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Amy’s Cheat Sheet on the Best Sessions at IT Nation Connect 2023 North America - Seceon

IT Nation Connect 2023 North America is just around the corner, and I am thrilled to help you make the most of this incredible event. Whether youu2019re a seasoned IT professional or new to the game, hereu2019s a curated list of seven must-see sessions that promise to be informative, inspiring, and a whole lot of fun. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040

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Amy’s Cheat Sheet on the Best Sessions at IT Nation Connect 2023 North America - Seceon

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  1. Amy’sCheatSheetonthe Best SessionsatITNationConnect 2023NorthAmerica Areyoureadyforafantastic journeyintotheworldoftechnology, innovation,andnetworking?ITNationConnect2023NorthAmericais justaroundthecorner,andIamthrilledtohelpyoumakethemostof thisincredibleevent.Whetheryou’reaseasonedITprofessionalor new tothegame,here’sacuratedlistofsevenmust-seesessionsthat promisetobeinformative,inspiring,andawholelotoffun. 

  2. 1. PitchIT! –WhereInnovationShines Thespotlightshinesonemergingvendors,astheyshowcasewhatit takestosucceedinthetechindustry.MeetthePitchITfinalists, includingvCIOToolbox,Nodeware,andThread,astheycompetefora$70,000 prizefromConnectWiseandaccesstotheirexclusive resources.Thisistheperfectopportunitytowitnesscutting-edge technologyandvendorkick-ass-ness.Besurenottomissit!Read more 2.WelcomeKeynote–SettingtheStage Theevent’skeynote’sarealwaysworthyourtime,everysingletime. DiscoverConnectWise’sperspectiveontheevolvingchannellandscape andtherolesandopportunitiesitpresentsforyou.Thissessionwill providevaluableinsightstosetthestagefortherestoftheevent. 3.RunforaCause–The5KFunRunSupportingK9’sFor Warriors Show up Thursday morning to join the 5K fun run, supporting K9’s For Warriors. This organization is dedicated to ending veteran suicide and helping veterans regain their dignity and independence. Participate in thismeaningfuleventandshowyoursupport. 

  3. 4.InnovationKeynote–Shaping theFuture Getreadyforagame-changingsessionasConnectWiseunveilsnew products,solutions,andenhancementsdesignedtokeepMSPs relevantandtheircustomerssatisfied.Withover100updatesacross ConnectWise’sportfolios,thissessionpromisestobeagame-changer inthetechindustry. 5.M&AInsights –NavigatingHigh-ValueMergersand Acquisitions Mergersandacquisitionsarealwaysahottopic.Joinindustryexperts, includingJoePanettieri,AbeGarner,MikeHoffman,PeterKujawa,and MitchMorgan,astheydiscussthecurrentM&Alandscapeandwhere it’sheadedinthefuture.Learnfromtheseindustrytitansaboutthe trendsandstrategiesthatmattermostforyoursuccess. 6. Pricing & Packaging Cybersecurity – A Dynamic Discussion Don’t miss Jay Ryerse, VP of Security & Sales at ConnectWise, as he delves into the world of pricing and packaging in cybersecurity. With his dynamic speaking style, this session is a must-attend for those looking to evaluate their pricing strategies and stay competitive in the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. 

  4. 7. Creating Unforgettable Experiences – Insights from Jesse Cole Jesse Cole, Owner of the Savannah Bananas, shares his “5 E’s” for creating unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re in the tech industry or any other business, these principles can help you create passionate, dedicated fans. Join this keynote session to discover how the Savannah Bananas became a national phenomenon and how to apply these principles to your business. IT Nation Connect 2023 North America promises to be an event filled with knowledge, networking, and inspiration. With these sessions in your schedule, you’re sure to gain valuable insights, make meaningful connections, and have an unforgettable time. We can’t wait to see you there! Contact Us Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/seceon 

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