuleand signaturebasedmethodsnolongerwork. • Manual processes no longer efficient for Alert/Event correlation & investigation with hundreds of thousands of security alerts per day reportedbymultitudeof applications. • NextGenerationManagedSecurity Services(MSSP2.0) • Toaddressevolving enterprise Cybersecurityneedsandtheir demands,MSSPshaverecognizedneedtoshifttheirstrategyto:
Move focus from Alert Notification to Response and Remediation (MDR) • MovingfromReactivetoProactiveSecurity (AI AssistedSOC) • Move to more value added services for managing the risk and compliance(ContinuousCompliance)vs.just focusingonlog aggregation, monitoringandalerting. • And this MSSP 2.0 shift is not only driven to cope with evolving cybersecurity trends, butalsoarelargelydriven by: • EnterpriseDigitalTransformation • NewITArchitectures • Cloud &Hybrid-Cloud infrastructures • NewTechnologyAdoption aiMSSP:EnablingMSSP2.0ShiftwithaiSIEM,aiMDRandaiSOC SeceonaiMSSP is modern, advanced and fully automated end-to- end multi-tenant platform that is built from ground up to enable service providers tofullyembraceMSSP2.0 shift. TM TMTM aiMSSP combinesthepowerofourawardwingingaiSIEM with Multi-Tier, Multi-Tenancy functionality allowing MSSPs to custom package tiersof modern MSSandMDRservicestoLarge, MediumandSmallEnterprisesandbusinesses. With integrated, SIEM(Security Information andEventManagement),automaticthreat detection, containmentandremediation,Serviceprovidersenjoythe benefitsofmostadvanceTdMArtificialIntelligence (AI)assistedSecurity • OperationCenter(aiSOC ), with improved efficiency and effectiveness. • Seceon aiMSSPTechnology stack offers MSSPs following differentiated capabilities demanded by new age enterprises comparedtothetraditionalstack: • MachineLearning/Artificial Intelligence • BigDataandAnalytics TM • UserBehavioralAnalytics • Real-timeThreatIntelligence
AutomaticThreatAnalysisand Correlation • ProactiveThreatDetectionandHunting • NetflowAnalysis • ByembracingaiMSSP platform, MSSPs will enjoy the following keybenefits: • Multi-Tier Multi-Tenancy, supports service providers to with shared services technology stack offering end-to-end data separation, threat detectionandresponse,andacceleratesrevenuegeneration from new customers. The robust multi-tenancy with multi-tier capabilityallowsMSSPsgrow insizequickly andbecome Master MSSPs. • An end-to-end ArTtiMficialIntelligence driven Managed Detection and Response(aiMDR )stackinasingleplatform.Eliminatingneed to integrate multitude of products to deliver MDR service, powering MSSPstohavefullyfunctionalMDRstackupandrunning indays ratherthanmonthsandyearssotheycanfocusonrevenue generation activity rather than spending on Research and Development(R&D) • With automatic threat detection & correlation through Seceon’s innovating dynamicthreatmodels,andautomatedthreat containTmMentand elimination, MSSPswillhaveAIassistedSOC (aiSOC )workingforthem24/7. TM ComparingTraditionalMSSPstackswithaiMSSP Platform: Hereisbriefcomparisonoffeaturesandbenefits offered byaiMSSP platformandhowdiffersfromthetraditionalMSSPstack:
Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Seceon_Inc