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Seceon have been providing to our clients since we decided to build the platform. Having one integrated platform considerably reduces costs compared to solutions that are made from combined bolt on components.
EndingǪ12022withalittlebitof fun Earlier, Industry experts at Seceon collaboratively released (15) Cyber Security Predictions for 2022. Leveraging my industry experience I contributed to the predictions, the first of which I made was: “Some of the most sophisticated attacks in recent years appeared to part of a morestrategicobjectiveforthreatactors.Like in2021, critical infrastructure will likely be targeted.” February 26, 2022 the Cybersecurity&Infrastructure SecurityAgency,US-Certforshort,
summarizedDestructiveMalwareTargetingOrganizationsinUkraine. Unfortunately, the successful execution of this new malware impacting the availability of critical assets and data meant the prediction I made was accurate. When thinking about this prediction before it became a reality, the Cyber Attack I feared was an event which negatively impacts humanity, specifically their wallets, but I neversuspectedtheCyber-attack wouldbepartofamilitary invasion. • Nearing the end of Ǫ1, 2022 weary Cyber Security Professionals, like me,werealmostfullyrecoveredfromhelpingtheirorganizations pivot away from the As a result of these new vulnerabilities and destructiveCybereventstension forSecurityProfessionalscouldn’t be higher at this moment. So, I’d really like to lighten the mood even if it’sjust forthenext5minutes. • Ifyou’reinCyberSecurity,I.T.or TechnologyIinvite youtositback, take a few deep breathes, try to relax, and enjoy the “Cyber Security” themedfunbygoingthroughthe media below. • [notetoSukulpa:(1)Pleaseensure thelistbelow isinorderwhen youdesign the content,also(2)pleaseremovethisnote] • “Technology is best when it brings people together.” Matt Mullenweg, SocialMediaEntrepreneur • TellpeopleinRussiawhat’s happeninginUkraine:Facebook • “It’snotafaithin technology. It’sfaithinpeople.”Steve Jobs,Co- founderofApple • MalikWillistook time awayfromtheNFLCombine tohelpthis person experiencing hard times • Whydidn’ttheITTeamsetuptheirremoteofficefrom the beach? • Itwastoocloudy. • Whatdoyoutellahackerafter abadbreakup? • Thereareplentyofphishinthesea!
Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com, info@seceon.com Website https://www.seceon.com/