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Cyber Security Solutions

Seceon aiXDR Cyber Security Solutions believe in a developing forward-thinking technologies to secure your business digital data from any cyber attack. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040

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Cyber Security Solutions

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  1. CyberSecuritySolutions A cyber security solutions includes aproduct or service that helps protectorganizationsandindividualsfrom damagingcyberattacks. Although often used synonymously, the terms cyber security solution andcyber securitysolutionprovider havedifferentmeanings.

  2. Thetermcyber securitysolutionappliestocompaniesthathelp prevent and mitigate cyber security vulnerabilities. Seceon Inc. help youprotectyourbusinessthat hastheconstantthreatofcyber- attacks. Oursocietyofconnecteddevices createsnewchallengesand opportunities to defend against cyber threats; we assist enterprises in creating astrongholdnetworkwithoutvulnerabilities. • WhyWouldYouChooseCyberSecurity? • Cybersecuritysolutionsare,insimplewords,preventiveand responsive tools and services that assist with safeguarding different organizations,whichcanbringaboutunrecoverabledowntimeof digitalassists. • In the modern world of cyber security, with a wide range of steadily evolving dangers, our tools and services are an essential element of network safety.Herearethe few cybersecuritysolutionsyou can knowabout— • Application Security:We assist with test programming applications for weaknesses/vulnerabilities during the development and testingstages. • Endpoint Security:We prevent threats like malware and unapproved accessandhelpdetectandstopbreachesonendpoint devices,suchasserversandworkstations. • Network Security:We screen network traffic, detect possible threatening traffic, and help your company to impede, channel, or mitigatedifferentattacks. • WebofThings(IoT):Weapplysecurity controlstothedeveloping connectionsofIoTgadgets,whichareprogressively utilizedfor strategicapplicationsand store sensitiveinformation. • Cloud Security:We assist with overseeing complex public, private, and hybrid clouds by recognizing security misconfigurations and remediatingthem.

  3. Protect Your Developed Application with Robust Application Security Application security includes different processes and tools that assist companieswithfinding,fixing,andpersistentlyremediating applicationsecurityattacks.Forgreateffectiveness,application security must have all access at all levels — including software and hardware. Herearesomecybersecurity solutions underapplicationsecurity– WebApplicationFirewall(WAF)reviews theHTTP/Strafficmoving between the internet and the application. It detects and prevents malicious attacksandactivities. API APIsaretheconnectors.Theseenablecommunication between various applications. It allows you to move data among services and applicationsandhashighvulnerabilitiesagainstcyberattacks.We assistwith safeguarding APIsandpreventexploitations. DDoSProtection The Denial-of-Service, perhaps the most common attacking method, attemptstodisruptthenormaloperations.Inmanycases,it shutdowns entire network servers and communication networks. It regularly targets websites. DDoS security measures can assist with protection andpreventionplans. SoftwareAnalysis Seceon Inc. helps you secure software libraries and licensing information. Itanalyzestheopen-sourcepartsof yourapplication. After it recognizes open-source programming, the device gives data about every library, including authorizing data and information on distinguished security weaknesses. AHopwplcicaantIiohenlpSyeocuu?rity Testing(Black,White,andGrey) Herearethethree principal waystodeal with application security

  4. testing: • Static Application Security Testing (White)—white-box testing to investigate static sourcecodeandreportsecurityissues.Weuseit tochecknon-compiledcodeforsyntaxandmatherrors. • Dynamic Application Security Testing (Black)—black-box testing to examinecodein runtimeandgive dataaboutpotential security weaknesses, likeleakage,verification,andquerystrings. • Intuitive Application Security Testing (Semi-Grey)—a blend of white and black testing to find a more extensive scope of vulnerabilities. • Runtime Application Self-Protection (Grey)—a blend of white, black,andsemi-grey testing identifiesand prevents moresafety vulnerabilities.Itcananalyzeclient trafficandapplicationtraffic duringruntime. • NothingProtects Better ThanOurDataSecurity • Weusedifferentdata security tools, suchassensitive data management,datacompliance,threat prevention, and data governance,todetect, protect, prevent,andrespondincaseofany cyberattack. BelowarethebriefsontheDStools– • SensitiveDataManagement–Helpscompaniesrecognizeand managedifferentkindsofdata, including: • PersonalInformation(PI) • PaymentCardIndustry(PCI) • ProtectedHealthInformation(PHI) • IntellectualProperty(IP) • Information Compliance–Assistsorganizationswithguaranteeing thatprotected data isappropriatelycoordinated,managed,and handledper regulationsdefined. attacksandnetworkweaknesses.Itincludesfilteringandhandling • ThreatPrevention–Helpsidentifyandpreventknownprogressed

  5. applicable information to different tools, which help, response, and examination. • InformationGovernance–Assistscompaniesindealingwiththe whole information lifecycle. The objective is to keep up with informationaccessibility,integrity,and usability. • CloudDiscovery–Assistsconnectionswith identifying cloud instancesrunningduringaspecificmoment. • YourAssetsMustHaveEndpointSecurity • Here are the most well-known endpoint security solutions you can implementfor your organization: • EndpointProtectionPlatform–Checks andsearchesforknown threatslikethetraditionalantivirussoftware. • EndpointDetectionandRemediation–Givesdynamic security by proactively and ceaselessly checking all documents and applications. • ExpandedDetectionandResponse–Givesexpanded protection andresponseacrossnumerouslayersofsafety.Itincludestools andabilitiesthat influence cleveranalysisand detection. • DoYouStoreYourDataOnline?GetCloudInfrastructure Security • Securitytoolsthathelpyouprotect yourcloud-based information: • CloudAccessSecurity–Asecuritylayer runningbetweenacloud supplier and the corporate organization. It stretches out visibility andenhances capabilities toscreenandsecureaccessto information. • Cloud Workload Protection – Assists companies with guaranteeing that responsibilities stay secure while going through various public cloud conditions. The principal benefit of this is dealingwithafewconditionsthrougha singlecontrolcenter. • CloudSecurityStructureManagement– Utilizes afewtechniques HoawndcaanpIphaerlpatyuosue?stooverseeandcoordinatesecurityacrosscloud

  6. servicesandassets.Itgivesthedevicesexpectedtohandle cloud security,includingtoolsfor cloudsecurity, monitoring, logging, logging, andresponse. • Nothing’sSafe—ChooseNetworkSecurity • Thebest-in-classnetworksecuritytoolsinclude: • Network Access Control – To control and restrict access to the network.Itincludes denyingnetworkaccesstomaliciousdevices, settinggadgets in isolatedregions,andlimitingassetadmission. • CompleteNetworkDiversification–Tocontroltrafficstream.You can use this to shut down all traffic in one network region from coming to another and limit traffic progression as indicated by the source,type,andobjective. • Network-Based IDS – To monitor a whole network structure. It givesvisibilityintoalltrafficthatcoursesthroughtheorganization. • Next-Generation Firewalls – To get the connections between different networks, firewalls, and the Internet. It utilizes static and dynamicpacketfilters,VPNbacking,whitelists,andmark-based IPS. • MasterfulInternetofThings(IoT)Security • ThefollowingarethreeIoTsecuritysolutionsyoushouldnotmiss: • IoT Network Security – Assists you with getting network connectionsbetweenIoTgadgetsandback-end frameworks. It requires antivirus programming, antimalware, firewalls, and interruptiondetection. • IoT Encryption – Assists you with masking information at rest and in transitasitmovesbetweenIoTedgegadgetsandback-end frameworks. It requires the utilization of cryptographic calculations and dealingwiththeencryptionkeylifecycle. • IoT Verification–Assistsuserswithauthenticationprotocols.It • HorweqcuainreIshedlepayloinug?withnumerousclientspergadget andgiving

  7. validation elements,likestaticpasswords,multifacetedverification, and biometrics. DoesYourBusinessRequireEnterpriseSecurity? Enterprise security solutions are detective, preventive, and responsive in implementing security strategies across the digital infrastructure in an organization. DoesYourBusinessNeedEnterpriseSecurityManagement? Enterprise Security Management is ahigh-class term for practicing andimplementingsecuritypoliciesto safeguardcomplexsecurity systems. It is about the setup, organization, and monitoring of security policies across security toolsused. Theforemostobjectiveistoprovidecontrolover dispersedand complexenterprisesecuritysetups.Weprovidethistoaddress unapprovedaccessandmeetstrictcomplianceandprivacy compliances. Itsprimarydirectiveistoprotectdata;atrestand in transit. Commonly, this service includes the CSO, CISO, and CIO. Please note that our management implementations assist with safeguarding the organization against externalandinternalattacks. • What’stheDealwithEnterpriseSecurity? • EnterpriseSecuritydefinesathoroughandproductive cybersecurity plan. A roadmap satisfies different regulations, controls risk, and overseessecurityactivities.Preferably,SeceonInc. adjust business objectives and compliance goals to the mission and vision of the association. • FindBelowNotableESGFrameworks– • Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) – Gives best practices to help adjust business prerequisites. • •HoDwactaanTIehcehlpnyoolou?gyInfrastructureLibrary (ITIL)–Brings best

  8. practices to assist efforts to adjust business prerequisites to the informationtechnologydepartment. • GlobalOrganizationforStandardization(ISO)27001– Characterizesnecessitiesfor executing datasecurity. • PublicInstituteofStandardsandTechnology(NIST)–Givesa few effective cybersecuritysystems. • ChooseCyberSecuritySolutionsWithUs • WebApplicationFirewall–Preventsattackswitha-listanalysisof webtraffictoyour applications. • RuntimeApplicationSelf-Protection–Real-timedetectionand prevention from your application runtime climate anywhere your applicationsgo. • APISecurity–Itguaranteesyour APIendpointsaresafeguardedas theyaredistributed, protectingyourapplications from exploitation. • BotProtection–Preventsbusinessattacksfromallpassages– sites,portable applications, and APIs. • DDoS Protection – Blocks threatening traffic at the edge to guaranteebusinessprogression,ensuringuptimeandno presentationimpact.Secure youron-premises orcloud-based resources. • Attack Reports & Analytics – Ensures complete workability with powerful artificial intelligence to uncover threat patterns and detect digital application assaults, giving you time for prevention and response. • Information Risk Analysis – Automates the detection of non- compliantor malignantinformationaccessconductacrosseachof yourdatasetstospeedupremediation. • NotesOnHowSeceonCanHelpYou • ItwasoncedifficultforITmanagerstoprotecttheircompanies’ sensitivedata.Inmostcases,theyhadverylimitedresourcesand • wHoewrecatenrIrihfeielpdyoofu?losingalawsuitifsomethingweretohappen.How toprotectyourselfagainstcyberattacksthroughessential

  9. cybersecuritytipsandadvice. With the rise in cyberattacks or malicious activities, companies are looking for ways to protect their data from hackers. There are various ways to remove sensitive information from both internal and external sources. The Internet hasopened up afloodgate for this problem asthere is no end to technical guidance on how not to protect your business. Some of these techniques include encryption, pre-authorized codes, and multi-factorauthenticationsoftware. Security must be part of your design when it comes to the Internet of Things(IoT)and“things”thatconnecttotheinternet. Unfortunately,thatmaynotalwaysbeeasyifyoudonothave experience building secure systems. What do you consider when it comestodesigningdevicesthatarenotsecure? Whataresomecommonmistakesmadeduringdesignand development? And, what should product managers think about when increasingsecurityfornewconnecteddevicesbyusingexisting platforms? As technology continues to advance and expand, cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses of all kinds. Given that it is such an abstractandcommonlymisunderstoodchallenge,companiesare lookingforwaystofindsolutionsthatworkwiththeir current business models. Specifically, many small businesses are concerned about the cost of implementingmeasuresneededto combat cybercrime. Nobody’s perfect, but B2B cybersecurity vendors have to be close like us. In essence, we must provide a product that will keep up with our clients’dailypaceandspeedofinnovationwithin the business market. Ourcybersecuritycontinuouslyevolvesandadapts to surviveexisting threats, enablefuturegrowth,andremain relevant. Cyberthreatsaregrowingdailyfromunawarenetizensandhackers.

  10. Businesses need to ensure that their data is safe from hacking attacks andnoticewhatchangesarebeingdonebymalwareorvirus infections. SeceonaiXDRoffercost-effectivecybersecuritysolutionsfor businesses through an international group of security professionals who leverageall theirresourcesandnetwork strengthto ensure high-level cyber protections. We identify your potential business risks and provide comprehensive solutions with ourhighly skilled team.Ourcybersecurityisabout protectingnetworks,computers, programs,data, andotherdigital assetsfromattack. Our cybersecurity involves implementing security measures to ensure thatbusinessisconductedsecurelywhileprotectingsensitiveor criticalinformationfrom unauthorized access. Over the past year, the number of high-profile breaches in companies like Target, Neiman Marcus,and Home Depot hasserved to bring cybersecurityconcernsfirmlyintothespotlight. What started as a niche concern for large retailers has become an increasingly relevant one for marketers of all sizes — not to mention that data security is generally much more on consumers’ minds than it wasjustafewyearsago. Cyber security canbe risky.The harsh reality of cyber threats is that no business is immune, regardless of their industry or size. Even with today’sadvancednetworksecuritytechnologyandpractices,the majority of companiesarestill not prepared to deal with acyber breach. We do not need to tell you that a successful attack could have deep- reaching effects on your customersandhowyoudobusiness. Companiesareincreasinglyreliantontheirstakeholders’ personal data and assets to power their operations. As they engage in more digitally-driven activities, they provide hackers with more entry points intothecorporatenetworkwheresensitivecompanyinformationcan bHeowacccaensIsheedl,psytooule?n,orcorrupted.

  11. Cyberattackscontinueto rise. Companieshavenot addressedthe impact and threats of costly cyber-attacks decisively. In some cases, executivesareunaware of the cyber-attack against their company untilitistoo late. Cyberthreatscomeinmanyforms:ransomware, malware and viruses, and denial-of-service attacks are just some of the types you couldbedealingwith. Securitystrategyandtechnology mustbeinsynctooutpace cybercriminalsandsecuredata from getting into the wrong hands. Wedowhatmustbedone,nomatterwhat,toprotectourclients. Our cybersecurity solution aiXDR protects IT systems from theft or damage to their hardware, software, or information and disruption or misdirection. Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/

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