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Seceon have been providing to our clients since we decided to build the platform. Having one integrated platform considerably reduces costs compared to solutions that are made from combined bolt on components.To gain further information on how Seceon can help you secure your network or request a demo visit www.seceon.com. Or Call us: 1 (978)-923-0040
NotallXDRisCreatedEqual. TheXDRmarketisfullofvendorsofferingtheirXDRsolutions. HowevernotallXDRsolutions offer thesameprotection.These solutions do not provide the full visibility required in today’s more complex networks. They may lack for instance,Net flow information or full network visibility and sometimes restrict the number of feeds thattheycan ingest.
Anythingthatgiveslesscoverageisexposing the clienttoa potentialbreach.Pleaseensurethatanysolutionyou evaluatehas thesamecoverageas theSeceonsolution. Automation&Visibilityare theKey. EndpointDetection&Response(EDR)ismigratingto becoming ExtendedDetection&Response(XDR).Thisisbecausethegap between what is known and what is unknown, in the form of a threat isgrowing. The number of devicesand activity that aregenerating vast volumesofdatahas becomeunmanageableandthedata ingestion volume has become impossible for traditional security tools. The result is that there is aneed to automate as much as possible. This automation needs to be extremely accurate, intelligence driven, leadingto reducedfalsepositivesandtrue actionable responses. Dataneedstobegatheredfromallthedevicesinthenetwork landscape. Havingcollatedallthisdataitneedstobepresentedinawaythat sHhoowwcsannIohteolpnylyouw?hat ishappeninglive,but also what happened in thepast.Youneedtobeabletobenchmarktheactivityofadevice
and user to check if an event is “out of character” for that device or user, or if this has been seen before and is not, for example, a regular testthatshouldbemarkedasnotbeingathreat. Most oftheorganizationsusesilosapproachforcomprehensive cybersecurity, which is inadequate, as proven by increased number of ransomware attacks,networkand application vulnerability exploit bHaoswedcancyIbheerlpatytoauc?ksand breaches in those organizations. Most of the organizationsarestuckwiththisapproachusingevenNextGen-SIEM
and it’s just not working for them. Many cybersecurity products often miss the multi-vector attacks that target and exploit vulnerabilities in thenetworkand in applicationsastheylacksituationaland contextual awareness.This isbecauseorganizations cannot detect them as a threat in early stages or detect them too late when the attackhasalreadytakenplace.Pandemicalsopushedmost organizations to adopt digital transformation much faster than they could,resultinginmore attacksurfaceandmorevulnerability exposure. Having everything on one platform, with multi-tier/multi-tenancy capability,automatingeventsfromalldevices,and presentingthese results in a way that enables an engineer to make informed decisions is what we at Seceon have been providing to our clients since we decided to build the platform. Having one integrated platform considerably reducescostscomparedtosolutionsthataremadefrom combinedboltoncomponents.Togainfurtherinformationonhow Seceoncanhelpyousecureyour networkor request ademo visit www.seceon.com. Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com, info@seceon.com Website https://www.seceon.com/